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Just Dave

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Everything posted by Just Dave

  1. I've always thought season 5 of oz was really good w the o'reilly brothers stuff and dr. nathan. there was a lot of crap, but damn did dean winters earn his money that season.
  2. Can't find the clip, but the scene in STRANGERS ON A TRAIN where Robert Walker is watching Farley Graner play tennis...
  3. Thank Buddha Sam Holbrook won't be peddling his dogshit in Atlanta for this series. Can't believe we dodged Holbrook AND Bucknor. Every little bit helps...
  4. Now may not be the best time to bring this up, but for my advanced video projects class, I'm required to shoot a half hour to hour long pilot for a quiz show style game show. Is there anyone here in the Atlanta area who'd be up for a "Stump the Schwab" style wrestling quiz show?
  5. Damn. Thisclose. Gonna be a long year.
  6. Damn this is embarrassing. Matt Ryan isn't the problem. No one in football can win behind this offensive line. I could find four meatheads working the door at the Cheetah right now in Atlanta who could protect better than this...
  7. All right, Cubbies. For once in your existence, help someone out. Be pros & whip the Cards today...
  8. The Dark Knight: When that armored van driver takes off his mask and it's Gordon. If you're pissed about me spoiling this movie, then fuck you.
  9. Wade Barrett. Part of it is because it frustrates me that they don't give him more to do, and part of it is because as a guy who ranks at least an 8/10 in my "big 3" categories (look, mic skills, offensive sets), he's just so BLEH. Kofi was a good answer too. Sheamus, ADR, RVD, and Curtis Axel all fall in this for me. As far as Del Rio goes, if they're going to insist on putting the "Big Gold" on him long-term, why not use him to transition guys from tag teams/mid cards to the main event scene? Would anyone here complain about a three-month Titus O'Neil/ADR feud? Cody Rhodes? Big E. Langston?
  10. To add to his prestigious pedigree, he (Reigns), was also one of my lab group members in Organic Chem....
  11. Chicago's D powered me to a lead in my fantasy league. Gotta keep Julius Thomas under 17...
  12. Falcons left a lot of points on the field today.
  13. Georgia Tech scores 21 unanswered in a monsoon vs. the tarholes to go to 3-0. The Alma Mater,Ma Tech, is having a big start w Vad Lee at the helm. Big date w the Hokies in 5 days...
  14. Have they said they're not coming back? Did I miss it, because if that's it, we're gonna need a new "fuck you tv" thread, STAT....
  15. As for the War Games fantasy booking, I'd love a scenario where D-Bry, Cody, Ziggles and Miz need one more for their team after Big Show is forced to join the Corpolution, and Dusty comes out and begs to be the fifth man on their team, and to "seal it with a hug and a kiss" like that money-ass promo from 94 with Dustin. Then, the Shield takes out Dusty, so Daniel & Cody ask Dustin to join. Not Goldust, but Dustin, because Dustin's been in War Games before. Dustin gets all sad and shit because he's nothing without the bodysuit & makeup, and he knows it. So the night of War Games he shows up painted, and the crowd goes apeshit. Before he bleeds for our amusement.
  16. What's the deal in Tampa? They playing?
  17. Not one of these Falcons linemen can block. Fuckin stupid to spend all that money on Matty Ice and line up five of the stiffest stiffs who ever stiffed right in front of him...
  18. Falcons S William Moore just gave a Rams TE a "Double A" spinebuster...
  19. Osi Umenyiora; worth every penny...
  20. Evan Gattis, most known for his long home runs, tremendous whiffs, and past drug addiction that never gets brought up when commentators are talking about "his remarkable story". He smoked a ton of weed. Little different than a "drug addiction." He's a kid who freaked out as a 17 yr old, went on a journey to "find himself." came back to baseball and appears to be having a ton of fun.
  21. "Zero Dark Shithead." Made me giggle, because again, I'm a child...
  22. Enzo Amore looks like Wolowitz from Big Bang Theory on steroids. Am a fan....
  23. FWIW, he got Test's and the Posse's permission beforehand. I'm not sure he was questioning Mero's talent, just his drawing power. And as Marc Mero couldn't draw flies in a shit-filled jacuzzi, he had every reason to.
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