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Yeah - when I was doing the daily Bunker clear I couldn't figure out why the Champions weren't taking damage.

Then I realized I still had my anti-barrier mod because at the time I had only 1 artifact level.... that I had known of. For some reason I had been missing the notification of my level increases.

Luckily - I had 3 unspent upgrades so yeah - Unstoppable mods FTW

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56 minutes ago, RIPPA said:

Yeah - when I was doing the daily Bunker clear I couldn't figure out why the Champions weren't taking damage.

Then I realized I still had my anti-barrier mod because at the time I had only 1 artifact level.... that I had known of. For some reason I had been missing the notification of my level increases.

Luckily - I had 3 unspent upgrades so yeah - Unstoppable mods FTW

When I was doing the daily bunker clearing dealie yesterday, I ran up against a Barrier Servitor and two Overload Fallen Captains.  Thank God I had the right modded weapons and had already enabled the perk to allow me to summon heavy frames inside the bunker.

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I always feel badly for that poor Cabal high value target that appears randomly at the Winding Cove.  

People who fail Tower runs usually take it out on the unlucky bastard.  His lifespan is less than the common mayfly.

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Honestly, its more that the poor bastard is just getting in the way of Fallen murdering. Its his own fault really.

The Lost Sectors scare me with the 1000 LL talk. I'm only 970 and have a bad tendency to do a lot of play time late night when people are generally sleeping in the matchmaking area on reddit.

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Been thinking about the IB.  I usually like to run The Colony so that I can whittle away at the Mountaintop quest, but I will be hard pressed to give up SUROS Regime as my exotic after seeing what it can do in normal Crucible this season.  

If I don't get my hands on a Rangefinder grenade launcher like Play of the Game pretty soon, I may just shoot for a god roll Valakadn or Halfdan-D to use as my auto in the IB and keep using Colony as my GL.

TBH, I expect autos to get a correction nerf around mid season.  The balance of power has shifted too much to keep things the way they are especially with Trials being reinstated.

Otherwise, there will be one meta and Trials will be boring again like in the days of the MIDA Multi-Trials where everyone ran scouts and snipers.

The first week of Trials should be comical.  Dudes practicing elim last week with the old weapon meta are going to get a rude awakening if they show up with hand cannons and shotguns.

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I like Fallout Play's 7 Rules For Trials because they're good common sense rules to follow in general for PvP.

Rules 1 and 2 (Don't get picked and Don't get picked) are essential for Survival because if you are on a team of idiots that burned through all of the team's lives trying to get picks, you'll eventually fall into those 3v2 or 3v1 situations where you or your teammate will just get wagon circled and wolf packed.

I have come out on the better side of some crazy 1v3s but I have lost more often than not.  Don't fall victim to the numbers game.

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I rarely come out the better side of the numbers game though there was that one time in IB I took out an entire team. Still not sure how that happened since our LLs were actually closer than I thought. Also managed to pull that once in Survival which again I'm not sure how.

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Well, I caved and got the Luxe Hunter set.  I had like 40 bucks in Microsoft Money sitting around I hadn't spent since last year anyway.   I think it was a refund or something for an overcharge.  I honestly forgot I had it until the payment options for my Silver came up.

The ornaments are a bit nicer than I gave them credit for.  The helmet is sleek and the design on the faceplate is pretty awesome, so I don't mind the hoodless look with that set.  I'm wearing the ornaments over the Seraph armor. Very happy that I don't look like a brown marshmallow anymore.

I think I still have enough Silver left over to get the Obsidian Wings jumpship when Tess gets around to selling it for Silver.  I've also got about 4K in Bright Dust, so I am covered on the vanity front when stuff I want comes up for sale.  Now that I've got the Luxe set, I may as well get that apehanger sparrow with the snake skeleton design on it once Tess puts in the showroom..  Go all in or don't go at all.

I also found out to my delight that the Frumious set is in the open database and the cloak dropped for me yesterday while running Seraph Towers.  It doesn't have a Universal Mod slot, but I don't really care.  I'm just thrilled to have it back in my wardrobe to wear with my Vanguard armor set and Assassin's Cowl.

I spammed a lot of Seraph Towers last night to and cleared enough Rasputin bounties to buy a few more bunker upgrades with my Warmind Bits and inch closer to Rank 3 so that I can get this bunker quest back on track.

I ran a lot of Vanguard Strikes and finished the Shader part of the Vanguard Seasonal Cosmetic quest.  Next up is a shit ton of Arc kills and more boss killing for the emblem.  I also won a Control match and was top killer.  SUROS Regime FTW.  I think I am halfway through the Kill Guardians With Auto-Rifles part of the Tommy catalyst thingie and am chipping away at the Crucible Seasonal Cosmetic quest. 

I am dreading having to go into Survival to chase HC kills with Crimson for the Luna quest.  The auto-rifle meta is fucking strong and some people are getting really good with Hard Light's ricochet rounds in PvP.  You need to check your corners before going through a chokepoint or a corridor.

There is also a glitch in the database.  I got the new exotic Hunter chest piece from an engram, but I couldn't equip it because I'm not supposed to have it yet.  I could, however, infuse it into my Seraph chest piece, so I am inching ever so much closer to 985.  There was no sense in keeping it since I couldn't wear it and I think I'm supposed to get it as my reward for the end of the bunker questline anyway.

I've got my kid this weekend so if I manage to go test the waters in Trials, it probably won't be until Sunday night.  It may be a Redbox weekend since nearly all of the local events scheduled for the weekend have been cancelled EXCEPT for Shamrock The Block and I can't take my kid out to an event where there is drinking involved.

She doesn't have her license yet, so she can't be the designated driver that gets me home after I get tore down.

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I still even gotten Rank 1 yet

But I also haven't been able to play a lot. I mean I haven't even got to 970 yet

Part of that is because I haven't gotten to play a ton of Crucible yet. Such an easy source of better gear.

I did get another Tower clear in

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1 hour ago, RIPPA said:

I still even gotten Rank 1 yet

But I also haven't been able to play a lot. I mean I haven't even got to 970 yet

Part of that is because I haven't gotten to play a ton of Crucible yet. Such an easy source of better gear.

I did get another Tower clear in

I got in two clears last night.  Things get easier once players are able to summon Javelins and fabricate Heavy Frames to help with add control.

It will get to the point where Seraph Towers is like EP and players will join fireteams and game the system so that they're all in the same instance.

Then they'll take over the zone to grind the event.

The thing is that you should be clearing your bunker daily and then buy and complete the Warmind Bounties.  THEN, you can go to the Seraph Towers events and grind out the encounters so that you can snag gear from the big reward loot chest by spending your Encrypted Warmind coin thingies once (if?) you get a successful clear.

I hope you like the Dreaming City since its the best place to knock out any of the bounties where you have to deal with Taken.  There are alternative PvP ways to complete Warmind Bounties, but they force you to use weapons that will probably get you killed.  Take the PvE options.

Oh, and you can complete the various Participate In PE's vendor bounty by doing Seraph Towers but it only counts if you get a successful clear.  If you're looking to knock that bounty out fast, you need to do normal PEs on that planet.

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I have been doing the bunker and bounties - just haven't really had to time grind the tower.

Last night was the first time I had a Tower were - in fact - people summoned Javelins and the Heavy Frames

I was ill-prepared the first time the Heavy Frame showed up and I was like HOLY FUCK! WHAT NEW ENEMY IS THIS?!?!?! and definitely started trying to shoot it

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1 hour ago, RIPPA said:

I have been doing the bunker and bounties - just haven't really had to time grind the tower.

Last night was the first time I had a Tower were - in fact - people summoned Javelins and the Heavy Frames

I was ill-prepared the first time the Heavy Frame showed up and I was like HOLY FUCK! WHAT NEW ENEMY IS THIS?!?!?! and definitely started trying to shoot it

I think a couple of people started shooting at one of my Heavy Frames last night.  I thought that they were able to blow it up, but the frame self destructs after a certain period of time.

The Valkryie is good for clearing groups of trash adds, but the Heavy Frames help deal with the boss level yellow bars.  I'm going to buy the perk that allows me to summon them in Legendary Lost Sectors the next time I have enough widgets.

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5 hours ago, J.T. said:

There is also a glitch in the database.  I got the new exotic Hunter chest piece from an engram, but I couldn't equip it because I'm not supposed to have it yet.  I could, however, infuse it into my Seraph chest piece, so I am inching ever so much closer to 985.  There was no sense in keeping it since I couldn't wear it and I think I'm supposed to get it as my reward for the end of the bunker questline anyway.

Nah, the exotic armors are regular drops. I forgot the specific exploit, but Raiju's Harness has already been banned while they try fix it.


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With Trials of Osiris, Destiny 2’s ultimate test of player versus player skill, just about to launch, Bungie has taken steps to deal with one prominent issue that could have proven to be game-breaking. Raiju’s Harness, one of the new Exotics that was introduced in the Season of the Worthy, has been disabled. 

A bug with the Exotic meant that anyone who had gotten it as a drop could glitch their way to effective immortality, not what you need in a multiplayer mode where every death counts.

The issue lies with the Mobius Conduit perk. This perk reduces how much super energy is consumed by the Whirlwind Guard super, and also allows players to deactivate the super to save energy. It doesn’t sound like anything could go wrong there, but bugs will find a way. When you cancel the super, it doesn’t stop the Whirlwind Guard effect, and any damage that comes from the front of the player is nullified. This means you can super, cancel the super, and maintain the protective Whirlwind Guard until someone gets behind you and manages to take you out.


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Yeah, that needs to be fixed.  Hunter mains have a bad enough rep as it is.

It figures that the exotic for Hunters this season would be for the sub-class that practically no one plays in PvP.

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As per usual - whenever there is any sort of Crucible win condition on quests I can’t get them

I am on a 15 match losing streak across all forms of game types 

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Apparently the Whisper and Outbreak missions got bugged with the last update in everyone’s favor

Enemies are taking like 4 times the damage so you can easily blow through them. Really the only challenge is the platforming 

Both Khackis and Esoterickk posted videos showing it

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Was wondering why i saw an uptick in people wanting teams for Whisper and Outbreak on reddit. That explains it. Pity I can't platform worth a damn. Otherwise I might have tried them. I probably wouldn't even use Whisper since I'm not a big sniper fan. I just like to have the weapons.

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3 hours ago, RIPPA said:

Apparently the Whisper and Outbreak missions got bugged with the last update in everyone’s favor

Enemies are taking like 4 times the damage so you can easily blow through them. Really the only challenge is the platforming 

Both Khackis and Esoterickk posted videos showing it

The combat is arguably the most time consuming part of Zero Hour since it takes time away from the platform run, so maybe it's time for me to get gud and learn the route and finally get this fucking quest out of my queue?

I played zero Trials over the weekend, but saw the emblem for flawless runs on a few people here and there.  Honestly, I'm more interested in the bunker grind, but it is rather time consuming especially when the bounties for extra widgets make you travel all over hell and breakfast.

Kill Powerful Scorn OR Defeat Guardians With A Sword.  Kill a Fallen Boss OR Defeat Guardians With a Fusion Rifle, Play Gambit OR Play Crucible Rotator 4x4.  

I usually chose the PvE or Gambit option since I don't want to get shredded by the auto-rifle meta while trying to force kills with weapons I don't normally use in the Crucible.  By the time I'm done doing God knows what for Rasputin's bounties, it's time to go to bed.

After one week of grinding, I only have the EDZ bunker up to Rank 5, but I've run the table on the EDZ Legendary Lost Sectors and also had a completion where I didn't die.  Two Almighty triumph seal dealies under my belt.  I've yet to get a Seraph auto-rifle bounty reward weapon that didn't have a Hunter unfriendly perk like Underdog or Pulse Monitor and that's probably on purpose.  More perks for those weapons will undoubtedly unlock as I get more rewards from the Seasons ladder.

On the plus side, I now have a Spare Rations roll with Rapid Hit / Moving Target and I also have a Dire Promise with Overload / Rangefinder (I put Targeting Adjusters on both weapons), so now I'm debating which Hand Cannon I should use in Survival to grind the Luna's Howl quest. 

I was thinking about using Crimson, but it would be nice to have a dependable Legendary HC to use for the Luna's quest so that I could take The Colony into Survival and chip away at the Mountaintop triumph as I got the opportunity to grab Heavy.

There are players out there that are already over 1K LL.  I'll try to play some Trials next weekend so that I can get used to the mechanics.  I can hold my own in PvP in general, but I don't expect to do that well in a Trials scenario since there will 4 stacks out there from bigger clans that will be over 1K LL and fully embrace the new meta.

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Zero Hour is insanely easy

I mean Esoterickk is a freak and did it with I think it was 11 minutes remaining

Khackis did it super slow on purpose, using random weapons (to show how broken it was) and I think he did it with like 5 minutes left

Apparently they only one that ISN'T bugged is Heroic Whisper. That is why everyone knows it is a bug and not intentional by the devs (Since its 3 of the 4 missions instead of all 4)

Honestly I think - and hope - Bungie is gonna just say fuck it and leave it for awhile. Because lets be honest - in the current climate - people getting things they never thought they would would be a nice change

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1 hour ago, J.T. said:

I played zero Trials over the weekend, but saw the emblem for flawless runs on a few people here and there.  Honestly, I'm more interested in the bunker grind, but it is rather time consuming especially when the bounties for extra widgets make you travel all over hell and breakfast.

Datto said it took his team about 4 - 5 hours to get their first flawless run in. Khackis did a flawless run with all three of his characters in about 10 hours.

It was amazing how many... frankly... bad teams they run up against. 


There are players out there that are already over 1K LL. 

This is the part that killed me in Datto's video. His team were all like 998/999. They are flying in for their 7th win that would get them flawless and they are joking "This team is gonna suck. We are gonna get it" and then the player info screen pops and all three guys on the other team are at 1010

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If it were me, I'd just leave Whisper and Zero Hour broken and give players a free pass, at least for the initial run.  

Outbreak has been sitting in my queue since I got it and I know I'm not the only player in that situation. 

I've always been of the opinion that they should've just turned the clock off of the maiden runs to acquire the weapons once they took the time gates off of the quests and just let players complete it at their own pace. Keep the timer with the Heroic versions running because it's Heroic.

The added challenge should only come when you're going after the catalysts since the catalysts are what makes those weapons really shine.

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6 hours ago, RIPPA said:

It was amazing how many... frankly... bad teams they run up against. 

Eh.  I think that Kackis plays on PS which has a notoriously bad PvP culture.  It's been my experience that the abundance of shooters on Xbox tends to make the Xbox and PC players much better when it comes to PvP games. Unbroken players on D2 are no fucking joke.

Datto, OTOH, rolls with god tier PvP players / YouTube streamers like CammyCakes, Leopard, and Azteccross so I'm not surprised he'd go Flawless so quickly. 

It also would not surprise me if some of the teams they were up against threw their matches.  I saw the video of Fallout Plays carrying the pre-teen kid to Legend Glory and some of those enemy teams were just fucking off and weren't trying all that hard.  

I'm sure that live chats were initiated and words exchanged to let the kid win.

6 hours ago, RIPPA said:

This is the part that killed me in Datto's video. His team were all like 998/999. They are flying in for their 7th win that would get them flawless and they are joking "This team is gonna suck. We are gonna get it" and then the player info screen pops and all three guys on the other team are at 1010

And then there are the teams that don't give a flying fuck who you are and are there to kick ass and chew bubble gum..

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I will say with Datto - it seems more likely they were getting teams put together via LFG who were not on mics.

It was obvious when they were playing a coordinated team because there was some amazingly tense matches. His boy Leopard has TWO of the most clutch Thunderclashes ever - including the one that got them the Flawless.

Speaking of CammyCakes - Datto mentioned during his stream that he played against Cammy and everyone was HOW DID IT GO?!?!?! and Datto goes "How do you think it would go against Cammy? (aka he got slaughtered)

The whole video is fun for a variety of reasons


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