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Cliff Hanger

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Everything posted by Cliff Hanger

  1. Up through issue 21 of DD thanks to Marvel Unlimited. (Glad I didn't jump on them the day they went to $1.99 on Comixology like I almost did). At this point I'll probably start catching up one issue a week, though that won't start til next Wed. due to a heavy buy on the 7th. (Avengers, AvAI, Invincible Universe and Robo all at once.)
  2. August 2013's marquee title is HITMAN: ABSOLUTION, with BIT TRIP PRESENTS RUNNER2: FUTURE LEGEND OF RHYTHM ALIEN and STAR WARS PINBALL being the other PS3 games. The PSP game for the month is DARKSTALKERS CHRONICLE and we're also getting the Vita version of MACHINARIUM (which was previously a PS3 game). Today is your last day for BATTLEFIELD 3, with LABYRINTH LEGENDS exiting next week, GODS EATER BURST and MALICIOUS on 8/20 and DOKURO expiring at the end of the month.
  3. Haven't bought it yet. The fact that it came out in '11 and hasn't been revised or re-issued worries me though.
  4. Late 80s Ramones get a decent amount of hate for being "not punk" and too poppy, and those are fair accusations. But "Something to Believe In" is such an unimpeachbly great song it doesn't matter.
  5. Invincible is one of my very favorites, but I think Kirkman's bait-and-switch in the first year makes it difficult to get new people into. I don't know how many times I've had to tell people who gave up after #6 "If you haven't met the Guardians of the Globe yet, you haven't seen the 'real' story."
  6. It does my heary good to see so many Robovangelists.
  7. Crackdown does a lot of things that other games did better (superpowered urban exploration, gun combat, driving/car combat), but nobody else did them all at once.
  8. Surely itll have more than 16 songs. Also, obligatory "hooray for Stan getting paid" comment. Too bad itll be yet another re recording or at best the version from In This Life.
  9. Probably at the request of Bolland, who hates the coloring in the original version and redid it all himself for the definitive edition. Or else they just realized it was dumb to have TKJ in a $25 omnibus while they were selling it by itself for $20.
  10. I'm just hoping someone snips out the Anthony Weiner song and posts it to YouTube so it has time to go viral before Dragoncon.
  11. If Welker ever comes out of seclusion to talk about his career, I will eat...something improbable. I don't know what yet.
  12. So I started watching this Sunday, and am up through "Christmas Scandal." I'm having a great deal of fun, and Ron is my new role model for as long as I work for the government...
  13. Finally getting 'round to the second half of EMH season 2. My feelings are mixed; I really think it's not a bad show, it just suffers in comparison with what came before. I certainly think the dictate for done-in-one stories hurt it; someone said on the old board that the Yellowjacket story should have been spread over two or three eps' worth of subplot before becoming the main focus (and no doubt it would've if Loeb hadn't come in) but I don't think there's anything genuinely weak about these particular episodic stories. They're actually pretty good, just not what we were trained to expect. (Granted, I'm only up as far as "Emperor Stark" so if it goes to shit thereafter I don't know yet.)
  14. Pretty disappointed to see that Flashback HD is part of XBLA Summer of Arcade. Fie upon your timed exclusivity.
  15. There were actually two half length seasons of the CBS show. The line is pretty clearly drawn when the Barry/Tina romance gets back burner end and the Trickster shows up and they stop trying to pass off the Dark Riders as a threat.
  16. Re: Zero Didn't it eventually come out that the original PS2 release had a bug that made Zero's biplane burn a lot more fuel than it was supposed to, that was fixed for the Xbox and PC releases?
  17. The last hour of Infinite will explain everything.I really need to finish that novel; I was a fan of Shirley's pre Gibson cyber stuff.
  18. Amber Nash (Pam) and Lucky Yates (Krieger) are confirmed for Dragoncon. Amber was great last year at the voiceover panel with Rob Paulsen and Billy West. I'm kind of disappointed that Adam never does the show since it's local to him, but I guess he's a busy guy these days.
  19. First and more important, HUGE congratulations to Doktor Control. I think the intimidation is a product of a couple of different things. First, my visual impairment tends to make me very shy around large devices that can conceivably injure me badly if I use it improperly. Second, the drastic increase in time commitment. I've done pretty well spending 30 minutes on a stair climber five days a week, but weight training is going to require more time and more work and I'm kind of afraid of trying and fucking it up in such a way that I stop dropping weight and don't get any muscle gain either. As for what I'm trying to accomplish, I just want to put on a little bit more lean mass so that as the flab vanishes I don't wind up with saggy empty flesh.
  20. So a few months back I was posting occasional updates on my attempt to lose weight. I'm now down to 231.6 this morning, down from a start of 260 in March. My original goal was 225 by the end of the year, but I didn't actually think I would get there in this short a time. I think it's probably time to shift exercise away from 100% cardio and more toward a mix of that and strength building, but I remain thoroughly intimidated by the weight machines in my complex gym and can't currently afford to go to a proper place with trainers and shit.
  21. Yeah, KFS is still there but I haven't been. I wanted to try their "league play classic gaming" nights last winter but couldn't commit to being there every Monday. I'll make it there eventually, but until recently Recess was free so even though the games were in shit repair (when they turned off free play they started replacing sticks and monitors that had long needed it) I wasn't gonna be able to convince any of my friends to venture further west.
  22. I assumed he was talking about that obscenely difficult last fight in Story Mode, where you play as Raiden. I think it took me about an hour and a half to do the first time, but only two or three tries on the Vita version.
  23. Needed some low-attention TV while I work on other stuff, so I've been going through random first season eps of SNL. "Garrett Morris Visits the CIA" and the landshark bits are still about as amazing as I remember. Holy shit are those Muppet bits bad. Also finally watched the first couple eps of Parks and Rec. Everyone says it doesn't really go over the wall until season two; so far it's been enjoyable but not blowaway. ETA: I like this Swanson guy. We have a similar outlook on being a civil servant.
  24. I've heard a lot of people say that the movie made them really dislike Jonathan Blow; hadn't heard about Fez Guy coming off poorly as well.
  25. How did I manage to miss Rose of Versailles landing on Hulu and Crunchyroll?
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