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Mister TV

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Everything posted by Mister TV

  1. It’s going to close later this week then re-open after renovations as the Virgin Hotel Casino this fall. Virgin bought it in 2018.
  2. The Kanas City fans doing the War Chant has me pulling for the 49ers.
  3. Or just leave it as is and not do any close up shots of it.
  4. For some reason they did a close up of that makeshift belt on the ppv, it was a mess. If I remember right it was a belt from the Florida promotion Dusty booked during his time between WCW and WWF.
  5. I bet having "World" blend in was on purpose, same mindset as the WWF mostly ditching the use of World with their title since its kind of redundant and a bit of a tongue twister.
  6. Anyone remember the Rob Schneider flick The Benchwarmers? Well Netflix is running The Benchwarmers 2: Breaking Balls and I watched it! It's not good, not funny, really bad at trying to hide being filmed in Canada and the only returning cast member from the original was Jon Lovitz who phoned it in. Watching it made me realized I missed my calling as a screen writer for direct to video/streaming service sequels of forgotten flicks, give me a week or so I can could have hammered out The Benchwarmers 2: Back to the Bench or Backdraft 2: Bartel's Back. Yes there's a Backdraft 2 on Netflix and they somehow got both Billy Baldwin and Donald Sutherland to be in it, plan on watching it later this week.
  7. There's a lot of politics involved in the Football HOF voting, once they get down to a certain number of candidates the voters who are sportswriters representing each team meet and make their case for or against certain players. There was no way in hell the sportswriters repping the AFL teams were going to keep Namath out and the Super Bowl win along with the number he put up pre knee injuries were enough to sway NFL writers.
  8. Big Business as in the 80's Bette Milder and Lily Tomlin flick where they both play dual roles as twins who were separated at birth? It's a movie I never saw but somehow still remember the commercials for it.
  9. Also Rosanne was set in a town that was a bit of a distance from Chicago, most towns like Lanford are going to have houses that are bigger than the ones you see in other parts of the US since there's plenty of dry flat land. I spent some time in both Birmingham and Manchester during my time in the UK and can totally see how it would be hard to relate since every house/flat/condo are going to be small.
  10. It was pretty bad, all I remember from it was the son was a conservative and Joey Stivic(Gloria & Mike’s son) shows up to see the old house and eats all their food.
  11. Ha! Maybe if Seattle didn't let Willie Parker run 75 yards for a TD without being touched or didn't blatantly hold on that pass that got them to the goal line you might have some sort of argument. Also why would the NFL give a F if Jerome Bettis won a Super Bowl in his home town? It's not like anyone was going to not watch the game then tune in after it was over to see him get a trophy. The Bettis and his hometown stuff were really the only story in the build up since that's all there really was to report on, both teams were kind of boring. Maybe Seattle's billionaire should have bribed the Steelers QB to throw some picks like Jerry Jones did in SBXXX.
  12. Maybe the midi-chlorians bolted from Chet Palpatine after he started speaking with a Gungan accent?
  13. If Gaylord Peacock is a perfect name for a "Colourful Extrovert" what name would be a good name for a "Colourless Introvert"? Catweazle and TV Jackie Pallo matches are my goto when watching World of Sport on YouTube, both are way more entertaining than Big Daddy squashing wrestlers with Irish names.
  14. Just looked it up, Nick at Night started in 1985 after A&E went to a full 24 hour schedule, up until that point they shared satellite time. We got cable in the fall of 1982 when things were a lot more slapdash time filler compared to two or three years later. HBO and Showtime used to show plays and concerts on a regular basis and both would have “Australian Film Festivals” since the Australian Film Commission sold them movies really really cheap. ESPN didn’t have morning Sportscenter and ran financial news instead. USA had a lot more sports. Ted Turner hadn’t found the loop hole that allowed him to charge national ad rates for Gilligan’s Island so it was a lot of C level black and white movies on WTBS. The Movie Channel was just as big as HBO and showed hard R sex romps in the middle of the day, HBO didn’t show R rated movies until after 8pm.
  15. I remember when Nickelodeon would switch over to A&E at 9PM since neither network was full time. A&E showed operas and plays back then and when they went 24 hours they added highbrow British shows and weekly airings of Mean Streets. Wasn't AMC a premium channel when it started? They also had the show Remember WENN that I never watched but always heard it was good. Sadly my cable company couldn't decide between HA! and The Comedy Channel so we had to wait until the merger and formation of Comedy Central to get MST3K, Short Attention Span Theater and Inside the Comic Mind with Alan King. Bar Rescue on The Paramount Network(SpikeTV) is the trash show that really sucks me in, Friday Night Tykes was the other but the Esquire Channel disappeared a few years ago.
  16. Take into account that there was only two bowl games in that time slot this year when there's normally three, the bowl it was up against featured Auburn and Minnesota who no one outside of their diehard fans care about. The Winter Classic also had two dud teams when it comes to pulling in a national audience.
  17. ROS kind of shows that JJ saw and really loved The Goonies and Ghostbusters 2 along with Star Wars.
  18. Pitt is my team but I’m at the point where I don’t think I can watch another game with Pat Naduzzi coaching the them, he’s in over his head even more than Foge was back in the 80’s.
  19. Is it crying or just leakage from a botched facelift?
  20. The blame has to start at the top with Bob Iger and the Disney board, they were looking at the short term rewards the movies would bring in with the long term being all about the integration of Star Wars into the parks. I know it's kind of Monday Morning Quarterbacking but I wish they would have let Jon Favreau be the creative lead for the new trilogy, The Mandalorian comes off as being inspired by the same things(Japanese cinema, westerns, old time serials and so on) the original trilogy were while the new trilogy just seems to be inspired by Star Wars. I enjoyed the new trilogy but they all had flaws but that isn't going to keep me from watching them again every few years.
  21. Not sure if it would have topped Austin coming out on the Zamboni in Detroit, grown adults were jumping and screaming like little kids who just found out Santa is in fact real and is giving them everything they've always wanted. That pop was legit painful to the ears.
  22. The Napoleon dream was never talked about, what I do remember is getting a talk about not calling people “Dickless” since I thought that was the funniest thing ever. My parents most likely assumed stuff like that went over my head and I’m sure there was things that did and things that didn’t. I remember seeing Stripes in the theatre and thinking loofa meant something dirty thanks to the “I wish I was a loofa” line when the John Larroquette was spying on the women’s shower.
  23. I was 10 years old when Ghostbusters hit the theaters and I loved that flick, this trailer does nothing for me.
  24. Yeah, Magnum had that big run in Mid-South which Dusty was familiar with while Bret was headlining in Western Canada for a promotion his family owned. Bret would have been a lower card up and coming babyface with more wins but still kind of stagnate just like he was in WWF pre-Hart Foundation, maybe he works his way up the card to where he's at TV or US title level by 1987. Also Bret would never gotten that women want him/men want to be him vibe with the southern fans like Mags did. Neidhart as a single in JCP is totally in the Paul Jones Army and most likely moving on after he's asked to loose the goatee to the Boogie Man. I think the Bulldogs starting off as faces but making a heel turn would have worked in JCP, they would have needed a team who could bump for them and get sympathy which the Rock n Roll Express were perfect at. The Bulldogs vs. Road Warriors seems like it would have just ended up with Dynamite and Hawk no selling each other and becoming a border line fist fight. If the Midnight's went to the WWF they end up in the same slot The Hart Foundation were in and would have needed whoever was dropping the tag belts to want to drop it to them and not Sheik and Volkoff. Midnights vs. Strike Force a few years later would have been sweet. I don't see the Rock n Roll really clicking in the WWF.
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