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Matt D

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Everything posted by Matt D

  1. In case anyone had any shred of doubt, Renew Your Vows is being written solely to try to prove to fans/force the idea upon them that Peter Parker could not have a child and still be Spider-Man.
  2. Is this an Encino Man gimmick or something?
  3. When is a pin attempt not a pin attempt? When it's a lucha dance party.
  4. It'd be in their interest to at least hint as much. It'd help to handle the alienated viewers
  5. I do think things get interesting if Sheamus immediately starts to give Rollins crap tomorrow night. Otherwise, blech.
  6. Heel Dusty from 73, first hiding behind Murdoch and then being awesome in the corner.
  7. If Galactus eats all the worlds, there are no more worlds to eat. Oh wait, he's fox licensed. Nevermind.
  8. I thought Flyer had the great dive tonight (though a lot of that was Disturbio PUSHING him into the front row. he gets a huge assist for that), but that he looked sloppy and unfocused at other points of the match. Ultimately, he came off as a guy you bury in a trios match, that gets beat up, and that hits one big spectacular dive towards the finish. Esfinge didn't do anything spectacular, but I thought that he contained Blue Panther Jr's suck very well. Nothing was over the top great, but I thought the match was surprisingly solid, if uneventful, and that's way more difficult than what Flyer did tonight considering who he was up against. I'm just not sure it's what he needs to do to stand out in this tournament given people's expectations for it.
  9. Jones managed Kamala? I don't remember that at all. Lots of weird things happened in 1984. Like Gary Hart managing Dory Funk Jr. in a mask.
  10. I'm just looking for pinball ex tables for my wife and I
  11. I had an all day retreat today and Victor left me a message that I saw at lunchtime. I'm just not dealing with this today. I'll process it tomorrow and after that. I'm not even reading the thread now. I'm not ready to face it.
  12. The problem was that he was skinnyfat on the inside.
  13. I want to be Tirantes when I grow up.
  14. Hogan just wanted him to respond period. And he did.
  15. I think it was fairly consistent from what we've seen from Movie Cap. I think that followed pretty soundly from his feelings in Avengers, having found the weapons. I'm not going to say that Cap is small government. I think he might support a really large Ministry of Education or Agriculture for instance. I think he has some serious concerns about the military-industrial complex, including being part of it himself. He's someone who respects the chain of command, but is willing to push it aside (like when he went to save Bucky in First Avenger). He's someone who understands the threat of Hydra better than anyone. The tree was rotted from the core. It was a world that he didn't make, one that had been warped and twisted from the seeds of his own work and the blood and tears of his friends, fellow soldiers, and countrymen. I can see him burning the tree down on the idea that they could start over. After that, he'd do everything he could to protect people from the consequences of his actions. You certainly see that he was doing everything he could to track down the remnants of Hydra. Frankly, though, I think we could have seen a bit more of him dealing with non-punching consequences there. A lot of people see Winter Soldier as the best Marvel movie. I don't think it's even better than First Avenger.
  16. To be fair, it's very likely Brandon Sanderson will be writing it.
  17. What people are arguing is this: "I feel like X should be this way. I think that the spirit of the character is Y. I think that it's ridiculous/cowardly/foolish/short-sighted/etc. to do a movie with character X that doesn't have that spirit represented." I think it's stupid to do a Superman movie that doesn't glorify the human spirit and inspire hope. I also think that it's unfortunate that people feel they have to lean hard on Jesus metaphors in superman movies or that they sometimes stress his Kryptonian background as opposed to the fact he was raised by good people. They've never made a Superman movie that fully appeals to me. The closest might be S: TAS because of when it was made and the ethos behind it. There are also very few Superman runs that really hit the marks I want the character to hit, Roger Stern's being up there, Greg Rucka's being up there, as well as a few more. Likewise, I feel very strongly about Captain America. I feel like much of my ethos came from Cap and reading Gruenwald's run as a kid, a run that is flawed but presented Cap as the best of us, as someone who represents not America but the American dream, who can always try to find a better way. He's the guy who stood up to Thanos when he was a god. He's the guy who refused to consider the most extreme options for Wanda in House of M #1. He's the guy who would do what's right over what's "necessary" in the most recent run of New Avengers. He's also been written in ways I don't like. I feel like the Marvel movies are braver and more on point in that they present Captain America closer to what I see him as and want him to be than the most recent Superman movie and the trailers (and very premise) of the Superman vs Batman movie. That shades my opinion. "I don't own the characters so the comic/movie companies can do whatever they like. There's no right or wrong way to do things. Really, my opinion doesn't matter so I shouldn't present it or argue it." That's what you just said, basically. Why are you even on a message board then? What's the point of talking to anyone? I know there isn't Truth in this. We all know that.
  18. Fuck political suicide. That doesn't matter at all to Show Stannis. Show Stannis is thinking of bigger things than that. He's thinking of the war of light vs darkness. He basically has one nuke in his arsenal. And he's going to use it for THIS. Not when facing White Walkers later as was foreseen or in taking King's Landing. I get that if he fails here, he fails, but it's pretty much time to find another way. I bet Bolton would make a deal, for instance. Is that a shitty compromise with a guy you obviously can't trust? Sure, but it's better than using your ONE NUKE for something inconsequential.
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