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Big Fresh

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Not a great showing in the Banner tonight. I lost 4 in a row then traded wins for the next 4 games. It got me to rank 3 though and knocking out a couple of bounties tomorrow means i can cash in on Sunday and hit rank 5 with a total of around 20 matches on my main. When it was announced as rift i planned to sit back and clear the path and not bother with the actual dunking. But shit doesn't get done that way because most people seem to scared to pick up the spark so i'm grabbing that thing half a dozen times every game even if i'm not making it to their rift.


I'm getting fairly lucky with the rewards too. I've had 3 pairs of boots drop and the scout rifle. Not really a good roll on the scout rifle but at least the drops are consistent so far.

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Not a great night for me either.  Lost five straight, but only played like crap in one of those matches and then we mercied the next four teams.  


I would've gotten a Perfect Runner medal in one match but Shaxx called it as I was making my approach to the enemy rift so I was charged with the carry and not the capture.


My play in Rift isn't nearly as consistent as it is in the other game modes.  My DTR Combat Rating constantly fluctuates between 99 and 100 between my runs of brilliance and total shit.


No luck with drops.  Got a 305 pair of boots and a bunch of engrams that turned into garbage except for one blue that turned into a 290 Hawksaw that doesn't really help me in IB play with fireteams of 310s or better running around.

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My play in Rift isn't nearly as consistent as it is in the other game modes. My DTR Combat Rating constantly fluctuates between 99 and 100 between my runs of brilliance and total shit.

Despite really not liking the game mode, Rift might well be the best I do in Crucible. I either have hardly any kills but 5-8k points from running the spark or no spark carries but a consistent, positive K/D ratio even in a loss.

It helps that most players seem to have tunnel vision. They are so focused on camping the spark or killing the runner that it's easy to catch them napping and rack up a bunch of multi kills. I'm guessing I wouldn't fair as well in regular Rift but the influx of new players to the IB version mean there's a lot if inexperience out there.

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Most of my defeats come when I am grouped with those very same tunnel vision players that seem content to try to win by attrition and let the other team capture spark after spark and refuse to cover you when you are trying to cap.


Passive play does not win Rift matches.  I often find myself going out of my comfort zone, rushing the spark, and making runs in the hope that I will score quick points and inspire my team to get off of their asses.

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I had a hilariously successful IB last night thanks to a clanmate. He is legitimately TERRIBLE at PvP most of the time. Rarely plays it outside of IB. Had never even played Rift before.

And it turns out he's the damn ACE of spark running. We dominated all night strictly based off him kamikaze-ing the spark all game. He led our team in scoring EVERY game and usually had fewer kills than spark carries. It was incredible.

I told him he should go on an LFG site and charge people to be an IB Rift sherpa.

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I had a hilariously successful IB last night thanks to a clanmate. He is legitimately TERRIBLE at PvP most of the time. Rarely plays it outside of IB. Had never even played Rift before.

And it turns out he's the damn ACE of spark running. We dominated all night strictly based off him kamikaze-ing the spark all game. He led our team in scoring EVERY game and usually had fewer kills than spark carries. It was incredible.

I told him he should go on an LFG site and charge people to be an IB Rift sherpa.


Heh, the last match I was in last night was a mercy win where I had five kills but I also made three spark runs that resulted in two Rift ignitions.  I was the top scorer.


The guy in third place on our team had TWENTY KILLS but never touched the spark. 


In another match I was in, I had fifteen kills but I had five spark runs and three Rift ignitions.  Again, good enough for top score.  The guy in second place on our team had TWENTY SIX KILLS and I still had SIX THOUSAND MORE POINTS THAN HE DID!


Murder alone will not get you a win.  That is probably why the hardcore PvPers hate Rift so much.  They are finding it out quickly that you will not meet the Overall Top Score criteria of the Iron Gauntlet weekly bounty without making a spark run or two and God forbid you put your Combat Rating or K/D ratio at risk.


I am not a fan of Rift but I do find it refreshing that unlike Control if you (gasp) stick to the objectives of the game, you will be victorious.  You can get the top score and a win in a Control match without making one zone capture but you can't be the top guy in a Rift win without touching the spark.

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God i hate Rift.


Finished enough games and bounties on both my Warlock main and my Hunter tonight to get them both to rank 5 with Sundays boost. I just need to knock out the bounties, and finish one weekly, on the Titan tomorrow and i'm set


Just couldn't seem to get anything going tonight. We never had more than 3 guys on our fireteam and most of the time it was just two or solo so no numbers advantage. Never went more than 4 losses in a row but it was slow progress. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

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Tonight I got this medal I'd never seen before: Phantom. Apparently it's for killing 7 guardians without taking damage.

Yeah, I was bossing it up. Combination HMG run + a perfect 3 for 3 GG + a little long distance MIDA mop-up. And they were meaningful kills, too. Stopped a spark runner and then dominated the next spark spawn for my team.

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Played a couple of games on my Warlock and Hunter this morning just so i could cash in a day early and get a few more shots at a 310+ Ghost while i level up my Titan.


Hit a pretty good run on both characters, 3-0 on the Warlock and went 1-1 with the Hunter (the loss was by just 75 points). Fortunately the Hunter already had 3 losses going in so the win, and 4 medallions boosted him up nicely.


The Warlocks rewards was a nice pair of 317 gloves. With those i can now be a solid 315 with any combination of weapons i use in the raid. Hunter didn't do as well, a 315 PS exclusive helm at 315. I already have the standard Iron Banner helm at 315 but this one does have slightly better perks so it wasn't too bad.


It's the Titans turn tonight or tomorrow. I have all 9 daily bounties saved up to complete and he's one win away from one of the weekly bounties from last time. Literally one, good, high scoring game could complete his Iron Banner but i imagine it wont go that smoothly

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I've gotten the scout rifle to drop a at least 10 times already, but not a single PS helmet, which is what I was after to begin with. Ugh.


I've only had 2 scouts drop for me, neither with great rolls. I'll probably end up buying the one from Saladan. I was kind of hoping it would have the same perks as the Year 1 banner scout i had, outlaw and firefly, but that would be asking too much. 


PS exclusive drop rates seem incredibly low. I can count on one hand how man I've seen drop in the past two Iron Banners. Aside from the 315 helm i got in the rank 5 package I've brought all of mine. The 3 helms last time and i'll buy the 3 class items this time.


It's a 311+ Ghost i really want. I see loads drop but I've never got one (other than the guaranteed 310's that you get at rank 5). I played maybe 20 extra games last time than i needed just to try and get one with no lock. In 4 Banners and all the times I've entered the hard mode raid I've never had a Ghost drop above 310. Annoyingly this new Valentin's Crucible events loot is 310+ Ghosts. I'm hoping the drop rate is as good as the 310+ class items and helms that SRL had because it's not an event i really want to put any time into.


Edit: I take that back, it was the regular helm i got from my rank 5 package, not the PS Exclusive helm. It just happened to be the same light level as the PS exclusive i brought and infused last time around. I don't think you can get exclusive items in that drop pool though i could be wrong.

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In the worst Iron Banner ever i have 'completed' it.


Played a game last night and a Ghost dropped! at 310...fucking Destiny. Played a game this morning and a 317 finally dropped! Cashed in on my Titan to hit rank 5 and my reward was the last weapon i was missing, the Rocket Launcher. Not a great roll and only 313 but the collector in my is finally satisfied. I have all 3 sets of armor, all available PS exclusive armor so far (class and helms) and all 10 weapons.


This means i don't really need to play the Iron Banner again for the rest of the year or until they release more PS exclusive gear. Although i'll probably play when the Sniper is available to purchase. The one that dropped for me last time is 320 so i'd like to replace it with a 280 version (i'm never going to use it anyway) and stick the 320 into my Black Spindle.


Also got the Sublime Helm to drop for my Hunter. I just need the Hunters Sublime Chest and that's another box ticked for completed gear.


With that new Ghost my Warlock main can be a formidable 317 with all the max light gear equipped, or 316 with gear i actually use.

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Well, I had a shit day of rewards.

All 3 of my IB rank 5 rewards were stuff I already had, except with either lower light or worse perks. NO HELMET.

3 Nightfall runs netted me legendary gauntlets, a ghost shell, and A FUCKING SPARROW HORN.

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3 Nightfall runs netted me legendary gauntlets, a ghost shell, and A FUCKING SPARROW HORN.

The Nightfalls have gone to shit in year two. I rarely bother with them now unless they have some fun modifiers or I happen to be online and bored while there are others on wanting to do them. The 15 or so mins they take just don't seem worth it. Friend of mine has had 6 Ghosts in a row from the past 2 weeks worth. My 'best' reward since my Destiny resurgence over the past few weeks has been an emote.

Took a crack at the hard mode Oryx challenge last night. Didn't have long and only tried for about 45 mins so we didn't get it done but it's the first time I've ever tried the hard mode version of Oryx.

It's not all that hard mechanics wise. The 16 orb detonation needed for the challenge mode actually seems to be an easier strategy than the 4 waves we used to do on normal. There's no bombardment phases or multiple detonations which is usually where people die. The problem is everything has to go perfectly to pull it off. We came close a couple of times but all it takes is for one person to die (a lot of shit in there will one shot you if you're not high enough light), a Knight to just not corporate or an Ogre to decided he suddenly knows how to teleport and the runs a wipe.

It doesn't seem impossible at least. Some better gear would make it a lot easier. Most of our guys are still around 310. Getting everyone to 315 doesn't sound like much but being able to take an extra hit, or doing that small amount of additional damage all adds up. Problem is everyone could do with a stronger Touch of Malice. But 310+ primaries are not easy to come by. I've never had one.

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Hit Rank 5 yesterday.  Got the shitty low impact IB sniper that I used to infuse with my favorite shotty.  Also got the phat new IB Jumpship.


I will continue to play for laughs in the hope of getting a 310+ chestpiece or ghost shell.

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Hit Rank 5 yesterday. Got the shitty low impact IB sniper that I used to infuse with my favorite shotty. Also got the phat new IB Jumpship.

I will continue to play for laughs in the hope of getting a 310+ chestpiece or ghost shell.

Those Iron Banner ships are rare as fuck. I got Birth of History in the first IB I played over a year ago and I can probably count on one hand how many times I've seen it drop for people since then.

Just looked at this weeks Nightfall. Does not look like a fun way to get disappointing loot. Space Turkey with exposure and trickle. At least special burn is on. The only temptation is the higher chance of Treads upon Stars dropping. I've had 4 but all with crappy rolls so far.

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Did not score on any extra or improved gear on the last day of the IB, but I did run the table on available Rift medals. 


I have at least one Clear A Path, Denied, Immovable Object, Unstoppable Force,and Perfect Runner medal.


I'd be more in the Nightfall for Infusion fodder for my alts.  Treads is an okay PvE scout but it does not have the stats for PvP, and I like my weapons to be dual purpose.  Last Extremity is a better all weather scout than Treads, IMO.

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Ended up doing the Nightfalls, got nothing of value. No Treads, I got 296 arms that were promptly converted into marks. 304 boots which I stuck into my Trials boots since they dropped at 300 and another set of 310 Ruin Wings which I'll end up sticking in some Trials or Sublime gear. I've been working on building up my various sets of armour to make them usable in the raid/banner/trials etc.

It was a fairly easy Nightfall again thanks to specialist. There isn't much in there the Black Spindle can't one shot.

I just want a good Treads for collecting purposes. The one I have has Outlaw but the other perk is pretty useless. It's not a gun I'll probably even use since I've already got 4 different scouts with great rolls. But damn it, I like scout rifles!

I think the problem with Nightfalls are that they are still seen as 'end game' content when they're really not anymore. They're light 280 now when we can be 320. Year one had them 2 levels below the max which is the equivalent of about light 290 in year two. They're good for infusion fodder if you don't raid since the gear can drop up to 310 and there's always that chance a perfectly rolled weapon will drop that you can infuse up to 310+ but you're not going to be making much progress from them now. 3 of Coins has replaced Nightfall and Xur for exotics.

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Did two Nightfalls with a couple of friends..  Got an Emote gift box and 294 Immolation Fists that I gave to my Titan alt since my Sunbreaker needed an exotic.   Both runs less than an hour. 


My friend who collects scout rifles got a 300 Treads with Hidden Hand and Triple Tap so she was pretty stoked.


I was a bit bummed out until one of the Legendary gauntlet engrams upgraded to a 294 No Backup Plan, so getting two Exotics for my Titan cheered me up a bit especially since it arrived just in time for me to start grinding Defender.


I also need to start grinding Sunsinger, but I have a leveled up Starfire Protocol waiting in the vault for that..


Tried out Fabian Strategy and it is as bad as they say it is.  I will keep using SUROS Regime and Answering Chord as my Titan primaries.

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Finally finished leveling up Sunbreaker and Stormcaller.  Now begins the grind for Defender and Sunsinger and then I will try not to get too frustrated trying to get sword kills in PvP with classes that I suck at playing and collect the other two Exotic swords.  Once that is done I will have all of the Exotic Heavy Weapon grimoire cards.


Got past the Red Bull Challenge version of The Sunless Cell.  Tried to follow up with Shleld Brothers but apparently no player in the entire world was in the matchmaking queue for the mission. 


I soloed the tank twice and got up to the boss fight but no randoms ever joined my fireteam and I ran out of time..  Looks like I will need some help from the DARPA unit.


The game has scheduled maintenance today from 8 AM PST to 2 PM PST (11AM EST to 5M EST).  I have heard that there will actually be some hardware replacement going on at Bungie, so this may go on longer than advertised.  


Hope you have something good from Games With Gold that you can play in the meantime.

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Hope you have something good from Games With Gold that you can play in the meantime.


Or that you have a XBOX One so you can stop playing this stupid game


It is in the works.  Be careful what you wish for. 


You will probably get tired of me next winter when we're both coordinating sick days in order to complete the co-op achievements for ME: Andromeda.

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The Division first


Not sure why you are falling for that.  Fresh will stop playing that shorty after the beta while you obsess over achievements.


The reason you want be to get an XBone is because my OCD is worse than yours.

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The Division first


Not sure why you are falling for that.  Fresh will stop playing that shorty after the beta while you obsess over achievements.


The reason you want be to get an XBone is because my OCD is worse than yours.



I'm still convinced you should do an nWo style heel turn and go PS4 this generation.

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