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13 hours ago, J.T. said:

Fuck.  The election results are far too compelling to turn away from so we're going to stay tuned to the local news tonight at the Exercise Control Center here at work..

Hopefully shift will end in time for me to catch the 11PM EST replay of Channel Zero.

The "She Watch Channel Zero" joke is right there but you already posted the video elsewhere. 


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Since I never got around to watching The Hidden over Halloween, I think I'll get tanked and watch it this weekend in honor of the election considering the parasite's political aspirations by the end of movie. And that the asshole who just won is less nuanced and more childish than even the parasite would've been as a Presidential candidate. Also I think it was only the last time I watched The Hidden that I realized the parasite was just a giant fishing lure.

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Soooo, that latest episode of Channel Zero...


So, the television show was an extension of Eddie's supernatural power.  Eddie has always had those powers and he was the one created the Candle Cove television show, not the other way around.

Also he is some sort of lifeforce leech / spiritual vampire because the more people he "sends to Candle Cove," the stronger his powers become.

As far as we know, the extent of his power is limited to influencing or controlling the minds of children who are repeatedly exposed to the Candle Cove television show.

It also looks like the reason the show is back on is so that Eddie can gradually take control of Mike's body and live the life Mike took from him when Mike murdered Eddie..  Eddie is already able to partially displace Mike's soul in the same manner he took over Lily's body. 

How do we know that Eddie is taking Mike over?  Mike has an extra tooth in his mouth! Think back to the "Do you know how to tell us apart?" conversation between young Eddie and young Jessica from the previous episode.

We also know Mrs. Booth's role in all of this.  During the "murders," Mrs. Booth willingly sacrificed her son to Eddie to strengthen his power after Eddie saved her from suffering a seizure by using his powers.  Now I get the importance of that scene of Mrs. Booth collapsing in her kitchen in the first episode .  Mrs. Booth is now Eddie's thrall and is actively trying to resurrect or reincarnate him by offering him fresh souls..

I still have no clue about the significance of the Tooth Child.  By the way it interacted with Mrs. Booth, I though it was a manifestation of her own son but then again, Eddie's penchant for collecting the teeth of his victims (Pay the toll..) still makes be believe that the Tooth Child is Eddie's spirit and the teeth covering him represent the souls he's taken in order to strengthen himself...

And me being a father, I found Mike's delusions about killing his daughter rather unsettling and thought Mike finding himself trapped in puppet strings to be a very apt metaphor.  I imagine that in the final showdown, Mike will have to either sacrifice his own soul with the hope that he will save his own child or be forced to kill his own daughter in the hope that he will stop Eddie for good.

It will be interesting to see what develops.in the season finale next Tuesday night and where they go next season with The No-End House.

Bravo to you, Syfy.  This show does not suck and you are once again on the way to having quality original programming in your line up.  Keep up the good work.


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A really fitting if somewhat predictable finish for Channel Zero:  Candle Cove..


It was easy to figure out from the conversation that Mike had with his mother that the plan was to trap Eddie in his pocket dimension by killing Mike's physical body, but that did not diminish the impact of the closing minutes of the story.  Absolutely heartbreaking.

We finally got confirmation that Eddie manifested himself in our world as the Tooth Child.

The ending was extremely sad yet somewhat encouraging. 

The idea of a father sacrificing his life to protect his child really hit home.  I got apprehensive during the last few minutes of the show when the television mysteriously turned itself on and you heard the eerie distorted Candle Cove incidental music.  I got even more nervous when Lilly appeared to get mesmerized.  Was Eddie still in control?

That question got answered in a hurry.  I got all weepy when Mike's spirit appeared and turned off the set, symbolically severing the link between their world and ours.. 

The scene where Sheriff Yolan broke Eddie's hold on his children by just being a dad and talking to his son and daughter also stomped on my heart.  It was brutal to note that the thing that overcame Eddie's glamour was reminding the children that their mother had been murdered by the very force trying to dominate them.

After I let the dust out of the room, I texted my daughter to tell her I loved her and that I was very proud of her and then I went to bed.

The only thing that really bugged me was Hottie Deputy Sheriff Amy Welch's marksmanship.  Mike's mother, Marla, was already on the ground wounded from Mrs. Booth's attack, so Amy didn't have to aim that high in order to bring Mrs. Booth down out of fear for hitting Marla with friendly fire. 

One shot center mass would've done it.  That scene was kinda there to be blatantly gory with the imagery of blood gushing out of Mrs. Booth's neck wound.

That criticism of gore taken into consideration, It was extremely satisfying to see Marla shank Mrs. Booth via hook to the skull.  I'd been waiting for that since episode three.

The slow build through the episodes definitely lead to a very solid conclusion.  The horrific imagery of Eddie's world really put his evil on display last night.  I didn't really understand the depth of Eddie's power, insanity, or malevolence until this final episode.

I love Nietzschean themes in horror stories.  Being bullied turned Eddie into a bully, but who knew that Eddie would revel in the ability to torment at will and become the monster he sought to protect his brother from?  As Sheriff Yolan elaborated on in an earlier episode, kids can be cruel, but did their behavior really warrant a punishment worse than mere death?



I'm definitely not good with Mike being trapped in limbo for eternity with Eddie and the Skin Taker, but at least the writers had the decency to show that Eddie will no longer be a threat to the living with Mike there to keep Eddie's influence in check.. 

And speaking of the Skin Taker and being stuck in limbo, I'm still confused by the nature of this "companion that isn't a friend."  Are we absolutely certain that Candle Cove really came from Eddie? 

Was the Skin Taker some sort of ancient, supernatural force using Eddie's power to gather and consume the souls of children so that it could strengthen itself to the point where it could rip its way to our world, or was it just a mental construct?  Another outward representation of Eddie's resentment and malice like the flayed children sitting in the classroom in Eddie's mental mansion of madness? 

Is Eddie the source of the evil that plagues Iron Hill or is he just a conduit for the Skin Taker and is just as much of a victim of this being as the children that were found murdered back in 1988?

We'll never know for sure.

Last night's episode was a bittersweet conclusion to a fine maiden run for this series and a tribute to the strength of family and the love of parents for their children.  The very personal nature of this story paid huge dividends..  A tragic cautionary tale on the eternal struggle with childhood fears whether they be the monsters under our bed or the uncertainties that come with becoming an adult and trading our youthful innocence for painful wisdom..

When you think about it that way, Candle Cove is an apt metaphor as growing up is a lot like sailing a pirate ship through uncharted waters searching for lost treasure and weathering the storms that makes all ships toss and turn and push them off course...

Initially I was a bit put off by this season's plot because there is only so many ways you can retell Twilight Zone's "It's A Good Life" / Star Trek's "And A Child Shall Lead Them" and not fall into cliche.  Channel Zero:  Candle Cove avoided these pitfalls with a tight narrative and an intimate story rather than going for the jugular with excessive displays of gore and preternatural menace.  The two ending episodes felt a tad rushed but overall, I was fairly pleased with the final product.

I'll certainly binge watch this all at once at some point to get a more clear idea of what was really going on and try to pick up on some things I might have missed during the episodic run.

I'm looking forward to seeing what Channel Zero does with No-End House and what other creepypasta stories they will adopt in future seasons.  I'm hoping for Russian Sleep Experiment myself.

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Aw.  It is mid-November. 

Remember the good ol' days when the After Dark Horrorfest / 8 Films To Die For dealie would hit your town around this time of year? 

Me too. :(

Here are the ADH movies that I liked covering all of the releases.

1. LAKE MUNGO~!!!!

2. Borderland

3. The Deaths of Ian Stone

4. Reincarnation

5. The Hamiltons

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In case you missed the coffin-shaped box set that came out years ago (which I did, sadly)

They still need to do the rest of 'em though. Especially The Strange World of Coffin Joe which is one of the most fucked up movies of all time.

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As much as I would love to have that poster on my wall, I am an old man with a questionable bladder and I don't want to suffer cardiac arrest after being scared shitless by that image while on my way to the toilet at two in the morning.

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I'm not really looking forward to the trailer for that being on TV. The one for the last video game (Isolation, I think) caught me the first time in the middle of the night with all the lights off in the room and after that whenever it started I'd immediately have to flip the channel. The Xenomorph freaks me out like really no other movie monster. 

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I agree.  Giger's design taps into a very primal fear and it doesn't help that Lambert's death scene creeps me out to this very day, so I still find the image of the xenomorph very unsettling.

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Funny Xenomorph story: I rented out a house with a couple other people some years back. Don't know where I got it, but somewhere I got a Xenomorph latex mask that has the inner mouth sticking out -- impossible to wear and see through, but creepy to post up on a lamp without a bulb as I did downstairs in the corner of the front room. The rental went sideways badly (relationships breaking up, me quitting a long-term job, people getting fed up and walking, etc.) but the icing on the cake was a roach infestation starting in the kitchen. I did my best to fight them; there was a Creepshow moment while the roomies were on tour with their band and I discovered about a thousand living under a TV tray used to prop up the microwave in the middle of the night, making me go nuclear and bomb the shit out of the whole house. Anyway, after we moved out, I took the mask back to my folks' house with me along with everything else. One day not long after I went to the garage and picked it up. Sitting inside the inner mouth of the Alien was




Yeah. You can imagine my response.

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9 hours ago, FluffSnackwell said:

Underrated? Shit, you mean to tell me there's 25 decent horror movies streaming on Netflix? They must be hid under something other than horror.

I was totally shocked that Hush was on Netflix.  I guess I should watch something other than Marvel stuff.

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Hush actually popped up some time over the summer and I agree it's one of the best things on there. I think somebody here hyped Carnage Park and it showed up within the past month. It delivered the goods although I found it derivative of Wolf Creek. I also remember all the streaming Eurotrash the last time I was subscribed four years ago. They even had Shockwaves, which wasn't Eurotrash but a superior version of some crapola Rollin squatted and produced; Zombie Lake. Both are centered around amphibious Nazi zombies. Mind you I've never actually seen Zombie Lake; I'm just going out on a limb that it was in the same league as bad as Franco's Oasis of the Zombies. Of course, there were other good cult staples on there a few years ago. I remember CHUD, Waxwork, The Sentinel and Scarecrows just to name a few. I probably glanced at some Walker stuff that was on their streaming service without ever watching it as I remember I actually rented Frightmare through their disc service. Now my only hopes for their streaming service is the occasional surprise like Baskin or Carnage Park popping up there. I'm kind of hoping the same thing happens when The Void gets distribution early next year.  

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Ah, forgot about Baskin, I watched that on there recently and it was a gnarly surprise. Speaking of Zombie Lake and Oasis, also saw both of those on Netflix when they had Zombiethon on there. That's the only way to watch either of those movies. I have Zombie Lake on VHS and never made it past the beginning. 

Also watched House of Whipcord on there. Not... very... good... but glad to have seen it, at least

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Amateur Night was one of the better segments in V/H/S, but I think I will hate on this movie on principle because:


Lily, the monster from Amateur Night, is a harpy, not a siren.  Correct mythos (Greek) but wrong creature..

I have a leather bound copy of Bullfinch's Mythology at my house and I flip through it at least once a month.


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