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I'm the one Mercenary in a world of Psychopaths (I'm also the only wealthy person. GTA$ 8.7 million at the mo).

Not sure about that.

I might be the only active player in the crew who hasn't completed the Psycho killer award (for killing 100 players who have 100% red dots... I'm never in Freemode long enough to rack those up).

Well, get on it, man.

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I spent $170,000 in that dalm session


Yeah, I think my numbers are off. I said that we blew that chromed Kuruma up 20 times, but now I remember you saying you had about that much just by yourself.


It's not hard to do when the assholes called it in as quick as we could blow it up.


I know we've all bitched about it a million times, but it really is dumber than shit that you get punished for defending yourself. All those guys wanted to do was drive around in that stupid thing shooting out of it when they could and trying to run you over when they couldn't.


I'm not going into passive and hopping up on a ledge just because someone is in a car. It's a gettin', I say, it's a getting blowed up real quick.


The only time we went into passive was when one guy kept calling in tanks on the beach. Even then, I managed to be in a good spot where he'd hit something in between us before the rockets would hit me, so I was able to wear him out with my RPG.


Forgot to mention - we were on the beach so long that the fight spilled out into the ocean. At one point, Nate was way out there trying to Allah Akbar a sumbitch with a jet ski, and I was trying to work on my lung capacity while on my way to stab somebody underwater. Neither one of us achieved those goals, but damn if it wasn't fun trying.

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One of my daily goals yesterday was to do a vehicle deathmatch. I pick the first 2 player one i find. It was a tank match. I couldnt remember how to drive the dalm thing let alone shoot the bastard. Burke was havin as much trouble as i was. His response was "drivin this dalm thing is like tryin to steer a water bed." Then it became ever harder to drive from laughin my ass off.

And yeah i think i blew up donkey and his buddy 10 or 12 times in that dalm armored car. It aint rocket or allah proof bitches.

Onna side note im tired of seein a dalm red line under the world dalm, dalmit. I know how to spell the dalm word but i like to spell like i talk dalmit.

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It's discriminatin' against the Big Stone dialect.


I had a load of trouble last night with a dude in an Insurgent. Actally, the problem is two dudes in an Insurgent - I could manage to shoot the driver sometimes, but not the passenger, who would chuck a sticky bomb at me and blow it up.


This was the Insurgent without the turret, so it costs $16,000 to replace if you do blow it up and the guy can call and get it delivered right next to him in about 30 seconds. At least with the one with the turret, you have to go get it again.


It's not impossible to shotgun someone in a Kuruma, but it is tough, considering.


I wanted the dude in the Insurgent dead simply because he was sounding like a Valley Girl (or the chicks on the Wendy's commercial who want to take selfies, for a more current reference) in the game chat. "Tell your friends to stop killing me!" He eventually joined someone's party, which was grand.


He bragged that he had all the new shit from the heists and got out one of the fancy helicopters at one point, which lasted 30 seconds. I really wanted to take a swing at him, but he stayed in the middle of this huge scrum and getting to him was impossible while defending myself from everyone around me.


Then later, this teen joined the game chat, and he might have not talked for about 1 minute total in the 20 or so minutes he was on. Of course, he was bragging that no one could kill him. We'd tie on all my Allah Akbars - he'd shoot me but I'd still detonate the bomb and blow him up. He was dying about as much as he was killing, but that didn't stop him from talking shit.


He kept saying "man, I'm done with this shit, I'm done"

Me: "Fucking leave, then"

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I haven't bought any heist vehicles yet because I didn't know which ones I wanted. I think I've decided on the turret Insurgent.

We raised hell in one yesterday and took a shit ton of rockets before we died. I had no idea they were that tough.

And Stout, where do you get off picking on these poor innocent preteens???

I would never ever ever do something like that.........

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I wish I'd gotten the gunned-up Insurgent instead of the gunned-up Rebel, but variety is the spice of life.


I think the ever-growing-near future of Freemode still is two or more people driving around in the non-gunned-up Insurgents, one driving and one sticky bombing people. There's very little danger of the Insurgent blowing up, so you can be right on top of them when you detonate the sticky, and it takes several rockets to bring it down.


The Insurgent isn't as "bulletproof" as the Kuruma, but it's still tough in its own way.


I've been thinking about buying an Insurgent and re-buying a Kuruma because one of my favorite things to do in an Invte-Only room is just go on a running-down-NPCs spree - I always think about El Dragon when I'm mowing down pedestrians - and see how long it takes the cops to take me out. So far, I've never had the cops shoot me - my stolen car or one of my Sultans always catches on fire and explodes before the cops can shoot me.

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I wish I'd gotten the gunned-up Insurgent instead of the gunned-up Rebel, but variety is the spice of life.


I think the ever-growing-near future of Freemode still is two or more people driving around in the non-gunned-up Insurgents, one driving and one sticky bombing people. There's very little danger of the Insurgent blowing up, so you can be right on top of them when you detonate the sticky, and it takes several rockets to bring it down.


The Insurgent isn't as "bulletproof" as the Kuruma, but it's still tough in its own way.


I've been thinking about buying an Insurgent and re-buying a Kuruma because one of my favorite things to do in an Invte-Only room is just go on a running-down-NPCs spree - I always think about El Dragon when I'm mowing down pedestrians - and see how long it takes the cops to take me out. So far, I've never had the cops shoot me - my stolen car or one of my Sultans always catches on fire and explodes before the cops can shoot me.


I didn't realize you could throw stickies out of Insurgents.  I've only drive one once, and that was after both occupants wound up on the wrong end of a shotgun.


And  you're not doing the full Dragon to NPCs if you don't give em names and back stories before running em down.

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I forgot about the names and the back stories. I thought it was impossible for something to be both funny and oddly creepy at the same time, but there it was.


We'd be just ass-deep in a gigantic scrum of dots, and I'd look over and Dragon would be across the street punching NPCs. That's dedication to your craft, right there.

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I spent $170,000 in that dalm session


Yeah, I think my numbers are off. I said that we blew that chromed Kuruma up 20 times, but now I remember you saying you had about that much just by yourself.


It's not hard to do when the assholes called it in as quick as we could blow it up.


I know we've all bitched about it a million times, but it really is dumber than shit that you get punished for defending yourself. All those guys wanted to do was drive around in that stupid thing shooting out of it when they could and trying to run you over when they couldn't.


I'm not going into passive and hopping up on a ledge just because someone is in a car. It's a gettin', I say, it's a getting blowed up real quick.


The only time we went into passive was when one guy kept calling in tanks on the beach. Even then, I managed to be in a good spot where he'd hit something in between us before the rockets would hit me, so I was able to wear him out with my RPG.


Forgot to mention - we were on the beach so long that the fight spilled out into the ocean. At one point, Nate was way out there trying to Allah Akbar a sumbitch with a jet ski, and I was trying to work on my lung capacity while on my way to stab somebody underwater. Neither one of us achieved those goals, but damn if it wasn't fun trying.



Wish I'd have been around for this.  I hate missing a good beach party.  


I'm gonna try to get on tonight.  I'm the only one in the house that ain't sick though, so who knows if it'll happen.

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I mostly like what the new heist vehicles have done to freemode.  Seems like people are using armed Insurgents instead of tanks mostly now.  They're much easier prey.  And Kurumas seem to have supplanted Zentornos, which is nice, since they're cheaper when you blow em up.  The only downside is the 16 grand for the unarmed Insurgent.  That's a pisser.


Ran into my first jump jet over the weekend, and promptly blew it out of the sky.  I did get killed by a Lazer for the first time in forever, but he only got me once.

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Just fall down the stairs.


I was on for a bit, but the lag while driving and the drops out of the room are killing me. I hate it when I lose the room, 'cause I was in the middle of scrapping with this guy, and then suddenly I'm gone, and I could hear the guy saying "huh, huh, pussy."


The guy was in an Entity, and he was doing that backing-up shit on me. This is where the game is killing me, and I'm about completely fed up. I can't shoot him with a gun, 'cause the back is bulletproof, and if I keep RPGing or Allah Akbaring him, I'm going back to juvie for 16 freakin' days. So unless I get considerably lucky, I'm defenseless against the guy. The game's put me at a sizeable disadvantage.

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The guy was in an Entity, and he was doing that backing-up shit on me. This is where the game is killing me, and I'm about completely fed up. I can't shoot him with a gun, 'cause the back is bulletproof, and if I keep RPGing or Allah Akbaring him, I'm going back to juvie for 16 freakin' days. So unless I get considerably lucky, I'm defenseless against the guy. The game's put me at a sizeable disadvantage.


Don't worry Stout. The Mayor himself has spoken to the town council (Rockstar support) and voiced his displeasure, and you know everybody listens to the mayor.




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This is the email i sent

I love gta v and have played in since it came out. I have not been put in the bad sport lobby yet but have fellow brothers in my crew that have. We do not use glitches mods hacks or even tanks in freemode. They get sent to bad sport or as we call it juvie because the destruction of personal vechicle. There are so many advantages to being in a vehicle. The zentorno can be driven backwards and shot from while somebody on the ground can not shot through the back of it. Solution is to blow the car up with a rocket or sticky bomb. The new armored personal vehicles from the heists are even worse. People can drive around in them and wear you out and the only was to stop it is to blow it up bit you take a chance at goin to juvie. Its that or just get killed and killed over and over and I dont think anybody would do that. Those are a few examples of many, i know im just a single player inna huge world of gta but my opinion is blowin up a personal vehicle and payin the insurance fee is good enough punishment. No need to go to juvie leave that to the hackers modders and the glitchers. One more thing and i will shut up. 2 days ago while playing i blew up the same 2 dudes in the same armored karuma 10 times. At $9,500 everytime i think $95,000 is one hellova punishment.

Thanks for your time.


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They know it's a problem, they just don't care enough to do the work required to do anything about it.


I guess it's a room-dependent thing, 'cause I ended up going back on and having a pretty good time without too much of a problem. I went to the airport first and got a play-by-play of my killing spree - "that jstout guy is killing everybody down here." "Somebody's gotta stop him." Then some asshole arrived who wouldn't quit talking about how great he was despite his odd habit of getting shot, especially by me.


I was on top of the airport and one of his cronies steals a helicopter and tries to fly it up there. I'm like "are you kidding me?" and RPG'd it STRAIGHT TO HELL, BY GAWD! Finally, I got tired of the whole deal, got a race request and left.


Race didn't pan out, and I got dumped in a different room. Eventually, everyone in game chat wound up back at the airport, where we ran around killing each other with melee weapons and laughing our asses off. I dunno how you get the hammer, but it's mean. I had a golf club and ran around swinging at people while saying "I'm Tiger Woods!" Then some asshole came in and started shooting and we all got paranoid and started shooting each other, so I left.


Maybe it's just best to either disengage the particular person or leave the room if someone's backing you into a corner with their PVs, because Rockstar isn't gonna do shit about it. But then again, Mel is the Mayor of Los Santos.

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Race didn't pan out, and I got dumped in a different room. Eventually, everyone in game chat wound up back at the airport, where we ran around killing each other with melee weapons and laughing our asses off. I dunno how you get the hammer, but it's mean. I had a golf club and ran around swinging at people while saying "I'm Tiger Woods!" Then some asshole came in and started shooting and we all got paranoid and started shooting each other, so I left.



The hammer is part of the special edition that folks paid more for, like those vehicles that show up on the website but aren't available.  I kinda miss having the hammer/screwdriver etc like in Vice City.

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I thought that's what it was. That electric sports car in those three cars is kinda fun, but at the time when we could glitch and own them, we just had 1 garage and I had no space for it. It wasn't fast enough to race in the Sports class and I didn't have the space to keep it around for funsies.


That Hotknife was a horrible, horrible car, and the motorcycle was somehow a bit faster than the Akuma. It was basically a license to die repeatedly.

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This server issue for PS3 is maddening. I hope it's not as long as the one in December.


It was still off then? I was trying to get on nine hours before you posted that.


It's on now though :)

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I accidentally trapped a guy in Capture Hell with me. I had to do a Raid, so I triggered High Road and sat in the lobby waiting for a random. But I'd accidentally set it to best of seven, locked pistols only. I beat the guy 5-3, 5-2, 5-1, 5-4 and got about 10 kills to his three (two of which were lucky melee gun slaps, where you never know who's getting the kill). Every time we went to the lobby screen, he kept saying "Hack? Hack? You hack?" Like he couldn't understand how I was so good or something.


I felt so bad for the fella, I dragged him into a Survival to make up for it. He died in Wave 8, and then left the session rather than wait for me to win it for him. Weirdo.

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Man, Robert and I tortured some poor, pitiful room tonight. It was just sad. One dude popped me once with the marksman rifle and I thought "here we go" but he left pretty much immediately thereafter. No one else had anything for us whatsoever.


To beat it all, we were in the game chat, so we got several play-by-plays from victims. We were in the game chat basically doing the same thing we do in a XBox Live party - strategizing like crazy. Even though the people we were messing with could hear us, they really couldn't do anything about it.


I noticed last time we were on - when it's me and Robert in a room, we're very much focused on the dot in front of us and basically everything said is trying to coordinate something or laughing about blowing some sap up. We'll go maybe 5 minutes without saying a word 'cause we're focused on DOT DOT DOT. Last time we were on with Kelvin, he's like "how's everyone doing tonight?"





"Got him."

"Behind you."


Hey, they're in our room, they gotta go. It's closing time. They don't have to go home but they can't stay here.


Anyhoo, one guy got his Zentorno blown up several times and was none too happy about it on the chat. He was appreciative of Robert's sniping skills, though. He was the first to challenge Robert to a one-on-one and realize he'd done screwed up. He started the one-on-one, said he didn't mean to, and said he hated to do that, 'cause he was enjoying having to fight us two-on-one. I nearly said "oh, you're not done yet," but managed to hold off.


I dunno why he thought every kill would count toward the five needed to end the deathmatch, but I killed him about 7 times before he figured out that things weren't going the way he planned. He left with something like 30 seconds left, which is funny.


Then we got some other poor dot late in the session who challenged Robert to a one-on-one deathmatch and then pretty much immediately said over the mic "guys, I didn't mean to do that, please lay off me."


This made me feel bad as I killed him about 6 or 7 times before he left late in the deathmatch. Not bad enough to stop killing him, but there was some guilt there.


Every night should be like that one. We stomped all over Los Santos like Godzilla through Tokyo.

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