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Everything posted by Eivion

  1. Roman/Miz was good again. I think I liked this one even more than last week's match. Sasha/Asaka was great and kind of crazy with that missed/countered dive from Sasha and even Asuka throwing herself threw the ropes with her hip attack later. I think it was a mistake for this to not be the WM match, but I'm at least glad we got it. It does make me wonder though if this means we are getting Asuka vs. Charlotte for WM. Asuka has more or less gone through all the fresh matches she could have had save Absolution who are kind of dead in the water with Paige injured. Titus Worldwide vs. The Bar was good stuff. I'm glad the previous wins from Titus and Apollo actually gained them a title shot. That botched hurricanrana counter from Crews was scary, but it was pretty damn impressive how he just kept going. Cena/Finn was good though I'm a little surprised Cena went over. It was also a bit weird with the crowd actually getting to Cena.
  2. Probably not with the understanding smirk Seth gave Roman. It was actually kind of neat the way they played it off.
  3. Because people don't realize they are talking about an actual competitive sport and not just someone lounging around on a boat. They also fail to realize the pirate stuff isn't her actual gimmick like it was Paul Burchill, just the theme of her outfit. She couldn't understand how she got treated as a face when she was spouting the genetic superiority line.
  4. Its odd, I'm not sure how, but I kind of tune out a good 60% of the commentary to the point where even when it sucks it really doesn't bother me. For me Steph was actually fine for th emost part. She could have sounded a bit more excited, but she seemed to do fine.
  5. I mixed. Booker was terrible, but he was at least amusing with how much crap Corey and Cole would give him.
  6. Only just finished the show 15-20 mins. ago. I didn't pay much attention to Styles vs. Owens/Sami though it seemed like there were some neat moments. Usos vs. Shelton/Gable was good though the quick second fall was a bit weird. Seth/Jason vs. The Bar was good, but died a slow death crowd wise with its placement. Brock vs. Strowman vs. Kane was good stuff with all three guys just trying to wreck each other. I love that Braun was actually smart trying to destroy Brock with multiple slams before trying to pin. I also loved Brock being freaked out when Braun burst through the tables. Even now it feels like they could easily do Brock vs. Braun again with Braun being the only guy who seems to scare Brock somewhat. The Rumble matches were so damn good. The Men's Rumble last 10 minutes or so with old guard vs. new guard and then supermen vs. fan favorites was great stuff. I called Roman getting used again for the heel role, but I didn't think Cena would get used as well. The Women's Rumble was my MOTN. Loved all of the callbacks to old feuds and friendships. Trish, Jackie, Molly, and Beth all looked good-great despite having bee away for so long. Nia looked great as a monster. Loved Naomi getting the Kofi spot. Sasha going full heel by the end was awesome. Charlotte's WTF reaction to hr throwing out Bayley was perfect. I don't care about Rousey, but her coming out at the end was nice, especially with Asuka playing it smart and still keeping some attention on herself. I do wish Victoria was one of the surprises, but this really couldn't have gone much better. Can't believe how many matches this left me wanting to see. I do feel kind of sorry for Bliss though since she felt like a bit of an afterthought at the end. I called this being bs. Too many older talent in decent shape and who are a lot more recognizable. No that was more me, and I actually like Dana. That was still bs. I'm fond of both and still loved that. Nikki's beat down was a great setup for Brie's return. You could switch Asuka to vs. Sasha, Charlotte, or Rousey and I would be pretty pleased. Really there were nice match ups I would love to see WM or not. It was a receipt for the knee from Braun. No one got pissed at Brock for doing this two years ago to Strowman during the Rumble itself. In general there is also a certain amount of stiffness to expect from Brock matches as he does seem to want his stuff to be a bit more loose in terms of how much guys hold back. Sexy Star attacked and hurt someone who wasn't doing shit to her instead of the person who was stiffing her. That said, it was still a somewhat dick move on Brock's part though I'm guessing Strowman bothers him a bit more than others because of his size.
  7. When have they teased Bryan wrestling again?
  8. AoP vs. Fish/O'Reilly was pretty darn good and let the Authors lose while still being well protected. It was the first time Fish and O'Reilly really did something for me as well. Dream/Ohno was solid though there were definitely some off moments. Shayna/Ember was good. Shayna looked so damn great with that smile of hers. Hope we get a rematch at WM weekend where Shayna takes the belt. She can spend months torturing the division while Ember is hurt. I was kind of in and out of Dream/Cole. I'm not really a big fan of either. What I saw looked good enough, Almas/Gargano was fantastic, easily MOTN and a MOTYC. Offhand its definitely one of the best matches in NXT history. Vegas's interference was perfect and I loved the payoff with Candice gettign involved. They really made you think Johnny had it a couple of times. I'm pleased Ciampa attacked Gargano post match though it wasn't the slaughter it needed to be. This was a great show.
  9. Its a weekly Justice League event and is supposed to be somewhat related to Metal, dealing with dangerous multiverse villains that go beyond what they are used to seeing on Earth. The villain team up is actually supposed to be a suggestion from Braniac. I've not read Metal, but this has me kind of interested for Team Wonder alone. Can't say I care for Harley or Beast Boy being involved. The latter especially just feels so off and kind of lame with everyone else involved.
  10. In general I don't really see it happening, but the reaction would likely depend on when Asuka is eliminated and by who. I still feel Asuka even being in this is stupid. There is no good reason she shouldn't have already taken the belt off of Alexa or being doing it at the RR.
  11. It will go to Nakamura or Orton unless they plan to have Balor switch shows. Roman won't win it, but he will last a long while if only to rile up the crowd before someone tosses him out, maybe even at the very end. Baron has no chance. They keep doing every two steps forward one step back with him, and he isn't the guy they would normally give it to anyways unless he was super over or there were already far bigger main events planned. They will give AJ an opponent he can have something special with. If they hadn't screwed up and did Brock/Braun early Braun would have been the perfect guy. The Women's Rumble supposedly having NXT/PC talent taking up nearly a third of the spots just feels like bs. I still suspect we end up with less than that. I think we get Iconic Duo, Kairi, and maybe Ember & Shayna.
  12. Odd that she didn't debut at one of their owns shows or at least with a joshi promotion.
  13. Been catching up with 5-10 months of Star Wars comics the past two weeks. Phasma was short, but kind of redeemed her as decently badass with her going on a sometimes terminator-esque hunt to track down someone who discovered her betrayal. Its kind of a shame they didn't do more with her in the films. Poe Damaron continues to be solid. Soule seems to be trying to do a little more with the cast, and it does seem like we are getting closer to see the movie with with things back on track to hunting down the old man Poe was with at the beginning of TFA. It was nice to see Leia participate in a mission, especially having clearly learned tricks to hustle from Han. Doctor Aphra was fun. things have finally bitten her in ass with the release of the murder droids. It was especially amazing during the auction where Triple Zero managed to be the most creepy thing around despite a crazed Jedi robot sentience and Vader wrecking shit everywhere. The Screaming Citadel crossover was a bit disappointing. Not bad, but it really didn't tell you enough about the villain involved. Still decent enough, especially for the learning moments Luke gains spending time with Aphra. Star Wars was a little disappointing at first with Aaron's departure. He clearly didn't want to get caught in any big stories so everything post Screaming Citadel was a one-shot. All of them were good fun. Its just that you know Aaron can deliver more. Still Gillen is off to a good start with the Ashes of the Jeddha. Its an interesting follow up to Rogue One and Saw Guerrera's terrorist group.
  14. I really want Dream vs. Nakamura t a big PPV and for Dream to meet the Fasshion Plice. I feel like he would somehow end up a deity of sorts for Breezango. Dream/Gargano was good stuff as expected. I am sad though that Dream has nothing for Takeover after this and the awesome match with Black last Takeover. Hopefully he gets something good WM weekend.
  15. I'm not really too bothered about Steph on commentary. I honestly can't remember if she has done it before so I can play wait and see. Personally I wouldn't have mind if they gave Lita another shot. She was the better of the two between her and JR during the MYC, and I can see her working well enough if she had someone like Corey by her side.
  16. Eivion


    Odd, that didn't stop them from using Alicia
  17. I think it was my first exotic. I have rarely ever unequipped it outside of testing out other exotics for a few minutes before I decide I want my explosive rounds back. Its great for murdering thrall and Cabal dog swarms.
  18. I see a Himeki Arita debuted for AJPW today against Natsumi Maki. Did AJPW train her or is she from somewhere else?
  19. Yeah this is disappoints me somehow despite liking both.
  20. Eivion


    To be fair it wasn't from a lack of trying in Zabre's case.
  21. A lot of that feels like what we more or less already knew after they killed Andromeda's DLC which is basically that Anthem will decide if Bioware lives or dies.
  22. I believe it was. Honestly I like it as a finisher more than the Helluvakick. Together though they made the perfect finishing combo. Also why the hell isn't Fashion Files still coming on SDL anymore? That segment was so much more entertaining than 90% of the show, and that is from someone who liked the show.
  23. I dug the matches though the main event just made me all the more disappointed the RR match isn't just Sami vs. AJ.
  24. I do so enjoy Sami trying to corrupt Becky while Becky is tries to make Sami good again. How have the actual matches been so far? I've not checked them out yet.
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