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Everything posted by RandomAct

  1. You know what has Duck in the title and isn't terrible?
  2. Before that commercial, the only time I ever heard "Totes McGoats" was in that movie "I Love You Man".
  3. The problem with the nuts who are crying "free speech" and all that shit, have zero understanding of what free speech implies. Free speech does not extend to your employers. He violated a company policy, he was punished. Simple as that. If I did shit like that at work, I'd be fired. First amendment means he can't go to jail for saying it, that's it.
  4. Boxing does need heels, I agree with that. There is nothing likeable about Broner. As much as I dislike Floyd, he still carries himself with class(most of the time), and he seems to be getting less hate as he gets older. Broner needed this loss though, for himself. He needed the humility. Whether or not he gains humility from this remains to be seen.
  5. Cici's at least has the decency to be dirt cheap and let you eat a fuck ton of it.
  6. Is Jeff Teague the leader for most improved player this year? Dude's numbers have been pretty great, even though he's under the radar.
  7. Y'all aren't missing anything. It's buttcheeks.
  8. I actually didn't know there were still Pizza Inns around either. I ate there all the time as a kid, and my very first job was there many, many years ago.
  9. I'd love if Dallas were in the mix, but we legit having nothing of value to offer. Thanks Lamar Odom.
  10. I love this thread. I can't believe Nash bumped twice on Worldwide for the Prince. Does ANYONE have Benoit vs Big Train Bart from 12/10/95? Such an awesome match, and I've never been able to find it.
  11. That's why I said "lesser version" lol. They aren't NEARLY as good, but it's the vibe I get.
  12. Yeah, last night was a good step in getting the season pointed in the right direction. Things actually happened.
  13. I get kind of a lesser 2011 Mavs vibe from the Celtics. A bunch of guys(outside of their one star) who wouldn't really work out under any other system, but make it all come together thanks to great coaching.
  14. Agree. Is Goodhelmet doing a set this year?
  15. No. Do a board search on "Freight Train". This has come up more than once in the last few months, I think. Yes it has. Myself and a couple of others have touched on it.
  16. So there is a claim that Maidana used smelling salts during the fight.
  17. Orton thinks he's cute with his belts.....
  18. Goddamn that main event was straight buttcheeks. Everything aside from Kofi/Miz was fun though.
  19. In all fairness, he's only gotten one wrong so far. I agree that it was intentional to fuck with him. WWE has their priorities in order.
  20. So I was thinking I wanna catch up since I've watched less than 5% of this. Anyone care to compile a chronological list and get a hearty thank you in return?
  21. Drago was going to pummel the shit out of him bad eye or not lol
  22. Rocky II brought us "smeel mainly" in the first two acts, so it's not a total loss.
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