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Everything posted by Control

  1. Netflix Canada has WAKE IN FRIGHT. Definitely worth checking out.
  2. I dunno why they don't bring back Strong BJ now that they're not working W-1 or NOAH. Them, plus Yuji Hino and Shuji Ishikawa ... that'd be beefy.
  3. That's good to hear. I always pull for AJ, even when I don't watch their shows. I mean, that promotion has really taken a kicking. Any particular matches from that period to check out?
  4. And instead I shall post my follow up here: I interviewed for a half-time academic position (at the rank of Assistant Professor) and got offered a single course instead. Big step down from what was on the table, but better than nothing.
  5. Had a job interview this morning, and I'm supposed to know this afternoon if I got the position. So expect a follow up in the "SON OF A" or "Really Swell News" thread.
  6. Neighbours are gonna be super pissed the next time Ollie eats something he shouldn't and gets the trots. Back yard will end up looking like a Jackson Pollock.
  7. Have only seen season 1, but the imdb ratings for the individual episodes are actually pretty indicative of the season's quality, by which I mean it's kind of an entertaining show, nothing special, until the "D" Story episode, which runs into the Princess Caroline ep and the Herb Kazzaz ep, and it's really then that I realized that this was a show with real characters, who have emotional lives and development, their own goals, and are capable of learning, changing, etc. Can't wait to watch season two. Want to get the wife into it. Dunno if I should just start her off with season two or try to get her to watch the previous season first.
  8. Well they're kinda philosophy courses and my degree is basically American lit, but I'll make it work. Thanks though!
  9. What a bizarre and kind of amazing cast.
  10. I got good news today. Heavily qualified good news--that's why I'm putting it in this thread. I was offered an interview for a limited-term academic position (for which I didn't apply) because it's an emergency and they really need someone. So I think I have a pretty good shot at it. The reason I said it's "qualified" good news is that if I do get the job I will have to prepare two brand new courses in about two weeks. And they will not be in my area of specialty. So it's great that I have a lead on a job and oh man am I gonna be freaking out (in both a good and bad way) if I get the job.
  11. Does it last 8-10 hours? Cuz that's what we're talking about here. Not that that's really the sticking point--it's just kind of a funny aside. I found even more laughable his claim that no dog owners allow their dogs to piss or shit in their own backyard. WTF? While I'm sure there are some who don't, I haven't met any.
  12. Thanks for the responses, guys. Incidentally, the current president of the co-op is actually my dog-sitter. I floated this to her on the dl and she was so outraged she called all the rest of the membership committee, which was not what I wanted at all--I was trying to avoid escalation--but at least all of them thought that my neighbor's demands were laughable. Same comment from two of them: was he drunk? They were going to "take steps" or something but I walked them back from that for now. They're now insisting that the dog is allowed to play in the backyard, he just can't piss or shit there. I'm not sure how that would work, honestly. Anyway, I'm in a weird position where I have to choose between communicating with the rude husband or his politely passive-aggressive enabler wife. Not sure which is the better option.
  13. Control

    G1 Climax 25

    Maybe he'll give it his all for this last hurrah and surprise us.
  14. Well I'm going to gripe about my downstairs neighbors. In fact I'm still fuming from a run-in with my neighbor this morning, about two hours ago. I want to make sure that I have a right to be pissed, and that I'm not just being reactive. Background: Both my neighbors and I are members of a housing co-op. They have been in the co-op longer, but just moved to this house when the downstairs flat became available. We have lived here for more than five years. We obviously have separate flats, and we share a basement (storage, washing machines, furnaces) and a backyard. We've had two previous neighbors downstairs. Like us, they had dogs. We got a fence put up in the backyard so that our dogs could play together. New Neighbors: Put their cat in the shared basement during the day. It is aggressive and hisses and spits at me and my wife when we're near it. Sometimes it sits on the stairs to the basement. When I try to inch past it, it claws at my legs. Wife won't get near it so now I do all the laundry. They also put their cat out in the back yard all night. It does the same thing there. It really hates my dog (a wheaten terrier) and will hiss and spit at Ollie, so now he won't go in the back if he sees it. Because he's timid. The husband smokes pot constantly, which really smells up the house. It had always been an (unofficial) non-smoking house. My wife and I don't smoke, and have allergies, and this is especially a problem when he smokes at night right below our bedroom. (To be clear: pot is not the problem. Smell is the problem). We sent a polite email asking for pot to be smoked at the front of the house or outside or in the basement. Got bitchy response, some infrequent accommodation They put a political sign up front without letting us know. I mean I'm not going to clamp down on their freedom of expression but it is my lawn too and a quick note would have been an easy courtesy. The house badly needs to be painted, but all house work gets OK'd through the Co-op first (who reimburse you for expenses). Because there are other, more important things to do with money, we did not get the OK to paint the house. They started painting the house anyway. And I mean "started": he half-painted the first floor of the house a different colour four weeks ago and stopped. It looks ridiculous. They fixed up the backyard considerably, trimming trees and bushes, weeding, adding herb garden and as hit load of lawn furniture. So that's nice, but Ollie can't play in the backyard anymore, cuz if he was off leash he would fuck that stuff up. I can live with that: they are, after all, trying to improve the place. But... They sent me an email saying that they were putting down new grass, and could Ollie piss out front instead of the back? I said "sure," told them that I'd make sure to take him out front for a few days. Don't hear back from them. Go back to occasionally letting Ollie piss/shit in backyard, since obviously we clean up after him and that's what the backyard has always been for. THIS MORNING after I (not yet dressed for the day) take Ollie out for an early morning leak in the backyard the dude downstairs rudely confronts me, says Ollie is ruining the yard, that no dog owner would ever let his dog piss in the backyard because dogs have acid piss (paraphrase) that destroys the lawn, that this is just common sense, everyone knows that, insinuates that I'm too lazy to walk dog. I point out that they leave a cat out back for 8-10 hours a night. He tells me that cat doesn't go to bathroom all night--holds it until he gets back in to use kitty litter. Tells me I know nothing of animals. I'm like "dog was here first. Can we no longer use back yard?" He says of course he can use the yard, as long as he doesn't pee. I kinda shrug a "whatever" at him and wish him a good day, cuz he's much older than me and we have to live together and escalating things seemed like a bad idea. Anyway, polite note that I misunderstood, that they don't want dog pissing in backyard at all, would not have angered me (though I still wouldn't have agreed to it), but rude asshole insinuating that I am the one who is a rude asshole has got my blood boiling. So, technically whenever there's friction between co-op members we're supposed to get the Membership committee involved, and they can mediate and decide on a course of action. So that's one option. Option two is to let it go and just accommodate the neighbors, but I'm kinda thinking that if I do that the next thing you know they'll have occupied half of my flat. Option three is just to keep letting the dog piss outside and see what happens. But before choosing an option I will just be angry for a bit.
  15. Dude, that was unnecessary, but awesome. Thanks. It's frustrating that the website doesn't include a table of contents. I can in no way afford even a discounted edition of that book, but I'd like to track down some of the stories all the same.
  16. Can't find a table of contents for that Chappell collection.
  17. Dillahunt is so awesome though, that you'd have to give him a third role and have him again grow out the beautiful beard he had on Justified. This made me Google Dillahunt to see what he's up to (haven't seen the last two seasons of Justified), and I discovered that he's 50. What the actual hell?
  18. It is always a mistake to try to make sense of Doctor Who. It's a huge failing of Moffat's. Like, supposedly they're going to return to Pompeii and explain why the Doctor looks like whoever Capaldi played in that episode. Why bother? People are capable of understanding that it's a fucking TV show with actors and stuff. Also, how have y'all not posted the new trailer?
  19. I mean, I realize he was too old for the new version of Captain America, but dat chin, dat chin is perfect.
  20. So is Channing Tatum actually in THE HATEFUL EIGHT?
  21. I definitely thought that Eric Bana was gonna be, like, Brad Pitt big. A solid A-lister. While THE HULK was definitely a misstep, I thought that MUNICH would put him on that path. Instead he plays a lot of supporting roles, or gets the lead in stuff that looks pretty crap.
  22. Tenryu looks like he should be holding a stogie and a snifter of cognac.
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