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Everything posted by DangerMark

  1. 12-4 and you better believe I am savouring this New ZeaLOLand.
  2. I feel like most people have already covered the salient points, as well as some not-salient points, but I saw the show mostly spoiler free just now. The brawl was amazing. Million billion stars. Matt Menard, what a man. Hangman ME matches get a bit overwrought, but I'll allow it in on PPV. Kinda wanted him to win, but I can't really argue with Punk. I think I'm starting to get a finger on why I don't like Adam Cole: Is the Owen really the "most prestigious tournament in the world?" Come on, man, what a weird thing to say. Just go with "Owen Hart was awesome and I want to kick someone's head in," like a real human being. Plenty of internet ink has already been wasted on this man, though, so let's just pause to reflect on how awesome that brawl was. Has Rooooooosh ever worn a suit before? Feel like I have to ask because it looked like he needed a word with his tailor, and a four-letter one at that. DT vs. Blacks was, as my learned friend said, very much a Toryumon trios match and hella fun for it. Could have done with a whisper less lucha goofiness and a touch more Psycho Muscle Goblin vs. Head Kicking Pagan. That's where the money is, not Michael Jackson cosplay. I actually liked the three way tag title match. I was expecting to hate it but Starks and Hobbs are actually great, Keith Lee flipping to the outside looks cataclysmic and Swerve & JB are okay. JB needs to get sick Christian's shit already though. Wardlow has a great face. Powerbombs galore and a stretcher job were the order of the day.
  3. I have prepared a meme which summarises my thoughts on this being a work. I don't know that I'm ready for this level of galactic thinking.
  4. I can't get too mad at the idea of players getting some of the jillions of dollars floating around college football; considering the amount of money that people who don't play make out of the sport; especially when there's no reliable way into actual professional football, except through college.
  5. Takanosho will drop off the pace when he starts fighting decent wrestlers.
  6. Potentially. If it comes off.
  7. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (Only because this means that the Town has to go through the Playoffs, again, and that's never a good thing,)
  8. Only if it ends in a DQ when someone (probably Kingston,) smashes the other one out with an elbow.
  9. 2" margin of error is reasonable enough, Angel Hernandez's main problem is that he comes across as an argumentative shithead, which is not a positive quality in a match official. These stories aren't just "Angel Hernandez blew a call," it's always "Hernandez blows a call, blows up about it."
  10. I actually really dug this aspect of the match, he was so convinced of his superiority that he went for about the stupidest thing he could have done to show off and it cost him in the worst possible way.
  11. Other sports absolutely had these arguments, including the "it'll spoil the purity of our game," that always gets bandied around, and my personal favourite "video technology will undermine the on field officials," as if broadcasters beimg able to pull up evidence of these things within fifteen seconds didn't undermine them twice as much. There are always a few luddites who argue vociferously against change, and watch out for them crowing in the first season or two as there are teething problems and the officials get to grips with the best way to actually use the technology. (or not, if the traditionalists actually win,)
  12. To be fair, a Kangaroo face on Lucy and my hair and beard on Charlie Brown would do it. Only support England in two sports and this happens every single time in both of them.
  13. If England can stop them scoring three hundred runs, then this time it might be just a little bit different... This must be how Charlie Brown felt.
  14. I have no idea what I've just watched here, but it was a billion times better than hanging around with Billy Bird, so I approve. Seriously though, was that AKIRA in the middle there?
  15. I hope that means that the real AKIRA has better things to be doing these days.
  16. Wow, England are ahead and need their tail-enders to put up another massive performance to even give their bowlers something to aim at. Of course, the bowlers and the tail-enders are the same people. Welcome to Test Cricket, Saqib Mahmood.
  17. Of which, over 40% was put up by an aging schoolboy at 10 and a debutant at 11.
  18. No like from me until we get a SACRED RIVER GAAAAAAAAANGES mention.
  19. You know what they say about people in glass houses?
  20. That explains it, there is no way on earth that Lawler would have chattered so much rot if he even suspected that Aja Kong might be in the same state as him.
  21. If I've got a choice of matches that I don't have a rooting interest in, then the one I watch/listen to will be based on which commentary team I like better; but I'd never just put a sporting event that I otherwise wouldn't watch/listen to just for the commentary. I have definitely been up late (3am, GMT) for MNF and thought "fuck this, I'm going to bed" because Brian Griese opened his mouth.
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