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The Natural

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Everything posted by The Natural

  1. I've been thinking about Jon Jones vs. Alexander Gustafsson this morning going into this afternoon UK time. I'd say it was one of the best UFC fights in UFC history and one of the best UFC Championship fights. The verdict dividing opinion between those who thought Jones or Gustafsson won reminds me of Frankie Edgar vs. Gray Maynard at UFC 125: Resolution.
  2. Leaked achievements/trophies for Batman: Arkham Origins *SPOILERS*: http://uk.ign.com/wikis/batman-arkham-origins/Achievements_and_Trophies
  3. Looking around at the scores, it's round two which is the one going either way. Photos:
  4. Great main event fight between Jon Jones and Alexander Gustafsson. I scored it 48-47 to Gustafsson. Rematch please. Bonuses: Fight of the Night: Jon Jones vs. Alexander Gustafsson Knockout of the Night: Renan Barao Submission of the Night: Mitch Gagnon
  5. Stunned The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 25 isn't included. Terrible decision. Five shitty matches in this batch: Triple H vs. Randy Orton at WrestleMania 25, The Miz vs. John Cena at WrestleMania XXVII, TWO John Cena vs. The Rock matches and Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania XXIX.
  6. Did Ultimo Dragon slip again when he got into the ring at WrestleMania XX?
  7. IIRC because one of her fighters lost. Thank you.
  8. As someone who only occasionally watches The Ultimate Fighter, how are Ronda Rousey and Miesha Tate coming across? Looking at Elsalvajeloco's signature with the Ronda Rousey GIF, what caused Ronda Rousey to cry? Ta.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNg6-WzM5I4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkkwpldMhGc I love Batman: The Animated Series.
  10. Concept art from The Crow: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/nailbiter111/news/?a=87333 The Crow is one of the best ever comic book films for the story, acting, the film's look and music. Best scene from the film: Real shame about what happened to Brandon Lee.
  11. Part two of WWE's article on Daniel Bryan is like the first part, needs reading: http://www.wwe.com/shows/raw/history-of-daniel-bryan-part-two-26149549
  12. Surprised Chris Jericho vs. Triple H from WrestleMania X8 makes it with how that turned out. Also surprised Edge vs. Mick Foley from WrestleMania 22 is included with the violence in it and THAT finish. I would have included John Cena vs. Triple H at WrestleMania 22. I remember the reaction of shock to the finish. I certainly was. Very happy Batista vs. The Undertaker from WrestleMania 23 is included, I've always said that was the Match of the Night. Most disappointed Edge vs. The Undertaker at WrestleMania XXIV hasn't made it, that should have replaced the WWE Championship Triple Threat match. Edge vs. The Undertaker is a top four or five match from The Streak. I'm guessing the attires will go like WWE '13. Attires in everything outside of Attitude Era mode and specific attires in Attitude Era mode replicating matches in that feature.
  13. I think that's the only Batsuit I wanted which didn't make it in Batman: Arkham City.
  14. Man v. Food and Man v. Food Nation are my two favourite food shows. Take a look at Adam Richman now: Wowsers.
  15. WWE's official YouTube account has put up full-length WWE championship matches including the awesome John Cena vs. CM Punk match at Money in the Bank 2011 PPV: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqIVmFaHA8BohcnErUDTtIXjcx2dLWLJM There are also other full-length matches on the account including for me, the best Sting vs. Vader match at Starrcade 1992: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqIVmFaHA8Bqm3Ts8aRnhERn6aify_RB9
  16. New IGN preview: Looking forward to this.
  17. Interesting seeing the playable characters voice actors in real life.
  18. Cheers, TheVileOne. Guessing I'm not the only one who uses the Batman: The Animated Series, Batman: Year One, The Dark Knight Returns and Batman Beyond looks more than the others for Batman in Batman: Arkham City? I preferred Batman: Arkham Asylum's Batsuit to the one in Arkham City, the differences between them are small. Latest from Batman: Arkham Origins... Again, Batman: Arkham Origins graphics look differently to me compared to the two previous games. I like the look of them. I was a fan of the new Batsuit from the start (in spoiler tags for size):
  19. The change of fortunes for Pro Evolution Soccer and FIFA is really something. On the PlayStaton 2, PES was the choice for football fans as it was the better game. I played Pro Evolution 3 all the way to 6 having great fun playing with and against my Dad. Pro Evolution Soccer 6 was my favourite out of the four I played. Going onto this generation of consoles when I was on the wii for a year and a half, I read that FIFA was now the game of choice. I traded in my Wii to get a brand new Xbox 360 Elite in early September 2009 and FIFA '10 was my first ever FIFA. I thought it was good but still preferred the PES games from my PS2 days. I got a magazine with a FIFA '12 demo and couldn't stop playing it so bought the full game and is probably the best football game I've played. I played the PES 2013 demo and it didn't do it for me. Now in the past two years, it sounds like PES is back. One of the main gaming websites I use, GameCentral gave it an 8/10 today saying it's the best one this generation. Here's a sample of it:
  20. I'm not a fan of the Flyweight division not for some of the fights I've seen but the division is small (pun wasn't intended). I preferred it when Bantamweight was the smallest UFC weight class.
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