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  1. Yesterday
  2. I KNOW there was a photo of him in both posted here once.
  3. That, only it ends with the freeze on each of their faces and print saying how their lives... ended up.
  4. They were never going to push him properly, and you'd have to also put it in the context that they also let Eddy go, but in a world where WCW is well-run and stays on television as a result, they're wrestling at Greed in 2001 for the Big Gold Belt. They built multiple main eventers for the WWF on their own dime and camera time and then just let them go over there and be plugged into the upper-midcard with no need for much further development. This isn't like when they let Austin, Foley, and to a lesser extent Dustin go and the WWF had to make it work with those guys, but to WCW, they were a luxury. In 1999/2000, WCW desperately needed Eddy, Jericho, and Benoit (and I would argue Raven to an extent - he was massively over as a heel in 1997) and none of those guys are in the company by February of 2000. The WWF didn't need the first three of those guys on the list at all, but they took them all in and built a mega-talented midcard to underpin their shows and support their crowded main event scene. There was no one thing that killed WCW, of course, but they found themselves in the position of having to build a bunch of guys over a period of time that they didn't really have to waste in mid-2000 once Bischoff and Russo were mercifully gone. If they have Jericho, Eddy, and Benoit to pair with Booker and Scott Steiner, they are in a much better position to quickly recover.
  5. Thunder Interlude – show number forty-seven – 21 January 1999 "The WCW Gang does some light comedy with the B-Teamers” I’m baffled about where this Flair(s)/Bischoff/Hogan angle is going…I say that because of the hype video for the Ric/Hogan World title match…Something feels off about the build…And somewhere in the back of my mind, I have a growing feeling of certainty that we’re getting a double-turn at SuperBrawl…At the time that this originally aired, I was watching RAW in first run and only intermittently watched Nitro or Thunder on replay…But I was online reading the news and punditry at your places like Online Onslaught, et al. and keeping up with WCW's storylines...And I remember vaguely thinking at the time that this Hogan/Flair feud was weird and had multiple twists that didn’t make any sense… So, the double-turn must happen in the next month or two because though it could be a false memory, I definitely remember Flair being in charge of WCW at the time he turned…It happened in a Flair/Hogan match, so that points to SuperBrawl…I don’t remember Ric being World Champ at this time, but he must win it the big gold in a way that turns him heel…At the same time, though, didn’t Ric feud with David, too?...Is that in later ’99 or 2000, or is it sooner?...I’m pretty sure we’re going to get some screwball shit, and as I watch these shows, a vague memory tugs at the back of my mind about this angle that I otherwise hadn’t thought about since it happened… Stevie Ray stands in the back with the B-Team, who are stuck wearing the old black-and-white t-shirts…He feels disrespected and decides to rally the troops…Stevie’s not even wearing the black-and-white shirt…Stevie goes so far as to say that he didn’t “sign on for this B-Team crap,” so thanks for officially naming yourselves, Stevie…Hogan sent these goofs a telegram (sealed in a WCW envelope for extra disrespect) that says the Wolfpac leadership has been detained in Tampa…Crush complains about having to fly to the arena in coach, in a middle seat, and in the smoking section, hahaha…Virgil gets up on a table to rally the troops and hits his head on a light fixture, HAHAHA…That was about the funniest that this angle will get, but I can’t deny enjoying that segment… Disco Inferno faces Jerry Flynn in the opener…Disco starts out hot, but gets leg swept and ankle locked…Disco takes a powder and manages to hang Flynn’s throat on the ropes…Disco pretty much rolls from there…Flynn manages a cross arm breaker after eating a ton of damage, but Disco scrambles to the ropes and continues to score offense…Flynn has one more burst of offense in him, but he misses a corner charge and gets caught with a Chartbuster for three…That was cromulent… Norton and Horace test some walkie talkies…It’s a contentious process…The rest of the B-Teamers send him off to look for the Wolfpac limo’s arrival and to let them know via walkie talkie when Hogan the Elder is on the scene…Norton and Horace yell at each other through the walkie talkies while standing right next to one another, which is funny…But Stevie Ray has the line of the segment…“Walkie talkies?! I’m flabbergasted!”…Please, I ask you, WCW, put this man on color right now… We come back from break to more B-Team shenanigans…Stevie Ray seems to want to put his foot down on being boxed out like this, but Virgil advises staying patient…Virgil says he has the numbers of Hogan, Nash, and Hall…Crush accuses him of looking them up on the internet (heh)…Virgil tries Hogan, says he got voicemail, and tries Hall almost immediately in a single button push…Stevie accuses him of faking those calls because he barely had to dial, but Virgil claims that he has everyone on speed dial…I can’t believe that this B-Team stuff has been successful comedy so far…They’ll probably run it into the ground, but they’re off to a fine start… Horace buzzes in over the walkie talkie from his spot near the loading area of the arena and says that the nWo limo has arrived…As we find out, it’s actually the Horsemen limo…They beat the shit out of poor old Horace for awhile…Ric Flair peels off to go to the ring and address the crowd…Ric addresses Hall and Nash and their determination to ruin this tag titles tournament…So, uh, let me go ahead and summarize what Ric and Okerlund, who is interviewing Ric tonight, say about this tournament and the tag titles… First, Ric flubs a line about the Outsiders thinking they’re the rightful champs, and that causes Okerlund to ask if Flair is stripping the Outsiders of the tag team titles tonight even though they haven’t been champs since early 1998…Second, Flair says that we’re starting the tournament for the tag titles tonight…Uh, didn’t Fit Finlay and Dave Taylor already win a match in what was supposed to be this tournament?...Do they get a bye, at least?...Ric says the finals will be at SuperBrawl, which is a long, long four-and-a-half weeks away… Flair continues to cut a shitty promo, a rare case for him…He points out that he was working the last match on shows in the ‘80s and Hogan was done by intermission…True, but without the context that would explain why Hogan would be on at intermission, it's a pointless comment...And I don't think it's a particularly effective line for people who wouldn't know to ask for context…Anyway, Flair cuts a “you’re not a real wrestler, you’re a WWF Superstar” promo that I find deeply unimpressive… The B-Teamer skits are genuinely funny…We get another one where the rest of them find a downed Horace…Norton yells, “Why didn’t you call me on the walkie-talkie?!”…Well, uh, Norton, he was getting clobbered, so he couldn’t call you for help at that moment…Virgil is very worried about Horace’s health…Oops, no, he’s actually concerned about Horace’s shirt…He requests a new shirt for Horace while everyone yells at him about his priorities. They play video from Nitro of Jericho yelling at Dillon about making Saturn wear a dress, and I missed a funny spot where Jericho tosses the dress on Dillon’s head while complaining at him…Dillon is busy reading the contract and totally no-sells the dress as it drapes his head and then slowly falls off of him…He just keeps contemplating the contract… Perry Saturn’s got a new look in a little dark red number…Saturn takes some time to pull his dress back down after leapfrogging his opponent Al Green…That allows Green to club him with a lariat…Green does some inappropriate touching and Saturn gets mad and superkicks him…Why do some dudes see a dress and immediately get handsy?...Restrain yourself, Green…Saturn cruises to victory from there and lands a DVD (no VR) for the win… This Wheatley Vodka commercial is driving me out of my gourd…Can I please pick the ads you show me, Peacock?...I’m getting that Comcast bundle with Apple + and Netflix, because that bundle gives you Peacock with no ads…Uh, anyway… Raven has been hanging out with his annoying mom in Florida, and we get a montage of some of the moments from those sketches next…When do you think Raven and Sandman/Hak made up?...I would assume that Raven corrupting Tyler Fullington would have left a bigger schism between them…The only bad thing about these sketches is the promise/threat that Roddy Piper has some dates to burn off and will be back on television soon… Kenny Kaos tries to shrug off his troubles with his tag partner Robbie Rage and instead focus on his match against Glacier…This match exists, but you know, it’s not the shits or anything…Kaos tries hard out there…He scores the win with a springboard lariat…Kaos shouts out his boys back home in New Hampshire and also Robbie Rage, but the cameras are more interested in the B-Teamers…They cut away from him for more B-Teamer bickering… Virgil tries to fire the rest of the B-Teamers up and inspire them to find the Horsemen and beat them down…They walk off, and he promises that he’s coming along with them in just a second…Actually, he sticks around to take off his black-and-white shirt and sport a black-and-red one, just to see how it looks on him… Stevie Ray leads most of the B-Teamers to the ring…Vincent comes out behind the group, still sporting his black-and-red t-shirt…He gets a mic and makes some moves...First, he enters Crush and Horace in the tournament…He also challenges the Horsemen to a six-man tag later tonight…He enlists Stevie Ray and Scott Norton to join him in said match…Stevie Ray and Scott Norton understandably don’t get why they’re taking orders from fucking Virgil…The viewer at home feels the same way, fellas…That promo was bad, but because Virgil is supposed to be an incompetent dolt, it ended up having a good effect… It makes sense that the nWo leadership would downsize a bit after the merger…They probably fucked up not keeping Konnan, but dumping most of the B-Teamers makes sense…The leadership should probably all change their phone numbers and forget to tell Curt Hennig, too… Norman Smiley declares that IT’S SPANKING TIME…He’s facing Booker T., which I think is an interesting matchup…Smiley is the superior chain wrestler, but Booker hangs with him to start…After one hip toss attempt exchange, Booker lands a lariat to use his size advantage…Smiley takes a walk, collects himself, and wins the advantage with strikes when he re-enters the ring…Booker is explosive, so Smiley has to lean on his wits and his escapability to slow Booker down…He also wins quite a few strikes…Oh, and he teases the Big Wiggle effectively… Smiley hits his swinging body slam on the bigger Booker in a nice spot…Smiley controls enough that he hits the Big Wiggle successfully…He sure did give Booker a lot of time to recover, though, and Booker hits a power slam…Smiley tries to maintain control, but Booker kicks his way out of trouble and then lands a spinebuster for two…Smiley bails, but Book follows him this time and bashes him into the rail a few times…Book tosses Smiley back in the ring, and Smiley begs off…He gets an eye poke in on Booker, but can’t do anything with the temporary advantage…Booker lands an axe kick and goes up for a missile dropkick…Smiley is able to get to his feet and dives through the ropes to escape before Booker can launch…Smiley’s had enough for the night and takes the count out loss…That ending was sort of a bummer, but I did like the match… Scott Steiner, Human Lady Repellent and his adventures in the harassment of women just trying to do their jobs are replayed in a video package…Steiner is truly on his scumbag shit as a character… Horace Hogan and Crush have their tag team tournament match against the makeshift team of Billy Kidman and Chavo Guerrero Jr….THE FLOCK EXPLODES as Horace stomps Kidman to start…Horace and Kidman have an okay sequence, though Kidman is so awkward and their timing is off a bit…You look at Kidman and you look at Chavo, and the gulf in quality of strikes, of timing, and of balance is obvious…This match is worked like one where the much bigger team almost expects to win on the face of it…They don’t expect Chavo and Kidman to work so well together or to use their speed to such effect… There’s a break in the match…We come back to Kidman playing FIP, but getting a hot tag to Chvao…Chavo gets cut down after a bit of an offensive explosion…Crush controls, but he puts another lax cover on Chavo after a backbreaker…Wait, hold on, Tony S. says that this tournament is now double elimination?...What the fuck?!...They are just making this shit up as they go along…It’s like the dumbest possible version of Vince McMahon changing the rules on a whim in the Steve Austin/Dude Love match at Over the Edge…Chavo tags to Kidman and they roll Horace and Crush…Vincent has to rush in and clobber Kidman with a slapjack while Mickey Jay’s back is turned…Crush gets the three off that bit of interference…Stevie comes to the ring mad that Vincent took his slapjack without even telling him… I am tempted to look at the bracket for this stupid-ass tag titles tournament, just to see how it handles the double-elimination aspect that randomly was just included…Does that mean that Super Calo and Lizmark Jr. are still in this thing?...Because I feel like it’s 50/50 that WCW remembers that they wrestled in this tournament once already and lost…Nah, I’m going to wait until SuperBrawl and THEN look at the tournament bracket once the tag title tourney final happens… Virgil is excited about his success in managing Crush and Horace to victory, but Stevie’s mad that Virgil went through his bag to grab the slapjack, and everyone is upset about Virgil’s Wolfpac shirt….Virgil swears he got it from some fan and just threw it on…It looks like the B-Teamers are mollified…For now, at least… La Parka versus Rey Misterio Jr. has some potential…Yeah, this is fun…Parka is a good bully, and he slaps the shit out of Rey and throws quite a few strikes…The problem is that he dances, which gives Rey space to fly around and show off his insane balance and agility…Rey goes up to hit a facebuster and gets slammed face first into the mat…Man, Parka should have gotten a push…He’s the best possible base for the smaller wrestlers who can work the Cruiserweight division…Rey is too quick for Parka, who eats boots on a dive and then eats post and buckles respectively on two straight corner charges…Still, Parka hits a spinebuster and looks like he’s in control…Unwisely, however, he goes up top instead of immediately pressing his advantage and gets tripped…Rey takes the opportunity, leaps onto Parka in rana position, spins around Parka’s body, and drills a bulldog that gets a three count…That was a textbook good television match… Gene Okerlund interviews Diamond Dallas Page in the ring…Page is serious, as any person would be if a loved one was being harassed by a 'roid monster dickhead…In fact, he doesn’t go visit the crowd because he’s feeling some kind of way…Hey Okerlund, no need to qualify your criticism of Steiner harassing Kimberly by saying, “She is very attractive,” you rube, you moron, you idiot…Page is cutting a catastrophically bad promo, but he sort of saves it by playing off his mush-mouthedness by acting like he needs to recover his composure…That gets him back on track…It strikes me that Kimberly hits Page with a chair and turns on him at some point in time…Did I imagine that, or is it possible that she turns heel in this program?... Virgil tries to fire up the troops…Oops, Vincent…Oops, Vince…He wants to be called Vince because he’s the colonel on the mothafuckin’ tank…Vince tries to drink some RAW eggs before leaving the locker room, but he chokes on them…Get it?...Vince notices a camera tucked away above the lockers while he’s putting the glass down…As it turns out, the Wolfpac leaders have been watching the whole time!...Hogan and Nash decide that “it’s time”…For what, I can only imagine… They got Buffer out here to do ring introductions for this six-man tag?!...Virgil…Er, Vincent…Er, Vince shouldn’t be getting these Buffer intros…Buffer calls him THE MASTER OF THE VINCE VICE…Um, what?!...This is either the worst or the best ring introduction that I’ve ever heard in my life, I can’t tell which… The Horsemen run their three healthy members out for this match: Mongo, Benoit, and Ric…There’s not much of a match to this one…Stevie is tired of Vince’s RAH RAH attitude and tags him in…Vince gets beaten up, and I almost expect the Horsemen to never let him tag out again…Vince does tag to Norton…OK, I see…The point is that when Vince is in the ring, things go poorly for the B-Teamers, but when Stevie or Norton is in, they have a chance…Norton has been a legit good addition for the nWo…They should probably march down and give him a black-and-red shirt if they want to keep the most useful guys…Oh yeah, Ric locks Vince in a Figure Four and gets the win…Benoit locks Vince in the Crippler Crossface after the match while Stevie and Norton walk away disappointed… The B-Team stuff is probably going to get old quickly, but building a Thunder around those goofs not being able to manage themselves worked out alright…A surprising amount of the stuff that was meant to be funny was actually funny…This show was a decent watch as a result…WOOO…
  6. sure, I'd check it out. I'm more into old stuff myself
  7. If you wrestled in either the Attitude Era or the Rock 'n' Wrestling era and are on good terms with the company and didn't die early due to drugs then at some point you are going in. On the merits of on Mr. Henry I don't know if I would put him in a Hall of Fame for all of wrestling but a WWE Hall of Fame. He did have 20 something year career there (same as The Godfather)
  8. The thing bout a Lex episode is they all ready covered Liz's death in the Macho Man episode
  9. Any word on whether the operating doctor thought it was open mic night?
  10. Around that time I was at my dad's on Wednesday's and weekends and I have a weird memory of seeing an episode of Cliffhangers after watching a first season episode of The Facts of Life.
  11. I think between live and reruns, there are prob few comedies I didn’t watch at the time. My dad, to my memory, rarely watched the prime time dramas,I think, except Falcon crest. I don’t remember him watching, say, Dallas or Knots Landing or Dynasty.
  12. You know what's missing to go with the Zubaz? A Ribera satin jacket
  13. During that time I was an avid watcher of MASH, Taxi, Happy Days, The Jefferson's, One Day At A Time and Threes Company, but Barney was somehow off of my radar.
  14. I wish I had a day off mid week to go see it. They just changed our schedule to M-Th and I’d rather go when it’s less crowded.
  15. HEY TEENAGE PREGNANCY IS A REAL ISSUE! If Arn Anderson can an Anderson sounding like the biggest redneck from Georgia, Giulia can be an Orton!
  16. ALSO, with Poi and Saori Anou coming in for a shot in TJPW could this open the floodgates? I feel like as soon as Aja Kong showed up in Stardom it was inevitable. Will TJPW be neutral ground where we'll get an echo of the mid 90s interpromotional scene? LEADING to BIG EGG '25. Don't know how you're filling the midget spot. I'm thinking 3-way hardcore rules Microman vs Little Mean Kathleen vs Andreza Giant Panda. That match alone ought to get you north of 43,000 fans. Maybe finally get that Tam Nakano match against Kandori going. That could be on the fourth hour of the preshow of the first day. And another thing. recent Senjo show had Dash vs Kurumi. I feel I'm being microtargeted.
  17. Now just imagine if he'd decided to have it pronounced as Ste-Fan Bau-ey. Not because it makes sense, but just because he can.
  18. Inject that right into my jugular. Mox enjoying that vacation until the last minute, I see.
  19. That's a great idea. Double topic episodes with 30 minutes apiece, even. Maybe they segue into each other somehow.
  20. It was true for me as well. Years later, I played the Dreamcast version of SF3 for maybe 5 minutes. I've spent more time watching and rewatching EVO Moment 37 involving SF3 than I ever have actually playing the game.
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