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Everything posted by Eivion

  1. Am I the only one who prefers the original clownish Harley much more than the Arkham games/New 52 version? I just don't think that's a character who works better with a darker-&-grittier reboot. She amuses me way more as the goofy klutz who pals around with Ivy when she's not being ignored and mistreated by Mistah Jay, than she ever does as a gothed-out ultraviolent sexed-up thing which looks like its character was designed back in the darkest days of the 90s. Your not alone in this though to be fair the Arkham version is still pretty damn far removed from the New 52 version.
  2. Say what now? Tell me more about this.
  3. Did not know that was even the Honky Tonk Man's real name. That is pretty awesome. I have the same last name.
  4. Thought Nia Jax looked better in her match this week, especially with the outfit change. I hope that is the one she keeps. Loved the tag match. Gable & Jordan might be my favorite tag team in all of WWE at the moment. Joe/Breeze was good and possibly the best Joe has looked yet. I'm going to miss Breeze in NXT. Its disappointing that he is moving on to the main roster just as his ring work has really started catching up with his character
  5. So has anyone figured out what planet she was on yet?
  6. Flash was a solid episode in general, but King Shark in full form just made my day.
  7. The thing is he isn't a robot. He has his own thoughts & opinions and does give them out. He just has a blind trust of Orga and is a bit cold/blunt in general. As far as him killing the guy mid-sentence. I'm pretty sure he was just done listening to the dude's bs.
  8. Yeah then I'm pretty much much SOL on that until they decide to do an omnibus. I'm kind of surprised it hasn't happened already.
  9. So is the entirety of Waid's Flash run collected? I've been curious about it for a while now and am looking for what to read next after I finish Cable & Deadpool.
  10. Loved the fatal 4-way. Everyone got to look so damn good, and Seth really delivered on commentary.
  11. Del Rio was a disappointing opponent for Cena. The match wasn't bad, but I have no interest in him. Reigns/Wyatt was a disappointing, but kind of good still, just not the quite the match I wanted. Nikki/Charlotte was little sloppy but good. I think I liked it more than their first match. Charlotte's selling was great, and Nikki was vicious. Wasn't sure to expect with this, but it left me pleased. Seth/Kane started out ok but lost a lot of my interest when Rollins was on offense. It was still a better match than expected. Ryback/Owens was criminally short and disappointing, Taker/Brock delivered. I've never actually rooted for Brock in any of their matches, but with exception of WM 30 I always come out pretty satisfied with the matches themselves and this was no different. I loved the post match stuff with the Wyatts. I was never enthralled with the idea of Bray vs. Taker at WM, but at any other time with the Wyatt Family intact and stronger than ever its defintiely a feud I can get behind. I enjoyed the show overall, I was just hoping for something more.
  12. Batman and Robin The Hunt for Robin. The first two issues featuring teams up with Aquaman & Wonder Woman weren't so bad, but nothing terribly worthwhile either except the general joy I get of reading Ra's in David Warner's voice. From Nanda Parbat and beyond though this was pretty damn enjoyable. I loved seeing Bruce & Frankenstein actually team up, and I loved the general craziness of the battles involving parademons, yetis, ninjas, ninja Man-bats, And finally the Justice league themselves. It was all kind of ridiculous and just so much fun. On the dramatic side I liked seeing Bruce truly lose himself when facing off against Ra's, and I liked how Tomasi worked Bruce being at odds with the league. it was also nice to see him use this as a chance to repair the schism caused by Death of the Family. Honestly this has probably been the best the book has looked since the strong first arc with Nobody. The plot is good. The pacing was better than the usual. And there was a good mixture of drama and adventure once the story hit Nanda Parbat. Hopefully the conclusion of the story and series delivers.
  13. Is this a new pic or a pic from the short blink and miss it scene showed during the S1's finale? Either way this was kind of expected.
  14. Never read Alias, but that trailer has me just a little excited now.
  15. Those are some interesting results. They can't come to the network soon enough.
  16. I have too many to name. The only classic stuff I have really gone into are various Batman stories & parts of Claremont's X-men run.
  17. I wasn't particularly annoyed, but yeah, that was pretty damn ridiculous.
  18. Don't know much about Lash but that sounds plausible though somewhat less interesting than that I recall of him from the few issues I read of him.
  19. I wish Tyler had debuted on his own.
  20. I can see that though unlike Heero, Mizazuki isn't really showing a strong will or interest in anything. Its interesting too as its not like he has no opinions or thoughts of his own. He just doesn't seem particularly motivated outside of following Orga's orders.
  21. Ah, I got that feeling as well just from the premise and previews. The show has sort of pushed that down a bit these first episodes. I'm hoping it keeps that up as it would actually be nice for the obvious to not happen there with his character.
  22. Henry/Owens and Shields/Wyatts made Raw for me. I didn't necessary hate everything else, but most of it was sort of just there.
  23. Its one of the darker entries we've had in awhile, but bleak feels just a pinch strong. What is you suspect of Orga? There are some similarities in concepts, but I wouldn't say its much like 08th MS Team. I don't really find much of them to be dicks yet. You see I wouldn't have called him particularly likable or not a dick. He just wasn't as bad as the other soldiers attacking them. I sort of love how he died as it had a cut the bs feel.
  24. They confirmed Sony only thought to push for it because of the rumors that is was happening.
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