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Everything posted by zendragon

  1. https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cDovL2ZlZWRzLnNvdW5kY2xvdWQuY29tL3VzZXJzL3NvdW5kY2xvdWQ6dXNlcnM6NDMwNjg1MjgwL3NvdW5kcy5yc3M?sa=X&ved=0CAMQ4aUDahcKEwjYmtDJmL3xAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAQ&hl=en Tommy End is on the Two Minutes to Late Night Podcast
  2. they needed a warm body? (this goes for his whole career)
  3. Kross in ring kinda reminds me of Randy Orton when he was in Bland ten chin locks a match mode. That said I do think he has a presence about him
  4. I pretty much completely agree with this I think Kenny can be great (like he was on Saturday night) but he also tries a bit hard to cram everything into a match at times. I certainly see the critiques others have of him. I see less and less appeal in the bucks as time goes on, they really should try to be smaller bumping cheating heels not bad asses. And I hate that the tag rules go out the window when they appear. As for quickies title reigns/surprise title changes; I really like AEW philosophy of not hot shooting the belts around. but the other side of that was when 2 outta 3 falls world title matches in the 50's would go to 2 falls. Do it just enough that the fans think it can happen. For as much of a non-fan of how the WWE handles belts I'm also not a fan of John Cena in his specialty The Forgone Conclusion Match
  5. Foley would also take that bump where his opponent would throw him head first backwards into the guard rail, also HBKa head to the turnbuckle where he launched himself backwards off the the bottom rope
  6. Fun Doc I found on Tubi (Its also on Youtube) Finn Balor right before he leaves Japan for WWE, him hanging out with the Good Brothers ect
  7. Rolling Stone's website (I think) had a piece called the Last Days of Chyna that was pretty much her being obsessed about once being famous, plus I once had a tape put out by WWF that had interviews and behind the scenes footage of the late 90's divas Chyna, Sunny, Sable. Chyna talked about wanting to be a "star", just kinda being famous was the be all end all for her. I really feel she had an unhealthy focus on the idea of fame. I really wish she could have just walked away from wrestling, should could have had a pretty good life running a gym, being a fitness influence, doing conventions ect.
  8. I feel that similar to Hogan's in ring 30-40 years of "that guy sucks" has made Brother Bruti kinda under rated where if you go back and watch his 80's stuff WWF certainly put worse on TV
  9. I think Chuck Taylors singlet looks a lot better for his body type, I've always thought Serena Deebs gear (such as the recent buy in match) looks great and she really looks like an athlete which helps. One person who needs better gear is Leyla Hirsh love her work but looks like she just got outta gym class. Plus someone who throws suplexes like that should be mandated to wear a smart looking singlet
  10. Curt Henning's flip after getting kicked in the hamstring. I seem to remember Slaughter taking a sternum bump into the corner...not the same as Bret still chest first
  11. You know we are always saying that AEW has a roster too big for its limited TV time. Sending guys to Japan could fix that. Put Luchasaurus in the G1 Jungle Boy in BOSJ both of them in the tag league. I figured FTR wanted to work Japan but the pandemic happened
  12. Britt having to train MMA for Thunder Rosa could be really fun
  13. Even thought he was a face at the time Undertaker seemed like the scariest man alive during his series of Casket Matches with Yokozuna. The idea of being stuffed into a casket by him was terrifying
  14. The Wardlow jumping off the cage was a reference to an actual MMA fight, a few of the spots where lifted from MMA such as Wardlow hitting the Matt Hughes slam. I thought the whole thing was okay. Dig that they referenced Wardlow having a win under Pro Wrestling rules so now each man has a win under specialty. Kinda surprised they are having MJF Sammy this early. I figured that was the big money match, and with ten guys in the feud you could have held off on it for a while by running different match combinations. Looks like they are turning Brit face which is also surprising, but I would like to see Shida slowly turn heel by becoming obsessed with regaining the belt. which she never defended infront of the fans
  15. Honestly I imagine its more lie Darby Allen vs Orange Cassidy, When Disco Inferno was on Jericho's podcast a while back he talked about his advise to upand coming wrestlers was "be the guy with the gimmick" First wrestling memories super hazy on this one but Jake the Snake vs either Rick Rude or Macho Man (I loved Rick Rude insulting the crowd bit as a kid even if as an adult its not that great) and some angle where Jake was going to sneak attack Macho back stage with a chair as he came through the curtain but Elizabeth was walking ahead of him as he played to the crowd so the announcers where screaming that Jake was gonna hit Elizabeth. I feel that all these violence against women angles say alot about Vinces relationship with his mother
  16. Sorry Jericho, Sorry Jungleboy but that is a sing-a-long entrance!
  17. https://shop.wwe.com/products/mick-foley-limited-edition-collectors-box?utm_source=CommissionJunction&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_term=foley-box&utm_content=8164615&utm_campaign=CJ&AID=11290805&PID=8164615&SID=kq1evru4ga036gyw043ku&cjevent=708da5fecfb211eb82a193560a1c0e10&cjdata=MXxOfDB8WXww
  18. Well its not a three stages of hell but a master of strappitude match between Real American Cody Rhodes and QT, plus El Hijo de Arn looks like he came out of the womb 40. I feel like we are starting to get a turn from BRIT as Nyla was pretty heelish and Brit called her out on it. It would be cool to have Shida slowly turn heel as she gets more and more obsessed at getting the belt back. Anyone else notice a a replay of an old episode aired on sunday?
  19. Is he at somesort of museum dedicated to homoerotic art?
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