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SummerSlam XXVIII

Dolfan in NYC

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Still not a good wrestler, or something.


There are plenty of bad wrestlers in WWE, or even dudes you would say are not good at wrestling, Rollins, and Reigns to a lesser extent, are not in that group. If your personal feeling is that you don't find them to be good at wrestling because your personal preference is something other than what they bring, then fine. People like blood sausage too.


Once we hate them, we have to continue to hate them.  It's in the wrestling fan bylaws. So they tell me.

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I don't quite think your point is fair, G2S. Neville got tons of praise here for developing into a very good big match worker, particularly in the back half of his NXT title run. AJ gets lavish praise here and PWO and places like that.

I respect where you and Burgundy are coming from, but ultimately, I think it's a somewhat dismissive way to approach this type of criticism. "Once hated, always hated" is not true here and in Rollins's case specifically, you can check the archives and see that he was basically universally loved as a member of the Shield.

I am typing on my phone now, so I will respond later in more detail to Rollins having good facial expressions or him being the best Shield member right now (I think it is Reigns, but that is a very low bar to clear IMO).

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Tossing in my opinion in the running.


Rollins is a really really good pro wrestler, specifically as a babyface. He's significantly less interesting as a heel. And he's a pretty fucking terrible promo. He's Jeff Hardy with the drug problems changed to a cross fit addiction. 


Also, the idea Reigns isn't very good is silly as shit. 

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I was being flippant in regards to the attitude held against Reigns, but the point really can be used for any wrestler.  People improve, evolve, develop new characterstics as performers.  To base a continuing opinon of anyone without taking improvement into account is short-sighted.  That's not saying you have to like them--just respect their efforts and not kick them for the sake of it.

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I respect where you and Burgundy are coming from, but ultimately, I think it's a somewhat dismissive way to approach thus type of criticism. "Once hated, always hated" is not true here and in Rollins's case specifically, you can check the archives and see that he was basically universally loved as a member of the Shield.


I seem to remember the consensus being that the stable as a whole was great but Rollins would be the least successful singles guy if/when they split because Ambrose had mic skills and Roman had *the look.* The fact that his WWE run has been as great as it has when he's been a heel for 95% of it is what really makes him stand out to me. A truly limited worker wouldn't have the production he does  being booked against his strengths.

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Rollins is hit and miss for me. I think it comes down to if it's a 15 minute or less match I'll like it, and if it goes much longer than that I won't. Promo wise he comes of as a generic dude reading scripted lines.

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Who is better at promos? Ziggler or Rollins? I would have to go with Rollins as there is at least some type of heat with his promos and they aren't as frustating as listening to Ziggler go on about 'stealing the show' regardless of the circumstances. The biggest detractor for Rollins mic work has been the situations he had to work under. The Raw before SummerSlam, John Cena just pretty much cut off his balls. This past week Rollins was trying his best to get himself over...only for Stephanie to come out and cut off his balls. I'm not going to sit here and pretend that Rollins is Piper, Hogan, Flair, or The Rock- and I am not even going to go as far as pretending that any of his promos are worth revisiting, but they come off sincere. Ziggler reminds me a lot of Morrison. When the bell rings people care, but once the mic is in his hand its like people zone out. Ziggler gets a lot of polite applause during his promos because people like him enough not to turn on him, but if his workrate (yeah I know! ) goes to shit...well...yeah...


Both guys are forgiven (and even in some cases looked over) in the promo department because they bring it in the ring. I honestly believe that once Seth goes face he will totally have the Jeff Hardy laid-back-but-real promo style that will bring him more favor.

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I still reject the notion that Ziggler is bad. Stale is different than bad. Rollins doesn't do it for me, but I probably put less stock in movez than just about anyone here. I don't think he's a good promo, but that has as much to do with his voice as it does his delivery.

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When he paces himself, Rollins is a great second-half promo.  On the last Smackdown, he did a good job of laying into Sting.  His words had heat.  The problem is that the first half was a chore to listen to.  It was poorly scripted and that's not on him, but he did nothing to push things along.


It doesn't help that usually, the longer Rollins talks, the more tongue-tied he tends to get.  He also screams a lot and risks losing his voice during long promos.  And he tends to emphasize the wrong syllables in trying to make his point.


Long story short, Rollins is an OK promo--nothing special.

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