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Everything posted by WholeFnMachine

  1. Have the Giants ever played on Thanksgiving? I cannot remember them ever doing so.
  2. I think I need J.T. to counsel me, the man has his shit so clearly together.
  3. The Krypton trailer leaked and it looks pretty boss. http://www.cbr.com/krypton-pilot-footage-leaks/?utm_source=CBR-TW&utm_medium=Social-Distribution&utm_campaign=CBR-TW&view=list
  4. Finally finished 13 Reasons Why this morning, while I think there are aspects that are certainly problematic, I also think it was well written, very well acted, and a good place to open up discussions about some difficult topics. Definitely worth your time.
  5. SHINE saved my life more times than I can count, that song is peak ROLLINS BAND.
  6. So jealous, I wish my library was on Hoopla!
  7. Doug Weight is now the official head coach of the Isles https://www.nhl.com/islanders/news/weight-named-head-coach/c-288697038
  8. The little one is now obsessed with Sing, particularly Taron Egerton's cover of I'm Still Standing. It's a fun flick, good voice acting, great animation, and pretty fun song selection.
  9. I have not, but you bet your ass I just added it to my Netflix list.
  10. It felt extremely uneven to me as well, King really hits his stride in the next arc though and his Batman has continued to improve.
  11. Being a huge Rollins fan I loved the shit out of this film, he was so fun in it, interesting reveal towards the end too.
  12. I just started watching myself, as the father of an 18 year old girl of above average intelligence, I can say that much of the dialogue is not realistic. Come on @Tabe, what teenagers do you know that are as witty and slick as Hannah? My wife plowed through the show in days though and I am digging it, though not nearly as much as she did, hoping it picks up as you say it does.
  13. Is it weird that I would be OK with Weight staying on as head coach as long as Snow is fired?
  14. http://mmajunkie.com/2017/04/nysac-executive-director-clarifies-rule-that-allowed-daniel-cormier-second-weigh-in-attempt-at-ufc-210?utm_source=fb-NYSACONCORMIERWEIGHIN&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=facebook
  15. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C8vJ8weWsAAnkCO.jpg:large
  16. He was my daughter's favorite player when he was on the Isles, I was a fan as well. I hope that he makes a full recovery from whatever illness he is suffering from.
  17. I'm a graduate with high honors of the Institute of Culinary Education's Pastry & Baking Arts Program. I have my own business which I was forced to turn into a "hardly ever have time to take orders" side job because I just didn't have enough clients. I work as an office manager as a profession because bakers make $6-8 off the books in NY and my family life isn't really conducive to being a pastry chef in a restaurant. When I do bake I post photos on either my business page https://www.facebook.com/PutItInYourFace or my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/huntingforjoy/ feel free to enjoy!
  18. New Louis CK on Netflix! Haven't seen it yet, but thought folks should know. Has anyone watched the Chappelle specials yet?
  19. Yeah, I would watch the shit out of this, I was knee deep in the New Wave/Goth/Industrial scene in NYC.
  20. This looks interesting as well, http://batman-news.com/2017/04/03/first-details-the-war-of-jokes-and-riddles/
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