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Matt D

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Everything posted by Matt D

  1. Even Homer punched out Burns eventually. There should be some fan art of Homer stunning Burns.
  2. Styles was preaching to his audience and was fairly successful in doing so. It's just that all of us were that annoying at the time.
  3. To me, the biggest part of the attitude era was the idea that something was going to HAPPEN on each show to move along a story or many stories. Part of that was "Who's going to join the NWO next?" or "Who's going to jump from one company to another?" or later on into 99 "Who is the Higher Power?" etc. That sort of thing. It's not something that will work forever. Eventually at that pace there'll be burn out and desensitizing and things stop meaning as much. The flip side is that I feel almost every PPV now is built up in the same way and there are rarely secrets or surprises or actual drama with payoff. If they could find a better middle ground and more fully utilize the live TV aspect of things, they'd be better off.
  4. John Williams is officially doing the music for the next trilogy and there's a bunch of concept art out for the new animated series.
  5. Someone should start using the Jumping Cradle Powerslam Side Slam in wrestling.
  6. Twin magic would be a great way to steal a bus.
  7. Given the age of Han & Leia a 10 year old daughter in these movies would be a pretty hard sell. Now if you establish Jaina and Jacen then JT has a really good idea. I didn't necessarily mean that the character had to be 10, just that she'd appeal to the ten year olds. That said, maybe they'd want to go with a ten year old character that has nothing to do with any preexisting ones more than with Jaina or Jacen. That's kind of my point.
  8. i'd never heard the story about how Razor got his name before. That's great.
  9. If the new Solo daughter is a marketable disney princess that appeals to 10 year old girls?
  10. My personal feeling on adapted characters is that I'd rather not see a character I like used if I don't think they're going to use them how I want. Do you think just including the idea of some of these characters will make the fanbase happy or will it just piss them off more if they're not how they want?
  11. George R. R. Martin wanted to do a Doctor Strange story. His only major term was that it would be canon forever and no one could ever, ever change or undo it. Marvel said no. Having a) that in the path of their ability to tell stories and setting that precedent for future writers wasn't worth it to them for one project, no matter what that project was.
  12. When you do work for hire, you either realize that you don't own the properties and they could be changed at a moment's notice, or you're an idiot.
  13. I do kind of love the old stories of her partying with Monty Python in England during the filming but yeah. Granted, then there's how Ford is on talk shows.
  14. It wasn't poorly executed and they played their roles well but it really wasn't what the fans wanted and instead of escalating things like with, let's say Rock at Survivor Series 1998, it just pulled it all down.
  15. I felt like he had a lot of momentum coming out of Edge's retirement a few years ago and they really squandered that by having Orton go over him immediately and the heel turn. Right now, I don't think he has the momentum but they've been building him up with wins, at least. The fact of the matter is that his big moment was a few years ago and they just wasted it. That said, he's good, and he can do ADR some good by putting him over.
  16. Did the Greedo uproar cost them a cent? Also, if they have to make that many allowances, adaptation may be harder than going original. They can and should look at what worked and what didn't work on some narrative level. I don't know. it's a hard balance to hit. There will be people in the fanbase that will be pissed if they do adapt something and then don't do it the way they wanted.
  17. I tried yamato with the boy and he couldn't quite go for it even though he was able to do Mobile suit Gundam and Macross without any problem. Maybe we'll try Yamato 2199
  18. So that's what they're building christian up for. I am definitely in the "not compning" boat.
  19. i kind of want to get into it again, but from a more practical standpoint. If there was some way to go back in time and do the Thrawn trilogy with the original actors when they were close to the right age, great. That ship has sailed. Right now Mark Hamill is 61. Harrison Ford is 71. And hard living has made Carrie Fisher somewhere around 124. Basically, it's impossible to lay the groundwork to establish a lot of the EU elements that you'd want in a movie set thirty years after Jedi. Yes, you have to establish those years somehow, but given all the twists and turns in the EU, I think a more streamlined version made to serve the movie itself makes far, far more sense than trying to make the movie serve decades of stories that only touch a small percentage of the audience, the sort that'll come no matter what. Cornette's hardcores. There's very little gain narratively in appealing to them as opposed to a broader base in this situation. Toss them some cameos and in-jokes that won't hurt the story. Maybe if some character really makes sense, toss them in, but these are characters that were built organically over the years through the EU novels and the movie won't have that time to go back and explain them to a new audience in a movie. It would make more sense to start fresh with something that serves the story that they're telling now and that can be introduced through more traditional narrative means. On a cost/benefit level, I just don't think it makes sense even if I get why people who have emotionally invested themselves into these novels want it to make sense.
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