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The Comedian

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Everything posted by The Comedian

  1. Time to get some Akira Yamaoka up in here... Added Bonus of Mary Elizabeth McGlynn singing on this one:
  2. All it took was a persuasive scumbag with a working knowledge of the Milgram Experiment...
  3. I had the same thought watching the first episode. Well except everyone's gonna want Garth Ennis and I'll want Steven Grant.
  4. I will agree with sydney and JimBob that this was the least of the ten episodes this season. The bingo scene dragged interminably; I understand that this was probably a creative decision in order to convey Jimmy's stagnation, but I disagree with making the audience feel that stagnation as well. The Marco stuff probably would have worked better if they'd made Marco more of a best friend and less of a adulating disciple. And "coughing foreshadows death" seems like a trope Vince Gilligan should be too good to use.
  5. Two guys with natural charisma and comic timing getting a couple minutes to showcase their skills. Hopefully they at least get a run with the tag belts at some point.
  6. More like fuck college basketball. It's almost as bad as the 60's with UCLA now. Only a handful of teams get to win. Last year we were supposed to buy a team winning its 2nd title in 4 years and its 4th in 15 as an "underdog". Bullshit. And all the fogies who have defended Shitzewski for years with that "plays the right way" garbage need to realize that he's no better than Calipari with the "rent-a-player" crap.
  7. I read it as less "Marco taking possession" and more "Marco freeing him from Chuck". Go back to the "Chicago sun roof" monologue. Jimmy feels like he just wasted a decade of his life paying back Chuck for getting him out of a predicament he doesn't even think he deserved to be in. Marco chose to spend the last week of his life playing Slippin' Jimmy's sidekick again and loved every minute of it, and that made Jimmy realize that he needed to break out before he ends up dying as the unhappy shell Chuck has turned him into.
  8. Botchamania's been giving Cena his own "Talks Too Much" segment for a while now...
  9. And so I went back and watched some Breaking Bad scenes and yes, Saul always had that pinkie ring...
  10. True...now the trick is whether they can pull a "Blue Chipper-to-The-Rock" turn for Big E...
  11. About as subtle as a sledgehammer to the face...
  12. I like to think that the whole Burton/Depp thing went bad as karma for the press junket revolving around Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, where they felt the need to repeatedly badmouth the 70's version until even Gene Wilder came out of reclusion to say, "Um, guys, do you think you can promote your film without shitting on mine?"
  13. Can we just get a season 2 for Starved? I still hold a grudge against It's Always Sunny In Philly for getting the nod from FX over that show...of course, the show was marketed horribly, in that they portrayed it as "Seinfeld with eating disorders" when it was more of a dramedy along the lines of Rescue Me or OITNB...but it was really fucking good and if it came along today would probably fit in nicely on Netflix or something...
  14. Man, I know he never blew up solo like the others but give Ren a little credit... Also, it looks like Jerry Heller gets portrayed way more positively than I would have thought.
  15. THE CREATION OF THE NEW DAY (Vince McMahon and HHH are backstage at a Raw in mid-2014) Vince: Dammit Paul, I had high hopes for Big E, but the big man is losing steam. We need to do something with him...Say, we've got a lot of blacks on our roster, who can we put with him in a stable? HHH: Well... there's Henry... Vince: No dammit! Big E's the hoss in the group! He's gotta be the hoss! Henry will out-hoss him... HHH: Um, Titus... Vince: Still too hossy, I want flyers. Kofi! He'd be perfect! He smiles and wears bright colors and the fans eat it up. Who else? HHH: Um, R-Truth... Vince: No, he's too black. He'll make the others look like mullatas... HHH: OK Vince, um, do me a favor and never say that publicly. I mean, I spent the majority of my career decked in pseudo-Nazi regalia and even I was a little offended there... Vince: You pussy. Alright, but no R-Truth. Just find a third guy, not too big, someone from your NXT shit, that kid we brought in from TNA... HHH: Xavier Woods? Vince: Yeah, him, perfect. Now we need a gimmick for them. Like NOD, but positive, we're keeping them baby. How about a black church gimmick? The blacks love church. We'll give them a gospel choir in the vignettes. It'll be like that pop singer, what's his name, Kirk Franklin? HHH: Yeah, uh, Vince, Kirk Franklin's gospel-pop thing was like a fad 15 years ago... Vince: Perfect! The Attitude era! It all fits together! It's gonna be white hot, I tell you! Now where's my fork and knife dammit, can't you see I have a sandwich here?
  16. He was going for a fuschia mohawk cause he heard thats what HHH's pals wear...
  17. Brock selling that enzuigiri from Rollins as if a bird just shit on him and he now intended to pluck it from the sky and bite its head off was pretty great...
  18. What started out as a great crowd went completely douchetastic with the whole "we're still booing Reigns" thing...
  19. Pre-completely immobile Andre maybe? Although even he did the Killer Khan angle... Shit, what if they re-did the Killer Khan angle with Brock and Rusev? The blow-off would have MOTY written all over it...
  20. I'd like to think he was putting over her cool Vegeta tank. Next time HHH sees her he'll be ready in his pink "Bad Man" shirt though...
  21. Is this the first time he's hosting since the legendary Attitude era episode where Mankind and Big Show came on with him? Yeah when they started out with cats like Jay Pinkerton writing for them they were cool, but they are way too into the white guilt SJW shit any more. I could imagine submitting a listicle only to have Adam Todd Brown PM back like, "Hey, this is pretty good, but I'm gonna need you to add about seven or eight snide, self-congratulatory references to how racist/sexist/homophobic (insert topic) is."
  22. College Humor generally is pretty funny. There's a lot worse alleged "humor" sites out there. Cracked.com for instance...
  23. Well dude I been saying for a while now that the War on Bigotry is the Democrats' version of the War on Terror. To keep it music-related, look at the bullshit Ani DiFranco went through a couple years ago when she had to issue multiple apologies after people bitched that the land she was gonna hold a music seminar on was a former plantation. I mean, if you can't do anything on land that was once used by slavers, I got news for you: there's a whole hell of a lot of land in the US that can't ever be used again. Really though it's all a part of our obsession with extremism. Some people see the KKK's and Westboro Baptists and other assorted shitbags out there, and instead of dealing with it rationally, they go to the opposite extreme and become bigot-shaming witchhunters. They're the kind of people Cracked.com is aimed at these days.
  24. Hard to believe its been 20 years since Eazy died...
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