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Everything posted by username

  1. VVVVVV is pretty neat but also pretty short. Invisible, Inc. is apparently legit very good and some prefer it to the recent X-Coms. The rest... is present.
  2. ...okay, top two worst lyrics they ever wrote.
  3. The song itself isn't terrible but the line "Or are you unforgiven too?" may be the worst the band has ever written and that covers a lot of ground.
  4. Man I read... one of these (The Road BTW). I tried to read Gravity's Rainbow once but... well it's not what I'd call an easy read.
  5. I think the Gentleman stuff with Bill points to them not having two episodes, as without him actually being the first gentleman it doesn't land nearly as well. It's not a terrible flaw or anything, but it does stick out.
  6. This is likely a meaningless concern in the grand scheme of things... but he's stripped of the interim title at some point, right? I though it was rather pointless to begin with, but if he's suspended for a year and the actual champ (I know I know, but he has the real belt) fights multiple times then I don't really see an argument for it to continue to be a thing.
  7. May I ask which Raw you saw, as that was one of the deadest crowds I've seen in a while. They liked chanting at Bayley for a bit and gave... Dar(?) a nice welcome, but were dead quiet for just about everything else including most of those two's matches.
  8. I mean, Bisping was saying that the only reason he wasn't fighting a top contender at 206 was because they were all booked. This would seem to fix that problem...
  9. I mean, he has had a lot of concussions...
  10. I mean, NXT is still a half-student promotion, having green guys and gals competing is part of that and hence there's always gonna be a somewhat higher injury risk. An argument could be made that NXT should perhaps be even more split between those WWE trains and who they hire from the indie/international scene, but I also think having more experienced wrestlers for the students to work with likely helps a good deal.
  11. I had the Jordan version of that poster over my bed and... I did the exact same thing, just looking at everyone's expression.
  12. I didn't hallucinate that the Sasha/Bayley/Dana 3 way ended in a double pin, right?
  13. I have this recollection of Dan Spivey absolutely spiking a jobber with a powerbomb in a squash match that looked like it may have legit broke the guy's neck, but I've never found any proof that it ever happened.
  14. username

    The Night Of

    Someone told me that the female lawyer does something similar (kissing the client, not the whole drug mule business) in the british version of the show, so it may be something as simple as they just grabbed that part wholesale without giving it a second thought. That would still be dumb, but it'd at least be a different, less baffling kind of dumb. I was initially bothered by the jury being that deadlocked as the evidence was pretty solidly in the prosecution's balance, but they caught the lead investigator admitting on the stand that he tampered with the evidence... and that looked like a relatively minority-heavy jury. In that light I can see it.
  15. What about the Arn Anderson variant where he threw a guy's head into his own teammates to slow him down?
  16. username

    The Night Of

    I think that the writing for the series gradually got worse and worse, but overall I'd still put it in the good category. It is helped obviously by the first episode being one of the finest episodes of any show ever, but I think it did a lot of things well before those last couple episodes stumbled in certain areas.
  17. This may be just me, and I exclude lucha, but I've always sorta thought arm drags were just done by good guys.
  18. It's been like 25 or so years, but didn't Lightning Kid sometimes beat people with a powerbomb when he wasn't tombstoning them?
  19. Finished The Book of the New Sun. I think a bunch of it went over my head. Still thought it was swell.
  20. username


    You know... I honestly did not see that coming in the least.
  21. It is worth remembering that the last GSP we saw just barely squeaked by Johny Hendricks and probably should have lost that fight via decision. That gap had already shrunk down tremendously.
  22. I think Miz's often overlooked gift ties in with his biggest weakness: he is at his best when he has another person or object to play off of, but when stuck with nothing like that he often struggles. He's often great in tag teams, he got both Sandow and Riley white hot, hell he even seems to work better when a belt is involved. This does require a degree of maintenance as just throwing him out there cold often results in nothing of note but I think he has a wide enough comfort zone where he can be very effective at what he does.
  23. Retro/Grade is a rhythm game dressed up as a side scrolling space shoot 'em up. I played the demo ages ago and thought that it could possibly be fun for an hour or two.
  24. Why from a message board devoted to video games of course. Sounds backwards but in a bit over the past year they are the ones who sent me towards The Book of the New Sun, The Lies of Lock Lamora, and The Three Body Problem, and a couple years before that Pale Fire and hence Nabokov.
  25. I'm approaching the final third of The Claw of the Conciliator and I am thinking that things have been swell so far. I also must say that I'm glad the library had the first two volumes in the same book as The Shadow of the Torturer didn't so much conclude as just pick a convenient point to stop at. It is odd, I hadn't even heard of these books before a couple weeks back and yet whenever I mention I'm reading them people always go "Oh yeah, those are great!" Someone coulda told me before now, you know... The Lies of Locke Lamora was rather tremendous. I did have someone warn me that the sequels lose the magic that the original had, but I have no idea if that is a widely held opinion or not.
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