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Brandon Bones

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Everything posted by Brandon Bones

  1. I didn’t know. Though I was referencing some other posts that I had read as bit more clowning in tone. So I was adding to that. If I read the room wrong I could see why it could be taken in poor taste. With all respect I apologize. I will abstain from my next hit of weed.
  2. Just do lots and lots and lots and lots of cocaine.
  3. Totally. I couldn’t give two shits if the rest of the world doesn’t catch up. ”You say you like the Star War? Then fucking watch it”.
  4. As much as I am a MXE fanboy. Stan Lanes karate gimmick was always its least impressive attribute. I will also confess my unfairness when I state that opinion is entirely based him whiffing the kick in the finish with the Southern Boys at GAB90.
  5. I’m not upset about it. Bryans run in WWE isn’t just remarkable because of all the awesome matches he had. He certainly had a fuckton of them over a long string period of time (even with the time out). We knew he could even in an unwelcoming environment. The run in the E is more remarkable because he was never supposed to be there. ANY success he could muster would have been an overachievement. That he basically took the company top spot by force of the will of the people is practically cosmic in its elevation. Especially because I watched my ROH guy get murdered week after week to the tune of “Wild and Young” on the original NXT. When he lost to Khali and his fucking HAND CHOP? I thought it was over. I admit that in hindsight I kind of respect the troll move of having MIZ be his senior (even when Punk was right there). But MIZ did put Bryan over strong and helped the comeback after the baffling firing. Am I remembering correctly that the week after Bryan got fired. RAW faded to black with the crowd chanting his name? But it be can really seen in contrast of what it looks like when the company is behind you like say with… Ultimate Warrior. To put that much into a character build and still kinda fail. Versus putting any and all effort into suppression and blowing up with that.. much.. success. Fucking really? But he really kinda beat them in spite of it all. And he got to do all that while having years worth of great matches.
  6. I don’t recall him fucking with you just now. How about not this time?
  7. I have to say I have a much higher appreciation for the crew of folks who post here with this talk. As a scene weenie most of my buddies were sXe but they didn’t give a shit that I was a stoner wastoid. Think the guy trying to light his cigarette during the fight in Dazed and Confused. That was me with my glass bowl in the pit. They didn’t last at it anyway. Nor was I the bad influence either. Cuz some of my dudes got way into drinking, coke, and the big H. That shit ain’t me. But it was almost like they were just holding back and burst at the seems. Being in the northeast in Merrimack Valley as a Masshole. I didn’t really see too many skinheads and when I did they weren’t up to anything. I have had some encounters since then that weren’t great. But whatever, I got lucky I’d say. Earth Crisis was something of a punching bag in our set. We thought they were hilarious on “Firestorm” letting the “round ups begin” and all that wannabe Nazi horseshit. But then again. 10 Yard Fight took the most brutal beatings in mockery with all their football metaphors for life and sXe. We always wanted to do a parody band that was basketball themed call “Full Court Press”. ”You double dribbled over the edge!” ”You lost my TRUST… GO!”
  8. https://thehardtimes.net/culture/straight-edge-friend-total-scumbag-in-every-other-way-possible/
  9. That was a great episode. The conversation we are going to get next week should be something else.
  10. I guess because I just don’t see the firepower as threatening to them. I’m supposing that whatever starpower that a guy like Edge carries isn’t going to tip any scales in ratings, merch, or ticket sales. Now if we were talking about The Rock. I’d definitely put a stop to that. He has actual cultural penetration on just about every level. Edge or (another) Adam it really doesn’t matter (cost) that much in pride or revenue. Actual Edge being in AEW would only reflect fondly on both companies. I’m not betting on it happening. But I can see the angle that has an upside for everyone involved.
  11. It would be a real novelty if the E would just be ok with some of their IP growing and expanding beyond them. What really could they lose by letting Edge go and be Edge everywhere Edge goes? It’s not like the first association somebody makes in their mind concerning him wouldn’t still be tied to the company.
  12. I’m so pleased how many of you enjoyed the show(s). I did as well. Bryan seems to finally have his real theme song. Strap whips to the face rule.
  13. Riding the wave here toward a bigger money deal with the WBD. Points on the board. Still I wonder what can be done to improve the weekly crowd turn out. Wembley as a one and done and making such a big splash IS greatness and all. But the Canada tour really seemed to struggle from the news I’ve read both here and elsewhere. Perhaps the burden of selling several shows vs. a single biggie has to approached differently even when the common metric is two underserved markets being booked first time ever. Not sure that approach would be.
  14. Is Nemeth going to make it? A guy basically and minimally known as Dolph Zigglers weirdly similar looking brother and that guy whose bits get skipped on BTE. Could his self flagellation, willingness to humiliate himself, and “loveable” loser gimmick slow burn him into getting over? I’m sure his brother has Matt Cardonas phone number to get him some advice on how to make that happen.
  15. After failing to talk about wrestling. They argue about the finish to “A League of Their Own”. OC: “That banana pudding got me all riled up”.
  16. I don’t know. Punk doesn’t have a lot more credit left on the card to spend before this turns into a “Van Halen is never getting back together” thing. Where being a fan is just so continually disappointing that it’s just not worth it anymore. Yeah, I know that Roth and VH eventually reunited. But by then who could give a fuck? Every time I go on this board or a news site. There’s Punk getting into some shit with somebody. It used to be endearing when he was punching up to Vince, HHH, and Nash. But now it’s Nemeth, Hangman, Jungle Boy, and (allegedly Cabana to spark it all off). Whisper whisper. Yeah, he’s a great tenured character to have on the roster. Worth every penny in that capacity. The attention, t-shirts, big marquee matches. Yeah he brings all that to the table. His Bret Hart tribute band works for me. I was over the moon when Punk came back. The thumb to the eye that it was to the E. Chefs kiss. Showing you can survive the the corporate behemoth that it has overgrown into. Much of AEWs narrative is painted in the same colors. This should be a natural fit. And I don’t disagree that the glass spots is both a bad idea and nothing I really need to see. But I can understand why if it’s “Punk” pulling a lever to kibosh an idea in the face of other allowances… I’d be real WTF about it too especially when I’m a younger guy trying to make my name in the shadow of another name. That’s pass interference on your own teammates. Jack found out when he wasn’t booked to win the Pillars 4 Way that he wasn’t the chosen one. MJF has more yet in the tank and the stars are not yet aligned. He has certainly busted his ass to get what he has. So I’d relate and empathize if he at all felt passed over holding a pretty solid resume. I’m speculating, of course. A lot of motherfuckers could learn a thing or two by letting go of a thing or two.
  17. AEW has a habit of taking that old trope you’ve seen a million times and just spinning the usual expected result. Got two that can’t get along and make them a team? Yeah, the framework for that has got all kinds of potential for going in different directions (weird how rarely it doesn’t). Which is probably why it’s so popular in modern booking. Usually the result is they can’t, betrayal, blowoff, rinse/repeat. But this time around the question is being asked… “What if they DID get along and get long great even after a rough start”? I’ll grant you the cliche was probably the original intention. But what has been produced thus far has handed AEW something that’ll inspire a totally different direction. At least you could hold it off until all the eyes are off the ball and pull the trigger then. Now you can park this story somewhere and move MJF along to other contenders. With all the convenience and comfort of injecting the bromance story right back in at any time, like say… in an injury scenario. Which happens way too fucking much in AEW.
  18. I really enjoyed watching a big wrestling show in the middle of a weekend day. So while getting some normal viewing comfort for the UK I’m sure was novel. It really hit for me as I still have some time left in my day to unwind.
  19. A somewhat forgotten match that always rang a bell in the back of my mind was the night after WM30. The Wyatts just straight up squashed Cena, Sheamus, and somebody I’m forgetting. I was like: “Damn, they got their asses KICKED”.
  20. Same here. I generally get into most of Jericho stuff historically. Lately not so much. But I find myself very surprised how effective that segment was considering I’ve got zero patience for yet another contract signing angle.
  21. The Gunns looked really good out there this week. Snappy bumps and getting a lot of cohesion out of Juice that’s really putting it together. Face MJF is fantastic. As a recovering asshole. I’m along for the ride. These matches with Cole are going to be so much fun. I want to toss my vote in on how effective Renee is in making this show fly. I got another year before Mox goes Stone Cold bald. I hope those ghosts standing behind him and Claudio in the promo photo actually show up. You always get extra long Mox entrances in the international feed because they always coincide with a commercial break. Mox really has come to understand his role these days. He is one of the bigger dudes in the locker room and he wrestles like it these days. The scrappy underdog that was Dean Ambrose is loooooong gone. I want a match with Joe. Shout out to the Funker without whom I’d never strayed from WWF when he showed up mean and lean in 89 WCW. Somebody should have done an angle that involves a smothering with a plastic grocery store bag. Let’s see if those TNT executives are actually paying attention. I’ll forgive the Avalanche Death Rider as long nobody kicks out of it for a very long time. Fenix is special. Let him be special. Also Draft Kings ads already make me sad so a somber delivery is appropriate in my view.
  22. Thinking back to this show I recall going into it being really unenthusiastic about what was certain to be yet another SuperCena victory. I wondered if (beyond my own projection of course) if that might have been the prevailing factor in what was apparently perceived as a ppv buy rate fail put upon Bryans shoulders. I’d also posit that a lack of faith in the company to make correct crowd pleasing decisions might have played the biggest factor. But that would just be “rumor and innuendo”. After all the “Face of the Company” was practically its own championship for several years.
  23. 2k23 has officially shit the bed on me. It won’t even get past the start button and loop past the update to the start screen again. Plus it had already been deleting my CAWs. Fucking BULLSHIT!!!
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