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NPW Strong and other USA shows


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Figures we could use a separate thread for these shows since it kinda does look like we'll get them for a while and this might be how, obvious with Covid changing things here and there, NJPW USA expansion is going to go.

It started with 4 LION'S BREAK COLLISION that basically showcased bunch of LA Dojo guys and some guys that NJPW is (or might be) interested. It concluded with Karl Fredericks vs Cobb match.

And now we have NJPW Strong that starts with NJPW Cup USA 2020 tournament:


Winner is going to get a title shot for USA title at a later date.

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Some thoughts and spoilers:

KENTA, Cobb, Finlay and Tonga won their matches. Not surprising results, but I was a bit surprised about how definitive KENTA/Fredericks was. At first I thought that these shows are about establishing Karl, but now he lost two big matches and I'm not so sure anymore, are they doing a long build here? Or are they not as high on him as everyone thinks?

Question with Moxley remains. This tournament concludes in two weeks, are they going to really hold that title shot till 2021? Or have they worked out something here with him and AEW? Another option is that he vacates again, but then winner of this tournament would just face someone else who didn't win the tournament... this would make entire tournament pointless. I don't, it can get really messy here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did they ever mention where they're shooting these shows at? The entrance looks similar to the CWFH setup and they're using some of the same talent so I wonder if they hooked up with Marquez since he's probably the most stable indy promoter in the US (assuming we're not calling ROH and Impact independent promotions) and has a good lead on West Coast talent.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Looks like that while the focus on main shows will be on G1 for next month or so Strong will be doing Lions Break Crown or something like that. Another tournament for new and up and coming guys. Maybe it will focus on various indie guys that they featured on last few shows.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The first night of Lions Break Crown was a very enjoyable watch.  In particular, the Danny Limelight vs. Barrett Brown match is definitely worth making time to watch. I also was quite impressed with The DKC, Clark Connors, and Blake Christian in their respective matches.  It's exciting to ponder as to who eventually ends up being a legit superstar, Connors or Fredericks.  It's a toss-up at this point for me.  

Generally speaking, this show has really turned out to be very entertaining.  It hardly ever drags and is almost always engaging, given the huge potential of a lot of these workers.  It's become a show I now watch regularly.   

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I think that Connors is definitely going to the finals, but on the other side I could see Limelight winning since he had that short program with Rocky, while Blake just did some stuff in multimans.

Anyway, with magic of taping next week are getting White, KENTA and Cobb on the show.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So i decided to check out Fighting Spirit Unleashed. Both weeks combined made for a really fun 2 hours and 10 minutes of wrestling no match went too long shit only two out of the 8 matches went 10 minutes or more. I've never seen the Ocean Side loom that good. Kevin Kelly and Alex Koslov make for a good team on commentary. First time i've seen Fred Rosser since he was Darren Young he was cool but I think Alex Zayne was the standout in that match, Jay White is really awesome he got a good match out of Flip Gordon, TJP and ACH should continue to shine, It's fitting that every one else grows facial hair and Tama decides he should shave his face clean, and Kenta vs Cobb was easily one of the better matches ive seen in the Pandemic I mena Kenta worked over that knee something fierce.

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  • 1 month later...

For anyone who's interested in keeping up with NJPW Strong, I'd suggest watching matches spanning the last three weeks:  Fred Rosser vs. Filthy Tom Lawlor, then Rocky Romero vs. Rust Taylor, and wrapping it up with the most recent 8-man tag of Team Filthy vs. Rocky's crew.  Good stuff all around.  

In particular, the Rosser-Lawlor match surprised the hell out of me, and has really turned me back around to Rosser as a guy who can still go.  He seemed a bit out of place the first few times I'd seen him on Strong, a little unsure and clunky, but it was if Lawlor pushed his buttons and woke him up, not only in storyline, but a little in reality as well.  A really impressive physical encounter, it was borderline clubberin'.  

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  • 3 months later...

Kenta-Moxley was a fun brawl. Definitely hurt but lack of crowd though. I loved Kenta's defiance and the trash talking in general.

Narita-Dickerson was good. No filler. Dickerson needs to be in the G1. He can eat a lot of losses and it's all fresh and fun match ups. Narita is looking better in the ring but needs a few more Shibata slaps. 

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Alex Coughlin & Karl Fredericks both being back is good for NJPW Strong. Coughlin grew quite the moustache. 

That DKC-Lawlor match was fun enough. I was surprised as well about how much offense DKC got.

I'd like to see Moxley vs Lio Rush or Tom Lawlor for his next defense. I presume it'll be a while. 

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I have to say, I'm sorry, Koslov is just awful. I wish he just did backstage stuff or something. Just Kevin Kelly is fine.

I liked Hikuleo using the landslide, looked good.

Rosser-Kratos was ok. The slow middle section was rough. Why did Kratos need to get heat back?

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Watched last nights Strong. Opening match was fun with Cobb looking strong. Natira looks good and Misterioso almost wrecked his knees on that moonsault.

Bateman/Brody was fun. The grouping for the US Cup will be interesting.

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Cute dig at Danny Limelight doing AEW shots to open the show. The internet says Alex Koslov is 5'9 while Kevin Kelly is 5'10 but that's complete BS based on them standing side by side. Also Koslov was AWFUL this episode.

Connors/TJP was fun.

Dickinson/Christian was ok.

Tag main event was nice. Finlay vs Lawlor should be good whenever it happens.

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Looks a bit better than previous one (that we can see in the first post) and I don't really see a clear favourite to win? I could see Lio, Brody, Dickinson and Lawlor taking it. On the other hand Narita is getting wins so its possible that he takes it as well.

My predictions: Lio over Clark, Chris over Brody, Lawlor over Narita, Fred over Hikuleo. Then Lio over Dickinson, Lawlor over Fred and finally Lawlor over Lio.

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