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Everything posted by J.T.

  1. I've seen it and it is hilarious for all of the wrong reasons. I've also read the book and it mirrors the movie in title only. The book is actually about paranormal beings targeting people with the last name "Sato."
  2. How are you drawing that JJ hates the movie from all of that? The article is more about JJ micromanaging the creative and marketing process and apologizing for inadvertently screwing things up.
  3. Weapons really don't matter as far as classes go. Use the guns that mirror your playstyle.
  4. I spent a month in Kabul as a LAR when I was stationed at TACOM. Margot Robbie is more like a Ninety Seven. Missy Elliott in the trailer = Sold I would like that Elle King track if I did not hear it five times every hour of the day.
  5. I saw a commercial on last night while my girlfriend was catching up on Young & The Restless that TNA is coming on Pop Network aka TAFKA The TV Guide Channel. Should be easier to find than Destination America.
  6. The Chadwick Boseman rule returns to form (Selma being the recent exception) true as he is set to portray Thurgood Marshall in Reggie Hudlin's upcoming movie, Marshall.
  7. Someone pointed out they actually haven't blown up the ship since 1994. The trailer looks like more of the same. Terrible song choice hurts it a lot though. Those must be funeral bells I hear signifying that you are dead to me.
  8. It comes on at like zero thirty in the morning. It is going off when I am just getting out of bed. Besides that, I have all of the seasons on DVD somewhere in the attic.
  9. Holy crap, Lays has these kettle cooked wasabi ginger potato chips that fucking rule the earth!
  10. I cannot see Dean's posts from Dailymotion so I hope this is not a repeat. OH SHIT, SON~! Yeah, I give zero fucks about how big she might've been. I totally would've asked Bull Nakano out for beers and dinner at The Sizzler back then. I hate the internet. Today is NOT Sid Eudy's birthday.
  11. I'd disagree on one point. It is easier to be a switch hitter in MMA, because most of these guys have a grappling base, and a grappling stance generally starts with the power foot forward. For someone like me who learned boxing fundamentals before grappling fundamentals I never really switched feet, but most wrestlers do change it up when they learn to strike. A lot of them, especially the ones who can get to the UFC level, are very comfortable fighting with either foot in front. That is for grapplers. In Muay Thai kickboxing, it is harder if you are expected to kick(with power) with both legs. You can switch kick if you want or even teep with front leg, but the power shot will still be the back leg and fighting with the opposite leg feels different regardless even if it is punching. Precisely my experience. I find myself in Krav Maga practice forcing myself to right more in southpaw and favoring my left leg for power kicks in order to make myself a more fluid fighter and can switch stances at will. The Tao of Bruce Lee: put in the effort until it becomes effortless.
  12. Because that's all he's ever been. It's not like he had some Goldbergian undefeated streak in NXT. Why is anyone surprised that he's not winning on the main roster? He's never been protected. He just got to the main roster. You'd at least hope he'd get a little push before going back to being jobbed into oblivion.
  13. I love you like family and will visit your blog even though you thought Alpha Protocol was a good game.
  14. Oh, I remember The Sci Fi Channel and it had a much better fledgling schedule than Comet does.
  15. God, the League of Nations is the worst name for an international heel stable but holy shit is that a great roster. Claudio needs to reclaim his Swiss heritage and sign up with that clique. The name for Titus's finisher is fucking awesome but why is Tyler Breeze jobbing this soon?
  16. Nighfall strikes are pretty useless for players well above 300+ Light so you may as well do something to entice players to brave them and Bungie has released Silver content. No harm, no foul. I see this in the same way as I see the sample kiosks at Sam's Club that give you a taste of the items du jour. If you like the way the wasabi ginger salmon tastes, buy some for dinner. I wouldn't be pissed if I saw someone getting a free emote that I paid for. I would, OTOH, be VERY pissed off if I saw in-game ultra rare items like the Crux of Crota or the Fate of All Fools on sale for Silver or if Bungie worked a deal to sell Sony exclusive content early to Xbox customers in exchange for Silver while everyone else waited for the appropriate update. That fits the definition of Pay to Win.
  17. I saw Diablo in the title bar of the Youtube clip and thought to myself that I would much rather see a Diablo move than a World of Warcraft movie. I was about to send a thank you e-mail to Blizzard and then saw that Diablo is a fucking Western. Damn.
  18. Thursday's kung fu feature is the 36 Chamber trilogy.. Can probably skip it since I have seen it a million times and know the fights almost by heart. Gremlins and Gremlins 2 premiers on Saturday. Sunday has the Brave Archer Trilogy AND THE BATTLE WIZARD FUCK YEAH~!
  19. I love I COME IN PEACE. I still think they needed to do a sequel where Dolph Lungren's character goes after the White Boy gang he was trying to bust in the first act of the movie. Unappreciated and underused villains make me sad.
  20. So my folks have the Comet Network on their channel line-up now which is like the short bus version of Syfy. At least they showed Frogs yesterday (it was edited for TV though) and have old school Outer Limits episodes on regular rotation. When they start showing eps of UFO or Space: 1999, I will be impressed.
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