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Everything posted by Pete

  1. This is fun. http://randomstreetview.com/
  2. Here's Eddy giving a guy exactly what's coming to him: As an aside, that whole match was an incredible one-man performance from Eddie. RVD at his worst blowing shit left and right, the fan running in... Eddie took it upon himself to keep things together even if it meant killing himself.
  3. Do they have complete shows or is this all just a bouillabaisse (HOLY FUCK I spelled that correctly without looking it up. I feel like the dancer in Arrow's sig) of matches?
  4. I just think Nikki retaining the title is a bit too obvious at this point. She's the heel in the scenario and this spot is tailor-made for her to receive her comeuppance. Maybe Charlotte gets beat down by the Bellas in the locker room and, say, Becky gets the title shot in lieu. Or maybe they do a "blind draw" for the recipient.
  5. Eddie Guerrero did that to a fan on Thunder one night. Dude tried to run in, fell, Eddie sized him up and did a Jason Elam 63-yarder on the schmuck's head.
  6. You're doing yourself a grave disservice if you skip the main event just for Xavier's Fleischer Studios cartoon effects as Kofi/E gave Cena what-for. The whole building lost their ever-loving shit for that.
  7. The Washington bullpen phone wins the Internet today.
  8. As an old man, I love the Rockies Avalanche 3rd. The shoulders are the only thing that detracts from it.
  9. So I'm guessing Charlotte/Nikki comes down to a double pin or some convoluted finish with one second left on the HonkaMeter BellaTron. Does anyone think they'll even come close to pulling that off?
  10. SMU sticking around with Baylor, only down 28-21 early in the 2nd. This isn't the nuclear disaster last year's game was.
  11. Looks like I'm finally fucking off to Verizon this weekend. Normally I'd be all about the S6 but no replaceable battery/expandable memory card is a bummer. Thoughts on the G4?
  12. TBF, that's pretty standard in comics. Remember when Tony Stark got his heart injury in Vietnam? Or when the Fantastic Four got their powers by trying to beat the Commies into outer space? I like how Cutter John deals with his war injuries by pretending they're Star Wars related... an interesting bit of PTSD that adds some poignancy to his character. "Easier forgiving a Wookie than Cheney/Bush..."
  13. Get your kids to graduate?
  14. Must be nice for Niebla to constantly get work with EMLL no matter how many times he gets fucked up and can't perform.
  15. Kaori Yoneyama (long pants) vs Mayu Iwatani.
  16. That elevated choke/sleeper should just be the finisher for Beef Souvlaki, or a bear hug.For obvious reasons I love your take on the name. Bravo, sir. Yes, I figured you would. It was either going to be Beef Souvlaki or Beef Stroganoff, so I decided to represent for my people. Beef Wellington was right there. RIGHT THERE.
  17. Executioner = Playboy Buddy Rose.
  18. It would've amused me too if you spelled Busby's name correctly...
  19. Didn't realize it was that slow a news day in Gotham. Still, YIKES.
  20. And then Vince and Snuka enjoyed a little glass table-assisted coprophilia and went McGuyver on a blender.
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