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Everything posted by AxB

  1. Finally got finished with Mortal Kombat 9 (meaning I've done story mode, and seen everyone's endings in Arcade Ladder). From which I can conclude that anyone who bitched about Bo Rai Choi being a DLC character in MKX clearly doesn't know shit about Mortal Kombat. Also, Cyber Sub Zero's finish doesn't have any narration, but from what I can gather it's one of the 'Killing Shao Khan allowed him to take over this fighter, leading to him taking over Earthrealm and winning in the end' ones. Which happen in the strangest places, with the second tier good guys but not the tweeners or heels. In Shang Tsung's finish, he turns babyface and has to kill a heel Liu Kang. Now playing Last of Us: Left Behind. It's better than Mortal Kombat 9 (apples are better than oranges. Everything can be compared to everything else). It's just frustrating when you stealth all the way through a section to find it has a noisy exit so you should have killed everything anyway... and now you're trapped with no escape.
  2. Well, a lot of people are probably looking at it from the WWE mindset of when they cut guys, they're giving up on them for life. Wheres the UFC is (or at least has been) far more willing to bring people back having previously let them go. And even when they had the swollen roster, you'd still see a lot of people making UFC debuts (or comebacks) as a short notice replacement to someone injured, so it's not as if there's no opportunities for fighters outside of the big money company. It's just there's more of an onus on them to market themselves now. The 'lose three in a row and you're out' rule lasted a long time, but now they're being cutthroat about it. Which isn't nice, but is to be expected.
  3. My 12 year old doesn't like watching Wrestling on telly (although he quite likes going to actual Wrestling shows live). But when he was about 4, he loved anyone who wrestled in a mask.Once there was an Impact replay at ten in the morning, and the Prince Justice Brotherhood (Super Eric, Curry Man and Shark Boy) were on, and he really loved them. True or false: Every day when he wakes up, Johnny Devine thanks god that Vince Russo never saw Pink Flamingoes?
  4. In the trailer, floating rocks. Maybe they do find Anti-Grav stuff as soon as they arrive. There were a few characters in ME3 multiplayer who had jump technology, like the Turian Havoc, and Cerberus troops often arrived by dropping in with jets to slow their landings, so it's not a huge leap to say that basically Shepard was a hard cover person, and Ryder is a run and gun person. Do you think you can change Sara to make her into Winona Ryder? Because whatever happens, I'm changing Alec's name to Horst.
  5. They mentioned Annihilation Shield (not field) and Singularity. I always used to Warp my Singularities.
  6. Well, if GSP gets a title shot in Canada, one or other of my 2017 predictions comes true (either a title changes hands outside the USA, or a former Champion who hasn't held the belt for a year gets a title shot and loses). Also, I predicted they'd use 10 different commentary combinations this year. We're a month and a half in, and they've used 4 already (Rogan/ Goldberg, Anik/Cormier, Anik/Stann, and Anik/Cormier/ Rogan).
  7. Not seeing Warp or Dark Channel on the Biotic list. Those were my two favourites. How are we to cause Biotic explosions with just Lift and Pull?
  8. Yes, but DC has the greatest Villain in Superhero history pulling the strings. Zack 'herokiller' Snyder.
  9. You haven't seen Luke Cage? You really should, it's great. I'd have it right up there with DD season 1. Although I liked Jessica Jones more (or DD season 2 less) than you did as well.
  10. Nothing ever changes at Arsenal, until it does. If they finish 5th or 6th this year (which is absolutely possible) the talent exodus will be very interesting.
  11. In the commentary track for the Usual Suspects (which I believe was the first commentary track ever), they said the dog definitely got off the boat before they blew the boat up.
  12. Scott Steiner used to do half a dozen Belly to Bellies in every match. Although when Steiner did the same suplex over and over in one match, it just proved WCW guys didn't know how to work, whereas when Lesnar does it, it makes people buy t-shirts purely to acknowledge the awesomeness of it.
  13. No, TNA Champions Austin Aries, and AJ instead of Angle.
  14. Yeah, I remember after my Dad read it, and I told him there were secret pages that you can't reach from any option tree he was really jealous that he'd not figured that out. Everyone check it out, it's really good.
  15. England, Scotland, Mexico and Germany... so presumably USA, Canada, Japan and one other country TBA.
  16. What Culture Wrestling are running a 64 man tournament on youtube soon (apparently using RoH and WoS guys), Meanwhile, Dominant Wrestling are going to run a 128 man tournament, without using anyone contracted to another TV promotion (they're on Spike UK, and nowhere else at all). So good luck to both of them... I bet loads of guys are going to be in both tourneys though,
  17. Hey, why don't we all go into the Food thread and start talking about Wrestling in there?
  18. Remember in WCW '91, when Barry Windham was teaming with Dustin Rhodes, and Jesse Ventura kept calling them "Texacans"? How insulting was that, and is it one of those things that you couldn't get away with saying on television today?
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