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Neil Koch

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Everything posted by Neil Koch

  1. I got my cheated money last night. Just hang around in free roam and it'll come. It is nice to not have to worry about paying for ammo all the time. BTW Lester's missions in online can go eat a bag of dicks. Fuck that guy. Oh and in single player it said "holiday gift downloaded". Anyone know what that is?
  2. I usually used the personal vehicles (all of which perform pretty well once you max out the mods) but I tend to never put too much time/cash/effort into storing vehicles in the garages because I don't think there has been a single GTA game that didn't have glitchy garages. The only time I really used the safehouses was when I needed to move forward time for the Kifflom mission and stock investments. Quick save/auto save worked just fine for me.
  3. You do have a manual save and an auto save. The auto save is triggered pretty often, even after you buy stuff. There are supposedly more in mission checkpoints but I barely failed any missions since this is by far the easiest GTA game.
  4. Must own Vita game. I got it on PS3 and it's a good game, but holy hell, it is tough. Not Dark Souls "what do I do because the game isn't holding my hand" kind of tough, just plain tough.
  5. It's gonna be a White Christmas in Los Santos... http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/52011/grand-theft-auto-online-holiday-gifts.html Season's Greetings from Los Santos. Just in time for Christmas, please enjoy a bounty of Holiday Gifts that transform Grand Theft Auto Online into a West Coast winter wonderland. SPECIAL SEASONAL ACCESSORIES THROUGH JAN 5th Right now, you'll find special limited-time, holiday-themed items in the clothing shops and at Vespucci Movie Masks like Santa hats, Elf jackets and shoes, Snowman masks, Reindeer antlers and more. All these items are available to don until January 5th. SAN ANDREAS SNOWFALL – IT'S A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE Travelers to Los Santos and Blaine County in GTA Online on Christmas Day will also be greeted by a the very rare sight of a San Andreas snowfall, making for (even more) hazardous driving conditions. SNAPMATIC SHUTTERBUGS’ BEST XMAS EVER Spruce up your selfies and share your holiday photos with a host of updated Snapmatic features that have just been released including all-new photo Filters, Borders, and Facial Expressions. There's also a new Depth of Field Effect and a Meme Creator feature. All the new Snapmatic features are here to stay even after the Holiday Season (and are also available to use in Story Mode as well). You can access the Filters, Borders, Facial Animations, and Depth of Field Effect while you're taking a photo (Facial Animations and Depth of Field are only available in Self Portrait Mode). To use the Meme Creator, just pause the game and select the picture you'd like to meme-ify from the Gallery, then hit Square / X to add meme text. Share your best holiday season Snapmatics with the tag #XmasInLosSantos and we may feature some of our favorites here at the Newswire in early January. HOLIDAY SALE DEALS ON SELECT VEHICLES, WEAPONS, APARTMENTS & MORE (THRU JAN 5th) We've also got special holiday discounts right now through January 5th on select weapons, vehicles and more to help you lay down some jolly season’s beatings. Make sure you put Grenades, Tear Gas and Sticky Bombs on your Christmas list as these explosive stocking stuffers are all half-price. You can also get 30% off select luxury sedans (ridiculous giant red bow not included) including the Super Diamond, Vapid Fugitive, Benefactor Schwartzer and Ubermacht Zion. If you'd like a new apartment to trash for your Crew Christmas party, then take advantage of 25% off the aptly named Tinsel Towers apartments 45 and 29. We've also got half price discounts on musical horns on vehicles, green and gold weapon tints, and to keep you warm in the Blaine County snowstorms there's 50% off Winter hats, berets, Hinterland Boots and Yeti Boots. We hope these gifts help you all enjoy a fantastic holiday season in San Andreas and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thanks to the entire worldwide GTA community for your amazing support in 2013 and get ready for big things to come in 2014
  6. Isn't that part of the hipster/retro fad? I know some bars around here have board games you can play while you're there. The missus got me Battlefield 4 and a 2 Gingers (scotch) giftset of a bottle and glasses. So after the family goes away on Christmas Day, I will be attempting to do online deathmatches while under the influence :b My parents just basically gave me cash, which is nice since I will be out of work after the 31st, so I will be able to keep bill collectors at bay until my unemployment kicks in.
  7. I used to work in a call center for Ameriprise. There were times when the trading website would be down for maitenance, with a big banner on the home pages saying "please don't call, it will be back up at 7 AM". Of course, no one paid attention to that and would call incessantly. Among other things, they would accuse us with rants and profanity, yes the people on the phone, of stealing their money. I really couldn't imagine having to work at one now. It's a shitty job at the best of times. I worked for Target for 14+ years, both in store and at the corporate HQ, and it wouldn't surprise me at all if this was the case. Internal theft is a huge problem for the company.
  8. Playing by myself is something I've done plenty of (heh) because like I said, it's hard to find friends/crew to play with. I fucking hate parachuting, I've robbed every store dozens of times, some of the 1 man missions are fun (Martin's are pretty good) but I've done them, and it's fucking ridiculous how low the payout is on a lot of jobs, not even worth the time/effort when all you get is basically enough money to restock the ammo you used. I beat single player a while ago. I don't really feel like finding all the collectables, that's just boring as shit to me. Like I said, I will go back when there is something substantial in the realm of DLC but either cheating to get millions or grinding to get thousands isn't appealing to me at all now.
  9. I will start off in a closed crew session. Unfortunately usually no one from the crew or my friends list is on or they're busy so I will start doing quick jobs with random people. After you are done with that you get dumped in a public server, which are pretty much intolerable to me now that the economy is totally broken. I guess I'm just kind of bored with the game, which will happen after 100+ hours.
  10. I just got SA on my Android phone. I haven't had the chance to play it much, but the controls work fine - though I have already played through the phone versions of GTAIII and VC so I am used to the touch controls. They did go through and upscale the graphics - it looks good, especially on the Galaxy S4 screen. They also added in in mission checkpoints and cloud saving. I still forsee flight school and Zero being frustrating. Anyway, open free romaing mode in online is totally broken now because every cunt has a tank. They really need to have an option that you can spawn in a good sport or bad sport server. The new capture missions suck if you don't have a full room. Even worse is when there are an odd number of people, so one team will be able to dominate. Are they even bothering to play test these? I think I will try to get my guy to level 50, and then I'm done until some sort of substatial DLC comes out for either single player or online.
  11. I wasn't thinking at all of Leaving Las Vegas, but, yeah, I thought he was great in a lot of films during the 90's - Leaving Las Vegas, the Rock. Raising Arizona, Moonstruck, etc. From the late 80's - late 90's, I thought he was consistently good, frequently great, and showed a lot of range, At some point after Con Air, he seemed to start parodying himself, and the last few years. he's mostly been in dreck and mailed it in. If I had to sum his career post-2000 in one sentence, "IRS wants money" might be apropos. Honestly, until I looked at his filmography a couple minutes ago, I forgot how many good movies he was in 20+ years ago. He seems to have driven his career into a ditch. Is he hard to work with? Too many personal problems? He's millions in debt from bad investments and IIRC his manager embezzled money from him. So now he takes pretty much any script that comes by.
  12. Most save files are pretty small, maybe around 10 MB for the bigger ones. Target/Walmart sell cheap $10-15 10GB thumb drives, which is plenty of space.
  13. My PS3 did that before it totally died a few months ago, it's basically from overheating. You could maybe try opening it up to clean out dust or the hairdryer trick, which might be enough that you could back up the saves to a thumb drive. You should be able to get a used one at a good price now, or especially after Xmas
  14. That's a glitch. I never bothered with those because of stuff like that.
  15. That sort of thing comes up in one of the choices for the final heist mission: One of the tougher portions of the game for me, though overall the single player mode was pretty easy. I'm playing through Vice City again and no mission on GTAV comes close to being as tough or annoying as stuff like Checkpoint Charlie, The Driver, Cop Land, etc.
  16. I have a particular hatred for those as one of my previous jobs was working in a warehouse in a Meryvn's store. The muzak system went out, so one of the manager got the bright idea of bringing in one of their Christmas CDs and playing it on repeat. Michael Bolton and Celine Dion Christmas songs over and over and over for six weeks straight. Just one of the reasons I wasn't sad when that chain tanked in Minnesota. I don't find those commercials annoying, but they're not even accomplishing their job. People still think the Wii U is a tablet add-on for the Wii.
  17. Chow's first take on the stories (the Chinese Odyssey films) had terrible special effects even by 1990's Hong Kong standards and were still pretty enetrtaining. I've yet to hear a single bad review of this new version and it is China's all time box office champ. Thankfully, it's getting released in the US by Fox and not the Weinsteins, so we won't get a version cut down to 90 minutes with rap shoehorned into the soundtrack.
  18. The cash isn't a huge amount. I got about $3500 for soloing a 10 lap race. Each lap was around the minimum of .6 miles. I haven't tried it with other people, so I'm not sure if the payout would increase. It was still a decent amount of money for doing nothing. I was also getting a good amount of RP, about 1500 points per race. I tried making a race on the runways, but it said it was a restricted area.
  19. Calm down, it's like every other GTA game in that you're scraping for money at the beginning but will have tons at the end. Even without using the stock market, each guy will finish the game with around $30 million. If you invest right you will have about 1.5 bilion. Once you do the second heist and the first assassination you will have more than enough cash to get through the game.BTW on an unrelated note, you do get cash on the user created races, even solo - at least I was while testing out my race last night
  20. I've been seeing similar stories on other boards. It's people who cheated to get tons of money trying to get rid of it to avoid being banned. I haven't heard anything about anything bad happening to the reciepients besides getting their "gift" taken away. So spend away. I am still trying to save up for an airplane. At the rate I'm going, I'll have it sometime next summer :b Tried doing the nuke waste collecting with the sub last night and got bored in about 5 minutes. It'll probably be yet another thing I don't do so I never get 100%
  21. In addition, noticed that the subtitles were formatted to the left instead of the center. It's annoying because usually I have subtitles/captioning on no matter what I watch because I don't want to disturb the missus.
  22. Face/Off was on TNT this past weekend and I ended up watching it. I haven't seen the movie for years, but I still really enjoyed it. John Woo almost falls into self-parody and the "science" is totally ridiculous, but it's still a fun movie. The Blu-ray is always dirt cheap so I might have to pick it up.
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