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Dirty J.

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Everything posted by Dirty J.

  1. Speaking of Kane, but that dude is in tremendous shape. Probably his best since his debut.
  2. Not sure what they are trying to accomplish with Cena winning. Amazing match anyway. Everybody is all over Zeb, but Swagger marking the fuck out for the strongman-over-the-top-rope-suplex was funny as fuck.
  3. Fucking ridiculous. They are indeed scum. Last night I finally got all the Riddler Datapacks (and most of the challenges except the Worst Nightmare ones), what a anti-climax. Hope Riddler returns in the Freeze DLC for a proper beatdown. Trying a NG+ at the moment, the lack of counter indicators makes me dread the upcoming Deathstroke fight.
  4. Sheamus and Cesaro have great chemistry. I want to see more of them. Loved that pop Cesaro got when he held the mic.
  5. Some solid wrestling tonight and the main-event ruled. Luke Harper makes a bald spot look bad-ass. Slowly becoming my favourite. Yeaaaaaaaaaah.
  6. I'm not going to wade through 20 pages of people shitting on the WWE (and justifiably so). But I predicted the crowd shitting on Batista the moment the first teaser appeared. Good shit. Fuck that old man. I'd honestly want a Kevin Nash title run over him headlining Wrestlemania. On one hand I dug Lesnar/Show and Bray/Bryan and for the most part the Royal Rumble was pretty decent, but the lack of real surprise/nostalgia entrants was a bit disappointing though.
  7. I was wondering when we would get the lockerroom brawl we get every year before the Rumble. I more or less expected it to happen last Monday. It's always a spectacular visual.
  8. I feel Batista is going to win the damn thing. Secretly I hope Bryan comes in at number 30 or so and eventually take it for ultimate YESSES.
  9. Already love this thread. Somehow I got nostalgic for the old N64 wrestling games were I would make a ton of caws and create the most random matches with the random select button.
  10. I think the problem with Too Cool is they wore out their welcome way too long. They were a damn good tag team, but man the whole Too Cool thing became so lame as the years went on. I can remember times soon as their theme hit, I would change the channel. That's the main problem with the WWE. They rarely let guys change with the times. They just are so damn stubborn and force people to stay a certain way well after a point of experation. No. They were over for as long as they were around. Rikishi turning basically killed them dead. In that guise, they lasted a year. Which is not way too long at all. This! It's one of those internet opinions that suddenly becomes a fact for some reason. Too Cool was over and hot up until the Rikish heel turn. GMS got caught soon after and Scotty became useless thus ending their run. Scotty seemed to be in great shape last Monday. Rikishi and GMS looked old, but all signature spots were hit and looked crisp so you won't hear me complaining.
  11. Not the biggest MMA buff, so I must ask, Rhonda isn't really all up there is she?
  12. Awwwwwwwwesome. He better not miss a beat with his heel gimmick Expect a half-hearted face run, kind of like Rock lite. but the crowd will turn on him twice as fast.
  13. Am I the only one who did a complete 180 on the soundtrack? First I thought it could barely touch the previous soundtracks, but the lesser known songs are starting to grow on me. Even with the classic rock station they didn't opt for the more obvious choices. Also Radio Mirror Park is starting to become a favourite of mine while cruising with Trevor, getting his hipster on.
  14. Smaug was easily the highlight of the movie. I wondered where they were going to cut off the movie when I was watching it. The movie had around 20 minutes left so the cliffhanger didn't come as a surprise.
  15. As much as I love the Shield they all have pretty much outgrown their parts. Come Rumble time it's perhaps time to disband the group. I am ready for an Ambrose push, just love the guy's work.
  16. Yep. Women 101: Most will try to change you.
  17. Holy crap I missed so much in my first playthrough. So far I haven't bothered to check the alternative routes for the Heist missions. Turns out you get completely different missions (some are more eventful than the other). Also did the Epsilon missions. Wearing the ropes for 10 days straight and walking 5 miles in the desert were fucking tedious. Did get 2.5 million out of it (although not on my first try, got suckered into getting a rusty old tractor). Legit laughed out loud with Trevor and the real estate agent.
  18. Jesus christ, that was hard to watch. Don't get me wrong, what a fight, but I couldn't help but think the amount of brain damage these guys have. Same feeling I got with Rua/Henderson. Round 4 with Big Foot raining down on Hunt and Round 5 with Hunt with the powershots to the face and body were something else.
  19. Anyway, this was the gif I was looking for. A thing of pure beauty:
  20. Ah yes, the fleeing survivors. They where the bane of my existence. I noticed they started to flee when you blow up that one trailer. Hang back and pick them off one by one. The few remaining ones can be run over (or headshotted to be sure you fit the gold criteria). As for the meth lab one, I did fairly well on the first try by killing all but one (the sports car one). Second try I blew him up with the grenade launcher.
  21. I feel like I'm the only one who still does the single player campaign. I've barely touched the online mode for weeks, I think I'm getting too old for that shit. I never really win anything and rarely meet any crew members to do missions. On the plus side, I have noticed that I missed so much on my first playthrough in single player mode. Property missions, bounty hunting, plenty of random events I haven't seen before. I was cruising through Blaine County with Franklin and saw a blip on my map. So I checked it out and got tazed by a hillbilly. Next thing I new I woke up naked on some train tracks.
  22. Oh please fuck off, this new thing/meme of hating on Ryder is awful. The dude was over as fuck at that time and ready for a mid card title run. The guy got over on his own through unconventional ways and should be commended for that. Let's not forget that awful booking put his hot streak to a dead end.
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