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The Damn Yeti

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Everything posted by The Damn Yeti

  1. Naimark was the man. And since it's come up, I still make as many "glass bottom boat ride" references as possible.
  2. I've had dinner at GLF's parents' home. True story.
  3. I've been here since the green board, and probably don't have 500 posts combined. But I've read the board nearly every day (it's been up) for over 10 years. This thread is a blast from the past. Wonderful that Gonzalez could bring us all together. And yes, getting a recent board archive up so we can re-live Resident Evil's beautiful demise would be nice.
  4. Blacksburg, VA - The first college I attended, and the only region in VA I still enjoy visiting. Doesn't hurt that I still have some of my best friends living there. Lots of shenanigans over the years, including a return for my bachelor party weekend. I try to make it down to one Hokie football game each year. Canaan Valley, WV - The true "middle-of-nowhere" around here. My family has had a home there for many years. It's a skiing/hiking/biking destination, but I usually just cook, drink, and relax when I'm there. Should have been heading that way this weekend, but I've been a little under the weather. Kentucky - The last few years I've spent a lot of time in Lexington, Bardstown, and the Northern KY area outside Cincinnati. Very cool, charming locations, neat history, good food, nice people. New York City - I haven't been since 2009, but I used to visit regularly for the bigger ROH shows. When you walk out from Grand Central you just feel like "this is where all the things happen." I hope I can go back and explore outside Manhattan.
  5. When I met my wife I didn't have a car, so we both used her 2009 Honda Fit for a few years until one day I got T-boned at an intersection and the car was a total loss. Kinda like Shane above, we had to make a quick decision to replace it and decided to step up a level and got a fully loaded 2013 Hyundai Sonata. It's phenomenal. It really comes across like an introductory level luxury car. We shared that for a year until my parents decided to give me the old "family beater" that we all used in emergencies and inconveniences. It's a 1999 Ford Taurus with about 75k. I love the damn thing. It gets me to work and back and I own it. Would have driven me crazy when it was new, but priorities change. Funny how that works. The best part of that story was registering the car. Went in to have the title transferred to me and update the registration, everything was smooth sailing. About 6 weeks later I get the new title and registration in the mail. Both are made out to "Bubrdm Hisg" which is a misplaced-hand typing of my actual last name, first name. I've refused to get it sorted out because I think it's hilarious, which drives my straight-laced, lawyer wife insane. She tried to shame me into fixing it by posting the story on Facebook, but that just led to an anonymous friend of mine creating a profile for Bubrdm. He drops in every week or so and asks for his car back. I sent him a Christmas card.
  6. Here's my big dumb animal. and the Queen who pretty much runs the shop.
  7. I've been through a lot of collecting phases, like most of you, wrestling VHS/DVD, comic books, football cards, electric guitars, basses, and amps. At this point I basically only have two collections to speak of, my Criterion Blu-Rays and whiskies. This is a crosspost from the Criterion thread in the Movies forum: Whiskey really took over the last few years. It's been my primary social hobby. I've started a local whiskey club that has grown to 30 members, and I travel out of state for events somewhat regularly. I initially started collecting single malts but the cost was pretty crazy, so the financial incentive combined with some other factors pushed me toward bourbon and other American whiskies. This isn't current, or everything, but here's some of what I've got.
  8. Or I'm underestimating how popular ICP is world wide. Which is possible. I've seen Big Money Rustlas Twice. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqVB3W7OnbI
  9. I'm sure everyone has seen this, but it's god damned amazing. That Alison Haslip performance is captivating. God, I have seriously questionable taste in women.
  10. I like this. I'm a progressive secularist. Like the saying goes, religion is like a penis. It's great to have one, it's great to be proud of it, but don't take it out in public and shove it down our children's throats.
  11. http://www.salon.com/2014/02/01/new_atheisms_big_mistake_debating_creationists_solves_nothing/ Not immediately relevant, but related and fascinating. FUCK YOU Ken Ham. And your name is ridiculous.
  12. Ten FIDY is so choice. That's a great price for it as well. I drove down to the Asheville, NC Winter Warmer Beer Festival 10 days ago and Oskar Blues had a booth there pouring Dale's Pale and a Scotch Ale. Wicked Weed and French Broad were probably my favorite Asheville local breweries there, great dark sours and porters. Surly from MN came down with a crazy double oatmeal imperial IPA that was out-of-this-world good. The cherry on top came when the New Belgium guys saw me in my Clutch hoodie and called over to me. They had a keg of a 9% barrel aged dark sour ale that they had just done in collaboration with Clutch. Too cool. Spent more than a little time chatting and drinking with those guys.
  13. Being agnostic or atheist (or really anything other than a Baptist or Evangelical) in the American South can be hell on earth, if you'll pardon the metaphor. It's not such a big deal as an adult in 2014, but as a teenager in the 90s? Fuck that. FUCK YOU to West Virginia American Water, the WVDEP, the CDC, our Governor and both houses of the WV legislature, Freedom Industries, the national media, anyone who gives a shit about the George Washington Bridge lane closure outside of the New York metropolitan area, and... I don't know, "Coal Keeps The Lights On" billboards, just for good measure. Fuck you all.
  14. This thread needs a fat guy with a beard. A self portrait that my friends are currently having a little too much fun with on Facebook.
  15. I spent a lot of time endorsing WWE Champion Miz. I think he's a terrible smiling baby face, worse than most, but if they actually pull the trigger on a full heel team with Dolph... Holy shit, I'm in.
  16. God, I forgot all about her. I had completely forgotten about the 2005 diva search actually. Seeing her now, the WWE is a helluva drug. They should have gone with Leyla Milani. The commentary during the James match is hilarious. "Very fundamental wrestling by Ashley" It's supposed to be a compliment, I think, but... It's awful watching her be pulled through that match by two of the better female wrestlers of all time. The hotness level in that ring is pretty off the charts though, and that was always the first point with these things.
  17. When I was a kid "This Tuesday in Texas" was this bizarre-o unicorn of an event that nobody saw, but it felt like SO MUCH happened there. I can't wait to hit that up. Also, going to go through WCW from 1983 - Hogans arrival. This is going to rule. A high-school/college dream come true.
  18. I saw him at my first ever Ring of Honor show in 2003. I forget everything about the match, which might indicate why he didn't get brought back. I do remember that crazy ass leg drop in TNA. It's been a long time since I've watched any mid-00s indy scramble wrestling, but this has whet the appetite.
  19. I'll crosspost this from the WOTD thread, RE: why Emma?
  20. Bryan gets a half hour to kick the shit out of Orton, then outsmart Randy and the Authority AND pick up the huge clean win that sets him on-deck to be THE FACE OF THE WWE~! ...and we talk about Emma for 6 pages. I fucking love all of you. So, did Omaha have a worse night on Sunday or Monday? Awful crowd. If that main event had happened in Cleveland, or any other city they've been in this year, it would have been molten lava.
  21. TL:WRL, but I skipped straight to the video. This is awesome. Loved this show as a kid.
  22. On one of the previous iterations of DVDVR there was some kind of "create your own tournament" thread that I vaguely recall. Maybe everybody did tag teams, I can't remember, but I definitely did a huge march-madness tag tournament that Benoit & Kawada won. So, this must have been a long time ago. Knowing what a ridiculous mark I am, they probably beat Samoa Joe & Bryan Danielson in the finals. Current day dream team is tough. I want to include Brock, because Brock, but the idea of Lesner just standing on the apron waiting for a tag sounds like the worst thing in the world. Gotta have DB since he's probably the best hot tag right now. Cesaro and Goldust are both tearing it up as tag wrestlers right now, as well as everyone on the Shield, obviously. I think, if DB started including some of his 2006 dickhead heel BITW stuff in his current persona, then a tag team with Nakamura would be SWAGGED DA FUCK OUT. As for the list above, gimme gimme gimme Owen/Eddie vs. Bret/Flair all day, erry day.
  23. The dialogue during the city councilman hostage scene is the best. "Don't jerk me off! When people jerk me off, I kill 'em!"
  24. Finally sitting down to this. Loved the opening newscast and advertisements. Whoever pointed out that everyone gets shot 100 times was spot on. Even the random bad guy who gets thrown out of the van gets shot in the knee three times. I remembered the line, but forgot how hilariously pregnant the pause was for "mind if I zip this up?" There's something amazing about Robocop driving around in the same shitty black matte Ford Taurus the beat cops use.
  25. I can't imagine blocking anybody around here. The sour has always come with the sweet.
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