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Dirty J.

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Everything posted by Dirty J.

  1. That blatant "Fancy" rip-off. Sweet submission move though.
  2. Holy shit, those are some steep prices for essentially a bunch of random ass feuds; Orton vs Christian, really?
  3. I think it's going to take a couple of years to really nail it. That said, this year easily looks like an improvement over the arcade bullshit we're used to. They're finally starting to treat wrestling seriously. What the fuck are you on about? It is exactly the same like the previous three installments. It looks pretty, I'll give you that.
  4. Hercules Hernandez is a bad looking motherfucker. I hate to be that guy again, but wrestling really needs more tough looking motherfuckers like that ASAP.
  5. I fucking love the fact someone is just picking up the game after a year of release and with all the hype built around it. I have finished the game twice now (single player) and working my way up on getting gold medals and 100% completion. To be fair, I am slowly ditching the gold medal hunt in favor of my sanity. I need some single player DLC right about now.
  6. Speaking of amazing Triple Threats: Rocky, Taker and Angle from Vengeance 02 was pretty damn awesome.
  7. Is it me or is collecting ship wreck parts one of the scarier things going on in gaming right now? Whenever I'm underwater and I see a red dot on my radar I start freaking out.
  8. Holy shit moment with Seth almost getting impaled. Would've made entertaining television if it actually happened to be honest.
  9. Skippable episode. That main-event looks like the worst shit ever.
  10. Utterly shit episode. I usually try to see some positives, but fuck that. Even Cesaro beating RVD clean didn't mean shit since they trade victories every other week.
  11. Holy shit that was a blast. Definitely in my top three of Marvel movies. I marked out for Cherry Bomb! My buddy, who knows next to nothing about comic books, said the movie reminded him of Star Wars, which to me is a huge compliment.
  12. That video was great. I remember having SS 98 on VHS and absolutely watching the crap out of it. The video also reminded me of the fact that Summerslam has been one of the least memorable events of the last ten years. I honestly forgot most of the matches and feuds.
  13. The fact that Piper was eyeballing him and Flair had that stupid smug smile kind of ruined the moment for me when Lesnar crashed the party.
  14. I don't even like dubstep since I am over the age of 15, but this was a pretty damn awesome mission in Far Cry 3 and the music was appropriate.
  15. If you are going to read Heart of Darkness you may also like to read Things Fall Apart (if you haven't already in high school). It contrasts nicely. Right know I'm catching up with Vonnegut's work and I quite enjoy it. Dark humor and his work is easy to read. Worth checking out. And whenever I think of classics, I also think of Hemingway. The proze is not for everybody, but he's pretty much the first of his kind. People have copied him and did it better. However, I still recommend either checking out his short stories or The Sun Also Rises. To be honest, it's a bit hard recommending 'classics' since a lot of it was mandatory stuff for me in high school.
  16. What do you teach if I may ask? And could you define classics a little bit more? Give me some genres or topics that you are interested in. Going by the authors you've mentioned I would say the The Count of Monte Cristo is a must (but a bit of a doorstopper if you ask me). Heart of Darkness of course (short read, my version only has 70 pages), but I'd also recommend the Secret Agent by Conrad. For Orwell I'd say 1984, which is more topical as never before.
  17. I didn't dislike this show that much. My highlight was Brock saying he doesn't give a fuck. First bitch and now a bleeped out fuck. Dolph beating Cesaro twice is WWE's way of trolling the internet.
  18. The Miz. Never could stand the fucking shit and his fucking pushes. Especially his face run from not so long ago. There was a segment on Raw with Punk and a lie detector test and Punk just lays it on him. I loved every single bit of it. Miz has to resort to using lame "Your mom" jokes followed by a loud "ooooooooh" to drown out Punk. But fuck that, guy and his straight to DVD movies. However, I must say his recent Johnny Cage transformation has me interested in him.
  19. Harper is great. I still wish the "Family" would expand a little bit. I listened to Austin's podcast a little while ago (pretty much catching up to his podcasts while commuting to work) and the fact he suggested Chris Hero to be part of The Wyatts. It made so much sense...
  20. He does have charisma or a personality. He just isn't allowed to show it on TV. Watch his youtube interview thingies and he is very capable enough to carry himself on the mic. WWE just thinks his accent hinders him from connecting with the fans, which is utter bullshit of course.
  21. Agreed. Such a bitter old fuck. Although his rants about Kevin Dunn get me every time. Russo seems like a chill dude. No regrets, gives zero fucks and basically seems like a normal person.
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