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Everything posted by Dog

  1. They wouldn't have gone that route since she was a fitness model and could go back to that look whenever she wanted. So was Kaitlyn.
  2. Does anyone else think J.T. knows way too much about this thing?
  3. Rich still doesn't buy it and has dissected Brevoort's entire post. http://www.bleedingcool.com/2014/06/02/dissecting-tom-brevoort-on-the-future-of-the-fantastic-four/ Doubt is an important thing, up until the point you become a denier. I wonder if Johnston also thinks the explosive experts that brought down the Twin Towers from the inside also orchestrated the vast, global warming conspiracy. Although it makes a little more sense here, as it's within his self-interest to perpetuate the unbelievable. Dude seems incapable of considering that maybe his "sources" at Marvel could be mistaken, have incomplete information, or could just BE FUCKING WITH HIM. If they even exist. That's why real (read: non-entertainment) journalists don't use anonymous sources.
  4. I missed part of this show. What's the stipulation for the Shield match on Sunday? They don't appear on Raw again if they lose?
  5. Kinberg tried to explain the Xavier thing to buzzfeed: http://www.buzzfeed.com/jacelacob/x-men-days-of-future-past-questions-simon-kinberg-answers
  6. Hmmm, wonder what that might be. What reception has Gillen's run on Iron Man had? It's one of the lower selling solos. Hulk and Thor do a lot better. Believe it or not, Deadpool crushes everything.
  7. That was a fine film, and I'm usually able to overlook such things, but the fact that there's really no explanation of how Xavier gets his body back after he hijacks that coma patient really bugs me. I mean, the whole JFK thing seemed superfluous; just gimme one line.
  8. Crowd was even quieter for the Shield.
  9. Well, that's because every WWE Superstar has a side job to fall back on: garbage man, plumber, race car driver, etc. Wire identifier?
  10. I think it's been said on screen more than once. As long as the Shield is around to fuck their shit up, nobody will be able to get what they want. Thus, the impediment must be removed.
  11. That's pretty vague, could you present some specifics because I'm not sure it's as clear cut as you imply? I can really only cite the figures that are floating around online which may or not be 100% accurate. However, I don't think it's crazy to think that the WWE midcard is in the $400k-$1 mil ballpark. Now multiply that by the time they are employed in a prominent place on the roster and they're not exactly in bad shape. I can't believe there's more than one "superstar" who makes a million dollars a year.
  12. Benoit also. Batista's first breakout performance was against Benoit on Raw when Batista was still in Evolution. Benoit must almost be completely decomposed by now.
  13. Sounds like a great match; wish I could watch it. I guess Main Event is a Network exclusive now, huh?
  14. Heyman wasn't gloating as much as he was angry that no one believed him for the past month. The fact that he's an admitted pathological liar makes it even better.
  15. You're totally right, but the fact this observation happens shows just how stark a break from kayfabe we've had. Twenty years ago no one would think twice, but now that wrestling is just another form of entertainment/art, the constant insistence on its veracity as a means of "universe immersion" becomes stranger and stranger. I love it though, as I did the Apter mags, and I hope we don't eventually lose it.
  16. When did the trolls start running the asylum? Go ahead and make Walter a mod like he wants and we can watch the whole board burn and be done with it.
  17. When did he fight Bryan? I do not remember that and would like to see it.
  18. Besides the one with Punk, has Reigns had a singles match that hasn't stunk?
  19. I wish he had come out in a suit.
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