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Big Fresh

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Played a little trials today when I was able to peel myself away from WWE. Didn't get much. Was in a good group and had 4 wins and no losses on the card and then we lost using up the mercy. A guy had to leave though and we dissolved. Couldn't find decent players for the rest of it. Ended up with a chest piece, boots, and emblem. Just looking to snag the scout rifle at 7 wins really. Will have to hop on later with the hunter and give it a go.

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Didn' get t play much this weekend because I had family in town.

I *did* find time to pay that ridiculous price to take a roll on the special weapon Legacy engram in hopes of getting one of the two PoE weapons that I was lacking to complete my Y1 collection, and got the Dreg's Promise.

And it did not disappoint in the suck-ass department. It is exactly the piece of shit it was hyped to be. What were they smoking when they made that gun? Who would ever use their exotic slot on that?

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Lost To Light / Black Spindle Challenge is up today as the Daily Heroic as is Control on the Daily Crucible playlist.


I unlocked a Y1 Fourth Horseman from one of Xur's Legacy Exotic Engrams over the weekend.  Will probably use EWBs to get a Y2 version for the Titan I eventually create. 


Game still refuses to give me a Hand Cannon out of a Rare Engram to finish up the Ace of Spades quest for Banshee or a Traveler mask so that I can complete the Court of Oryx portion of this Festival of the Lost quest.


I have not given up on PvP yet but I am very cautious about competing in the Trials.  If I ever managed a Flawless run and get to the Lighthouse, that would be it for me forever when it comes to ToO.  The Grimoire cards would be enough for me.


I *did* find time to pay that ridiculous price to take a roll on the special weapon Legacy engram in hopes of getting one of the two PoE weapons that I was lacking to complete my Y1 collection, and got the Dreg's Promise.

And it did not disappoint in the suck-ass department. It is exactly the piece of shit it was hyped to be. What were they smoking when they made that gun? Who would ever use their exotic slot on that?


I only want to unlock the Grimoire cards for the EC weapons and then shred them for the Exotic Shards I may need to access Y2 EABs and EWBs.   I am currently using Y2 Don't Touch Me with my Gunslinger but I would like to get my hands on a Y2 Young Ahamkara Spine for the Crucible.

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I have not given up on PvP yet but I am very cautious about competing in the Trials. If I ever managed a Flawless run and get to the Lighthouse, that would be it for me forever when it comes to ToO.

Give it a try. I wasn't a fan of it year 1, I only played it a few times to fill in gaps in my groups teams. It's a lot better now. It's still full of die hard competitive dicks who take it way to seriously but with the bounties you're guaranteed a light 300+ piece of gear or an exotic.

If you don't do the new raid it's a good place to get better gear. It only takes 10 matches to do the bounties and it's potentially more generous than the raid if you can get 5-7 wins. I ended up with 4 pieces of armour from my trip in there, 3 of them 300 light+. You are guaranteed armour at 5 wins and a gun at 7. The silver tier bounty has a chance at an exotic from 290-310 depending on your light level and the gold tier bounty is a guaranteed drop. It's either trials armour/weapon at 300-310 or an exotic, light depending on your level again.

Plus it's not just full of TLW/Thorn anymore. It's not got a huge variety of weapon types, pulse rifles seem to be the weapon of choice, but at least you can be competitive with whatever you want to use now.

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Yeah I saw a lot of pulse rifles too.  The two guys I was originally playing with were both using the Boolean Gemini scout rifle though which I thought was odd but when I asked them about it they said it was a beast.  And they were both very good players. 


I'm going to play some more Trials today with the hunter and try to get that scout rifle anyway.  JT I'm surprised you don't do Trials.  The majority of what you play is PvP it seems like and this is the end game content they made specifically for guys like you it seems.  It's all about your group really and whether you're with cool people or dicks.  I will say playing regular crucible, it just feels like something to pass the time that can be pretty fun at times.  Not really satisfying to me.  Winning in Trials is definitely way more satisfying and feels like an accomplishment. 

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Yeah I saw a lot of pulse rifles too. The two guys I was originally playing with were both using the Boolean Gemini scout rifle though which I thought was odd but when I asked them about it they said it was a beast. And they were both very good players.

I saw a couple of scout rifles and a few guys being quite effective with the Supercell. I went with Red Death since it's the highest light pulse I've got at 307 and it's life gaining perk is, well, a life saver. 1000 yard stare seems to be the weapon of choice for special and I went with a random proximity launcher for heavy.

Wouldn't mind finding a decent scout rifle to use for it since it's my preferred weapon type. My current best, non exotic, scout is the raid one but I don't think it's range to impact ratio would make it worth the change. I'll have to take a look and see what I can come up with.

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What was weird was we assumed we were going to run into nothing but Pulse Rifles but instead it was Hand Cannons


And yeah - it was 1000 Yard Stares all over the place (especially because of the map they chose this week)

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I have outsniped 1000-Yard Stare douches with my Stillpiercer but dudes are going to have 300+ versions in ToO and that will be somewhat problematic.


I have a 290+ Zhalo which will come in handy since the usual strat is to stick close together and get team kills.


I have a 294 Solar Damage of The Smolder which is total beast and I have a Y2 Truth that I will start leveling up after Armsday.


I've got the weapons for a decent Trials run.  It is my casual approach to PvP and fear of cheaters that tend to keep me away from the Lighthouse.


JT I'm surprised you don't do Trials.  The majority of what you play is PvP it seems like and this is the end game content they made specifically for guys like you it seems. 


I like to win or lose on my own merits and you encountered more cheaters per capita in Trials than you did in normal Crucible.  That's why I didn't run Trials as often as I wanted to.


The first time I played ToO, my team bulldozed the other team until the deciding round and then we got DDoSed and lost the match via forfeit.  The cheating bothered me but not as much as Bungie totally dismissing our reports of the cheating.   That was when I decided to quit participating in Trials until Bungie responded properly..

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Amanda is selling the AFv1 Octavian and the EX21 Slipper Misfit until Wednesday.


If you need to get yourself well under the Glimmer cap and don't like zooming through the Solar System in a flying brick and want to fly something that actually looks maneuverable, go and buy one of these Rare jumpships.


The EX21 Slipper Misfit used to be my favorite jumpship until Xbox got the Aurora Lance / Crypt Hammer / Outrageous Fortune content from Sony..  I also liked using the NS22 High Water because few players were equipping them at the time and they looked pretty unique..


I am beginning to regret not buying the Cloud Walker Tribute cloak when I had the chance even though I hate long-ish Hunter capes.   Hopefully the Speaker will sell either CWT or Dead Zone Revolution on Armsday. 


I totally love my new FWC ninja scarf.  I may go with FWC from here on out after I slug though the drudgery this damn quest where I have to rep each faction in the Crucible by getting kills while wearing all of their gear and flying their flags.


Xur gave zero fucks about my box of raisins.

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I have outsniped 1000-Yard Stare douches with my Stillpiercer but dudes are going to have 300+ versions in ToO and that will be somewhat problematic.


I have a 290+ Zhalo which will come in handy since the usual strat is to stick close together and get team kills.


I have a 294 Solar Damage of The Smolder which is total beast and I have a Y2 Truth that I will start leveling up after Armsday.


I've got the weapons for a decent Trials run.  It is my casual approach to PvP and fear of cheaters that tend to keep me away from the Lighthouse.


JT I'm surprised you don't do Trials.  The majority of what you play is PvP it seems like and this is the end game content they made specifically for guys like you it seems. 


I like to win or lose on my own merits and you encountered more cheaters per capita in Trials than you did in normal Crucible.  That's why I didn't run Trials as often as I wanted to.


The first time I played ToO, my team bulldozed the other team until the deciding round and then we got DDoSed and lost the match via forfeit.  The cheating bothered me but not as much as Bungie totally dismissing our reports of the cheating.   That was when I decided to quit participating in Trials until Bungie responded properly..


The cheating's nowhere near as rampant in Trials as it's made out to be. Yes, if you play it enough you will encounter cheaters but the shitty lag is more likely to ruin your game than cheating. To be fair the lag doesn't seem to be as bad as it used to be. Iron Banner was notably improved and in the 10 Trials games i played only one team had lag so bad i thought they might be cheating, but then the game booted them so it turned out they just had really crappy connections. I'd give it a shot. You may have to treat it like the HM raid is being treated at the moment, spend a few weeks getting 300+ gear to infuse your preferred weapons so you can make a real go at it but if you prefer PVP you should test the waters.

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Funnily enough I just got Aurora Lance today myself and it will replace my FWC ship for a bit.


Mainly - because I felt bad doing the New Monarchy stuff while flying a FWC ship.


But I have to win 2 more Crucible matches and 5 more Heroic strikes so not too much longer.

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Funnily enough I just got Aurora Lance today myself and it will replace my FWC ship for a bit.


Mainly - because I felt bad doing the New Monarchy stuff while flying a FWC ship.


And I am the only one with OCD in this thread that cares about stuff like that.   Riiiight

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An interesting Trials run on my Titan tonight. we went 5-0 with the only loss being taken care of by the boon. 3 rounds into match 6 one of our guys internet dropped out. We 2 manned the last 2 rounds and took the 6th win. Same thing happened in the 7th game but we lost that 5-2 kissing good buy to the lighthouse. We got that 7th win for the scout rifle in the most tense game yet. we were down 4-1 and somehow pulled it back. 8th game? other guys connection dies as we are going to the planet but we somehow 2 man the entire match and winning 5-4. Honestly think we could have gone to the lighthouse if not for all the connection problems tonight but it is what it is.


Being a man down and still needing 2 games for the bounty i posted up an LFG asking for someone to jump in for 2 games just to finish it, someone was kind enough to help out. The plan was just to dance and take a beating for 2 games but our opponents were dicks so we fought back.


Ended up getting the boots at 303, the scout at 306 and a rather nice looking Trials ghost at 307.

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Got a lot of banjo errors this morning.  The Speaker did not have the cloak I wanted and I was at my LM cap.   I tapped out on waiting for a Rare HC to come out of a Blue engram and bought a Legendary Vanguard HC to shred in order to finish up the Banshee Rank 3 Weaponsmith quest and get below 200 LMs.


Lemmy is right.  The only card I need is the Ace of Spades.  What a great set of PvE perks on that gun.  I need to score on a pair of boots that boosts my HC ammo and probably won't get that unless it comes from RNG.


Had a slightly off night in the Crucible last night.  Got all of my PvP bounties done, but I had a lot of third and fourth place finishes.  Overall K/D dropped slightly to 1.33 and my DTR Combat Rating also didn't budge much (100.54).  Lag was fucking crazy. DTR says I average 5.19 assists per game which puts me in the Top 2%.  At least I am good at something.  Finally got 20 TK headshot kills.  20 Grenade Kills are proving far easier to come by thanks to my trusty Tripmine Grenades.


Taken - 3 JT - Zip.  Denied the Black Spindle three times thanks to fucking suicidal random players who do not watch their health, die, and then rage quit at the last encounter.  Sooo many people on my Avoid List now and also reported.


Led the DARPA guys through Oracles and the Templar last night to get their feet wet in the Vault.  Knew we weren't going to run the full raid, but wanted to get the unit some real trigger time in the actual raid rather than studying walkthrough vids. 


Only thought we were going to do Oracles until suddenly we got ambitious and decided to kack the Templar.  No guts, no glory.  


We had a couple of deaths but still managed to perish the Templar since everyone was comfortable running the relic.  We just threw laterals with the Aegis when someone went down and kept going until the Templar finally asploded.  A welcomed alternative to the you take it no you take it brain fart moment that usually happens when I am on a Vault raid and the relic holder dies.


Got some guys their Gorgon grimoire cards before calling it a night.  Got an Ice Breaker from the first Exotic chest.  Ah, memories.  I remember when I would've lost my shit getting that, but now it's like "Eh.."


We're running the full raid legit tonight, but most of us are old men so more than likely we will quit out at the Gorgon's Maze and pick up tomorrow night.


It is the 3rd of November and Eva still won't give me a fucking Traveler mask.  I have gotten two Crota masks and three Tiger masks since Saturday.  We won't even bother to count the various Engram masks. My new thing now is to use Jackolyte heads right before I head to work or eat dinner so that the timer runs out while I am offline.  Fucking thing obscures my view when I am running.


Looking forward to Armsday and working on my Hakke PR / Hakke Shotty / Y2 Truth load out.  Banshee must hate Omolon.  I rarely see more than one Omolon item up for order.  Most of the guns available for order lately are usuallyr SUROS or Hakke.


Festival of the Lost should end by this coming Xurday.  For some reason I have convinced myself that I should hold on to this fucking box of Raisins until then while knowing deep in my heart that iI will turn out to be a red herring and I will end up disappointed and angry with Bungie.

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Festival of the Lost should end by this coming Xurday. For some reason I have convinced myself that I should hold on to this fucking box of Raisins until then while knowing deep in my heart that iI will turn out to be a red herring and I will end up disappointed and angry with Bungie.

It's finishing on the 9th. I kind of get the feeling it will be Iron Banner on the 10th since it will have been a month and they can jump right into the next event after finishing the Festival.

I'm keeping my raisins too. I don't really think they are relevant but I'm somewhat of a hoarder. I am trying to convince myself to get rid of a bunch of old armour and weapons from pre TDB. I kept them because I'll never be able to get them again but they are taking up valuable vault space.

Like you I can't get Eva to drop the masks I need. I've got 11 different ones now I believe but she won't give me a damn Crota mask!

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Festival of the Lost should end by this coming Xurday. For some reason I have convinced myself that I should hold on to this fucking box of Raisins until then while knowing deep in my heart that iI will turn out to be a red herring and I will end up disappointed and angry with Bungie.

I'm keeping my raisins too. I don't really think they are relevant but I'm somewhat of a hoarder. I am trying to convince myself to get rid of a bunch of old armour and weapons from pre TDB. I kept them because I'll never be able to get them again but they are taking up valuable vault space.


I always find reasons to clear out my vault even though I barely have anything in it.


NTTE quest does not require you to have a fully upgraded Stranger's Rifle so out it goes.


VoG Raid last night proving that 40's can massacre Oracles easily without depending on raid weapons with Oracle Buster on 'em?  Alas, poor Fatebringer.  You are now weapon parts.


The only weapon I am holding in my vault is the Eidolon Ally.  I am determined to get my hands on the Crux of Crota someday.

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I just finished the last of the Festival of Lost quests today as I got the Cryptach and Traveller's mask to drop on back to back full candy satchels.


Boy was that a waste of time

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I just finished the last of the Festival of Lost quests today as I got the Cryptach and Traveller's mask to drop on back to back full candy satchels.


Boy was that a waste of time


That sucks..  The rumors had better be true about Xur giving me something good for this box of raisins.  Trick r Treat, my ass.

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At a minimum - you would think you would get a Legendary mask or some glue after you completed all three quests.




But nope - just here is another mask you have already gotten 8 times

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At a minimum - you would think you would get a Legendary mask or some glue after you completed all three quests.




My belief was that if you completed the three basic quests, you'd get another quest that gave you a Legendary item as a reward.  I'd have even been happy a free Legendary emote from the Festival of the Lost.


Getting yet another mask is bullshit.

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Then why aren't you repping NM by flying in a RED jumpship? 


You have to have an AFv2 Octavian, a N66 High Water, an AX 19 Slipper Misfit, a Devil's Due BKR, or a Regulus Class 77 tucked in there somewhere, you hoarding packtrat.

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Actually I don't


I don't have a lot of jump ships

I have only started buying them now when I hit the glimmer gap (since I can finally see which ones I own and don't own)

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Finally got a Speaker mask, so I should be able to get at least one of the FotL quests done, even if the reward is meh.

I think I'm going to have to go to r/fireteams, because I've never done Abby of the raids, and I reallywant to.

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