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Once you get the hang of it, and have access to the Spectre assault rifle, thresher maws are fantastically easy to kill with the old FPS trick of run in a circle and shoot the thing in the middle.  That approach is much easier to me than trying to use the Mako.

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Fire the main gun in first person mode (tight aim using left trigger IIRC) against enemies that are on foot and on third person (the default) against large targets.  You will be far more accurate.

I keep using the first person mode for nearly all of my firing. I'm not sure why it didn't hit me to leave it alone on larger targets.


Also use your motion sensors and exploit distance.   The main gun seems to have a range of a billion miles.  If there are guys on foot near an enemy base, I sit the Mako out a good distance and just pound the vicinity near the red dots until the shooting stops.

This hasn't worked out for me well so far, but its probably a position issue more than anything else.


The other key with the Mako is either parking on a hill so you can shoot things and they cant hit you back (especially helpful for turrets)


Also learning how to use the thrusters to "hop" over missiles is your friend

I've tried that, it hasn't worked out so well. The hopping over fire things works decent enough.



My recent strategy has been to take out the big guys either first or last depending on position while taking out smaller targets on foot with a pistol and marksman (I really need to pump some points into the sniper rifle).

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Kasumi is pretty rad but her ShadowStrike can give you heartburn sometimes.  If you don't watch her cooldown, she will go invis in preference to other attacks, which sucks if you are facing enemies with kinetic barriers that she could be using Overload on.


Also, she has a habit of not going back into cover after she ShadowStrikes so when you are playing her Loyalty Mission, you are constantly repositioning her back behind something solid so that she doesn't get her ass shot off by YMIR Mechs.


I think the collection you have has the Alternate Appearance Packs.  Garrus's ME2 re-skin is actually pretty awesome.

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Unsporting% is now back up to 60%! 


Apparently Xianghua2 does not like it when she dies surrounded by Phantoms because she doesn't use Ops-Survival Packs to heal herself while she's still standing, bleeds out because she refuses to use her medigel to revive herself, and you don't feel like endangering the entire squad or the mission trying to rescue her.


Then she sends you nasty PMs (Me?  A fascist?) and doesn't take kindly to being told that she shoots like shit and should play something turn based since she can't hit the broad side of a barn with a bass drum. 

She has a Chinese gamertag but origin country for her profile says Switzerland.  I am thinking blonde Sinophile that has seen Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger one too many times..  Have some cocoa and STFU...


The only person from Switzerland that loves me is Antonio Cesaro. :(


Why is it that the ladies that play GTA:Online are far more friendly, approachable, and likeable than the ones that play Mass Effect 3?

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I think I logged on just at Rippa gave up for the night.  What a long fucking day yesterday was.


Tried to get some progress in my medals but the rooms were full of people doing dumb things.   In one room I was in, there was some asshole kid deliberately failing missions and in another room, no one revived anyone or used any consumables.


I got fed up and fired up my GTA5 playthough V.2.

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Yeah - I got like three games in and then decided to flip on the game and walk the dog since the only person online was melraz.


I have been running into more and more rooms of people not helping and not using consumables. I can't quite put my finger on why.


Now some of that is because I am definitely running into more and more new/haven't played a lot players. Like people whose N7 ratings are under 100. So in those cases it could just be they don't have consumables to use.


But I do know that there was a LARGE batch of people on the bioware boards who are all YOU HAVE TO PROVE TO ME THAT I WILL REVIVE YOU!!! or ones who are actively proud of the fact that they don't revive people. Those people can go fuck themselves

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I think the final straw was when I tried to get some waves in for my Volus Vanguard.   We were on the Firebase Hydra map fighting Geth and two out of the four squad members were exploiting the glitch and camping on top of one of the ledges near the Sluice Gate.  Lucky for us that Wave 3 was Targets.


When they stayed up there during Challenge Round 6 called for disarming devices, I knew that I wasn't going to go disarm anything or use any medigel if I got put down.    The other player (God bless him) was an Infiltrator that was determined to make some money. He took care of the devices while I ran interferance.   We got Targets again on Wave 10, but I didn't use any missiles taking them out.


We only got a Partial Extraction because our dumbass squadmates got themselves stuck in the glitch and freed themselves just in time for the counter to go to 0:00.   AVOID LIST APPROVED~!

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But I do know that there was a LARGE batch of people on the bioware boards who are all YOU HAVE TO PROVE TO ME THAT I WILL REVIVE YOU!!! or ones who are actively proud of the fact that they don't revive people. Those people can go fuck themselves


Yeah, the Swiss player that made my Avoid List on Wednesday had an N7 rank of over 7K.   How do you not know to sort yourself out if you die in a dumb place?  I am the King of Rage Pops because I use Medigel almost immediately if I get laid out in a horrible spot. 


Players get angry at me because I use Medigel and don't wait for revives if I am being corpse camped by enemies.

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Guest The Magnificent 7

I loved Mass Effect 1 & 2, but when 3 came out I was all RPG'd out and believe it or not, still haven't played it. 


My Xbox 360 is busted and I'm waiting for my brother to send me his extra one whenever he gets around to it.  Meanwhile, we have a Wii U and I've been playing it since my 360 has been on the fritz when I used to ignore it in favor of my 360.  I kind of like the controller features I've read about / seen on the Wii U for ME3, and it's on Amazon for like 12.99.  Getting the hankering to jump back into the ME universe.


So before you tell me if I should wait or get the Wii U version consider these things...


I don't really remember much about my character other than I was a clear Paragon good guy.  Can't remember most of the decisions I made, but I still think it's cool if there are significant things that I did that affect the ME3 experience.  Significant being the key word there.


I think the comic thing that comes with the Wii U version where you make some decisions and there is a story refresher sounds pretty cool.


Does it make much of a difference if my character will be relatively underpowered compared to if I got the 360 version and my character transfers over to the new game?  I played as a Soldier I think with Sniper and pistols mostly.


Am I going to miss out on some cool ending that refers to something I did or should I just get the Wii U version?


Answers on a postcard please.

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Well... broke Top 1000 in Global Challenge Point rankings.


Of course it helps to get Resurgence, Reckoning, Machine and Collector in one day. (Not to mention the little things inside of them)


Plus I am at 99% on Cerberus and Reaper Mastery and need to do just one more thing for Outsider Mastery.


So if I get another big bounce up the rankings - I will probably keep grinding.


Funnily enough - I think my wife wants to see what happens in Destiny so I get the approval to get that (and find hard drive space), my ME3 days might finally come to an end.

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Holy crap, dude.   Save some room on the Leaderboard for the rest of us.


I am going to get 200 waves in with this goddamned Volus Vanguard and then that will be it for me.   I will have gotten every medal available that I care about.


Map Mastery and Solo Mastery can kiss my ass.


Find some HDD space and give me a head's up when you start playing Destiny.

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IF I get Destiny - it wont be until next at the earliest since I need to wait to get paid again.


I am going to have to go cold turkey on dumping ME3 since as long as it is physically in my 360 I am too lazy to change games.


So many other things to play...

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I have no idea why people find that so awesome.   Metagaming is dumb.


Shepard is a soldier at war.  Wars are won by shooting as many bullets as possible into your enemies until they stop fighting. Use your fucking guns.


Perhaps I feel this way because I am a DoD civillian that prepares real life Soldiers for combat and not some silly string theorist gamer type looking to apply unwanted difficulty via constraints not found in the game model?

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So I finished Noveria earlier this morning, am a full Paragon, and am around level 49 and trying to do the last of side quests I have available at the moment (Sigma-23, Besieged Base)  before heading to Virmire. The side quests have been kind of tedious as its a lot of reused maps and potentially interesting stories that don't seem to go anywhere yet (I assume in the case of Cerberus its because of the sequels). I did enjoy the Bring Down the Sky DLC, and I love the actual main quest missions though Feros and Noveria left me wanting to set all the corporations in the game on fire. The Benezia fight was easier than I expected. I kind of loath the Rachni yet at the same time I enjoy fighting them much more than anything else in the game. I can only assume its the Starship Troopers fan in me. Anyways so far I'm really enjoying this game, probably a bit more than I expected honestly. Hopefully the last bits deliver for me.

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Finish Mass Effect. Wrex survived, saved Ashley, saved the Council, nominated Anderson for the council position. Virmire, Ilos, and the final mission to save the Citadel all had a nice big movie epic feeling to them. I was pretty satisfied with Saren's ending (suicide route) as well though husk Saren was pretty damn creepy and annoying. I very much enjoyed it overall.


Not sure if I will continue onto 2 or take break and play something else. Anything I should know or just general tips before I do start 2?

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