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I noticed something similar when I got on one of those armored truck runs. I survived way longer than I expected. Yet, when I'm trying to kill a dot, they'll shotgun blast me in five seconds.

Maybe they're hoping to pick up a bag or two for themselves.

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Your chances of survival with the cops are much greater if you're in a car. You'll never be able to lose your wanted level, but you're very hard for them to kill. I've gotten in car chases with them and gotten out of the car and let them kill me because I thought the chase would never end. Once you're on foot, that's your ass.

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That was a Sandking that wouldn't climb a damn mountain?


The Sandking wasn't the problem.  It was more that melraz was about on beer 4 that night, and being his usual, careful self.  That, and the rest of us were in no shape to drive from laughing our asses off.

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I need to get one of those lil toyotas as a personal car. I cant remember the name of em but imma have it all pimped up. Its a fun lil car to run. Id say it would only be $27 for insurance claim too.

Oh man im glad you dont hafta blow in one of those breathalyzers they put in your car after a dui to turn on the xbox. Id never getta play.

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Good point. Hence, why I hate Death From Above so damn much - the exception being when the four of us did it this week. How long was it, two or three minutes?

I literally didn't do a damn thing. I blinked and it was over. Don't remember how, but it helped having you right at Madrazo's.


Mel, you talking about the four-door, the Sultan? Fast car when souped up, but I find it hard to drive. $150 to replace if blown up. The Futo's the two-door, but it seems to be harder to drive. $150 also. Futos are everywhere. Sultans are a little harder to find, but not really - just take a sports car to the prison and there should be one in the parking lot. They can also be found near the docks and that east-end pay and spray near my garage.

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Well Chris and I are the kings of what Mis calls "want to give something a hug"

We are the Bayleys of the GTA crew


All we're missing is multi-colored neon shaders, which I would drop pretty much all my marks for in a heartbeat.




Well Chris and I are the kings of what Mis calls "want to give something a hug"

We are the Bayleys of the GTA crew

CSC? He's fierce. I've seen him wrecking some fools in Freemode.



As soon as I changed into my punch-able face hairstyle/scarf combo, I figured it was time to start playing the way I looked.

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That was quite the awesome character. I wanted to punch him and I'm in the same crew.


Played a little this evening and moseyed into a room of a bunch of three-digit-leveled players, but think "screw it" and march on. First guy I mess with goes into passive after I kill him once, and I made a couple of stabs at running him over before I decided that he was gonna pop out of passive and shoot me as soon as he could and I didn't wanna give him the satisfaction. So I left and rigged up the car for an Allah Akbar.


I find a dude who's in passive. I notice his shiny personal vehicle is right there, so I stop, get out, and launch a grenade at it. Well, dude was JUST getting into his car when I blew it up, so I got him, too. I proceeded to get a couple of kills on him an started thinking "guy's a pushover" when he pulled out that damn RPG and just started RUINING me with it. He just starts wiping the floor with me, just an assbeating.


I think "what level is this guy?" so I check. 427. Shit. He sends me a message that says LOL, so I threw it into passive and sent him one that said "figures I mess with the only guy in the room who's a higher level than me." He sends one back that says "always find that out before you mess with someone," so I replied "good idea." He then closed with "it's not a good idea, it's the BEST idea," and left me alone.

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I saw you on stout and started to try to join. I changed my mind because i didnt wanna get pissed of from bein kicked. Then i decided to try to work on my router sober and ill be dalm i think i fixed it. Its amazing how clear the mind is without 2 beer makin your brain float. Ahhh dont really wanna get my hopes up but im fixin to try it out. Dont guess ill really know till i try to join someone.

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I'm all for it. I could use some backup in case I run into some bastard with a RPG.


One story I left out: I'm on the roof of the Rooftop Rumble building. Dude trying to kill me is by the police station. He fires nine (yep, nine) RPGs at me, missing every time. He finally comes out into the street and is trying to line up a sniper shot when I launch an RPG at him and kill him with the first shot. He quit.

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I oughta be on in an hour or two if anybody is still around

Mel's stuff shit the bed and then he had to go to work, but I'll be on the lookout later for a dangerous felon.


EDIT: Robert and I hit the mean streets and had a pretty easy time at first. We ruined three guys' day to the point where they all went into passive at the same time and would try to catch us off-guard and come out of passive and shoot us. They got me once with that, but we dispatched them, then we just RUINED two guys' days in particularly cruel ass-beatings. I'd Allah Akbar them, they'd respawn and Robert would be right on top of them with another Allah Akbar.


We ran into a big scrum and Robert was ruining people on the ground and I was on the second floor of a building raining death from above. Those were some of the three guys mentioned earlier. Some dude got caught coming out of the pay and spray twice, once in a car and once on foot. So we had some good times. But ..,


Y'all know I've been playing this game a lot. I need to get off the couch. But more than a year after it came out, I took the single largest assbeating I have ever taken. I think one guy had me 37-11 by the end. It was two of them working together with similar names. One could Mary Lou well (and just ate me alive with it), the other couldn't, but it didn't matter.


They were up there with the most solid I have ever seen on the ground - sniping, close-range, RPGing, you name it. They teamed well - one would put me in a situation where I'd have to come out of cover for the other to snipe me.


But the damndest thing I have ever seen, never seen anything like it, never seen anyone this good at this, was how they could drive around in cars just raining swift death on people. You know how that backing up in a Zentorno shit never works? This was an Entity and a Zentorno, and it worked nearly every time. I got them a couple of times, but that was it. I could have my RPG out, they'd pass me and have me shot before I could even raise the RPG to fire.


I didn't really get so mad about it (I've been madder at lesser) because there was nothing I could do. It was kinda like watching a horror movie unfold from the perspective of the kids at Camp Crystal Lake. I had to admire the surgical precision used by Jason as he hacked me to death with a machete. I really felt like one of the Washington Generals when playing the Harlem Globetrotters. They were driving around killing me in an Entity while "Sweet Georgia Brown" played. It was so sad it was funny. They're driving around in cars, so I hide on a building. They stop the car, blow me up. I respawn, they shoot me from the car. It was stifling.


I did manage to get away from them for my highlight of the night - some guy swipes at me with a car. I RPG him, and he respawns in passive. He comes right up to me doing that pestering me stuff while I'm trying to deal with someone else. So I get in deeper cover so I don't have to worry about the guy in front of me and turn my camera to face the guy in passive.


Now my character is still facing toward the guy in front of me, so the guy in passive doesn't know I'm looking at him. Of course he comes out of passive, which I've been waiting on, and eats a shotgun to the face. I then kill him seven straight times and someone else delivers a final sniping and he quits. Beautiful. Hate people who come out of passive on you.


But anyway, I was thinking the asskicking was just no fun whatsoever, and I wandered off to go fight other dots. I felt bad about leaving Robert, but what the hell was I gonna do to help him? There were no team tactics to speak of. I might be able to distract them by being a convenient target, but God, how much can one get killed? Then after we got away from them, I generally took an assbeating except for that one guy. It was demoralizing and the very opposite of fun.


I'm worried I'm becoming one of these "good time" players, who's happy when things are going his way but inclined to leave or run when things aren't to put himself in a situation where things are going my way. I gotta admit, if I get into a room and it's full of 100s or more, I generally try to find somewhere more hospitable, but I don't back down from a fight much and it's usually a severe asskicking when I try to find somewhere else to be, just 'cause I need a second. 


I gotta stay out of Freemode by myself. I took that real funny asskicking yesterday afternoon (the one where the guy and I were exchanging messages), but maybe if I don't take so many asskickings, the asskickings I take won't be so hard on me. This one last night had me thinking "maybe I should retire, geez." But I've never seen two like them. And I hope to never again. If I do, Robert, you're completely on your own.

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Accepted a random invite to tennis, because I hadn't played it in months. Won 6-3, and then the level 30 guy I beat proceeded to chase me halfway across the city to try to kill me to get his win back. Beat him 6-0 at that. Then he invited me to Legion Square Survival (guys without headsets have strange ways of apologising), and I accepted. Carried him to victory.


Up to $3.3 Million. Still nothing to spend it on.

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Stout and I took an assbeating at the end there last night.  We were just demolishing people up till that point.  It wasn't so much how can I kill this guy, but how do I want to do it.  The three passive guys got the worst of it.  I sniped two of them out of helicopters back to back, then shot the third guy out of his chopper with a pistol. 


But good gravy, did it take a turn for the worse when the two wildboys rolled into town.  I finished down about 20-10 to one of em, and the other had me about 15-13.  It was actually worse than that though, because I started the session up like 4-1 and 10-2 on em.  They were damn good.  They pretty good Mary Lous and snipers, but they were deadly in those damn cars, and I don't think I've ever seen anybody better with a grenade launcher than one of em was.  Actually, I've never seen anybody that good at that backup Zentorno shit either.


They could be killed, because we did it a number of times, as did other guys that got involved in the scrum.  There seemed to be something weird going on, though.  One of em was trying to sticky bomb me when I pulled a Mary Lou and got in close on him.  He still had a sticky bomb in his hand when I started shooting him in the face from close range with my combat SG.  He somehow managed to swap to a shotgun and kill me before I could finish him off.  It almost seemed like we were lagging, and they were about two steps ahead of us.  The only obviously cheap thing they were doing was that taking the easy way out shit.  That never fails to annoy me way more than it should.

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I wanna know someone's reason for offing themselves. Is there a tactical advantage or is it just to deny someone the satisfaction of a kill, or is to avoid the prolonged process of the cops shooting you when you have a wanted level? I'm the opposite there, I like to see how many kills I can get before the cops kill me. It's like a timer. Until I know the motivation, I dunno if it's a good or bad thing.


I know none of those guys killed themselves to escape "imminent danger" from me. Maybe they did for Robert. I've seen people do that before with me, but not them.


More people than just them were doing funny crap on the screen, but they were the worst offenders. I saw one of those dudes do some crazy stuff more than once.I can't say whether they or one of them was using a lag switch or not. Wouldn't surprise me either way. Not like we could've asked them "hey, are you using a lag switch? Just curious." The only guy I ever remember saying "he's gotta be using a lag switch" was that fighter jet at the airport shooting us while we were inside of a parking garage. He was jittering all over the screen. That had to be it, no doubt about it.


I don't even begin to wanna know how old the Wildboys are. The answer to that would probably just really depress me.

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The next session after getting our teeth kicked in by the Wildboys, Robert and I had our easiest room clearing yet last night.


No one really put up a fight at all. We each got fluke killed a couple of times, but it was mostly us putting boots to asses. The funnest one was the last one, who was just getting his ass kicked repeatedly by the both of us, then has the "smarts" to ask Robert for a one-on-one deathmatch. This was the very dumbest thing he could've done in this situation, because when Robert accepted, my dot disappeared off his radar.


So I proceeded to snipe him repeatedly while Robert killed him when I could't find him. When he left, I had him 11-1.


There was some guy before that one who I really don't think I shot once but managed to allah akbar about 5-6 times. I'd blow him up or Robert would snipe him. He'd run for his life with both Robert and I in pursuit in sticky bombed cars, usually with a herd of police behind us. He'd make the inevitable miistake driving, hit a wall, stop, then BOOM.

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That was a much better result last night.  My biggest concern was that I would get too many bad sport points from the personal vehicles I took out.  Stout had the sniper and the sticky bombs working like a charm.


I have no idea what that last guy was thinking with the 1 on 1 request.  It went really, really poorly for him.  His buddy got back into the server and made a run-in in the middle of it, only to get chased back out in about 30 seconds.


Stout - I could barely hear anything you said all night.  I'd hear nothing, then it would cut in in the middle of you saying something for a while.  Still don't know whose headset was messed up.  It was kinda the same vs. the wildboys.  Dunno if you heard me say I was taking off after we ran the last guy off at all.

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There's the remote possibility it's XBox Live, but I'm pretty sure it's one of my three headsets that doesn't work. Next time I go by a store that sells such things, I'll pick up another pair and we'll see. Nah, I didn't hear you say you were leaving, but it doesn't matter.


The dude's brief run-in was hilarious, 'cause he took about two-three killings in a row very quickly and he was gone. He basically distracted me long enough to let the other guy shoot me for his ony kill against me. The guy I was sniping was easy to snipe when he'd respawn and just stand there like a moron. Robert sniped him once before his blip even appeared on my map.


Yeah, Allah was guiding our exposive cars into many kills last night. Sometimes it works well, sometimes it doesn't. It worked so well on that one guy, it was my first choice. As soon as I'd spawn, I'd start looking for a car.


I might get an Allah Ak-car, something like a Futo or Sultan designated for calling in and blowing up when I can't find a car on the streets (which happens often). I think I'll do that.

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Yeah, if I keep going the way I am, I'm gonna have to start standing on a street corner with a will work for sticky bombs sign.  I've gone from 13 million down to 7 just by spending my time in freemode.


I'm such a prolific sticky bomb user that I'll pretty much go through 3 or 4 stockpiles every time I'm on. 

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