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Everything posted by WholeFnMachine

  1. Just no, no, and no. This movie was a fantastic visual representation of how absolutely poisonous regret is. I love PT Anderson and this is by far my favorite of all his films. Everyone brought it and Robards was just magical.
  2. Pretty funny but they got a couple of things wrong. King didn't write Fear Nothing or Odd Thomas. I love Odd Thomas, the final book is coming out in January.
  3. http://litreactor.com/columns/every-stephen-king-novel-summarized-in-140-characters-or-less
  4. The shitty part though is that only Arrow & the Flash are connected and none of them are connected to the films. Not smart in my opinion.
  5. Here comes Supergirl http://www.zap2it.com/blogs/greg_berlanti_supergirl_cbs_series_order-2014-09
  6. And this looks amazing...especially for big hockey fans like myself
  7. I saw this film with my wife in San Diego last September, Mark Hoppus hosted the screening and did a post show Q & A with the filmmakers
  8. I believe Sheldon made a similar argument regarding Superman catching a falling Lois Lane in an episode of the Big Bang Theory. While Leonard argued that Superman could match his speed to the rate of speed of Lois' fall to compensate. However in your case, I do believe you are correct, well played Sir, well played.
  9. "I feel like hipsters should eat with their assholes because they consume everything wrong!" Chris Hardwick I loved his last album
  10. How has no one mentioned Pumping Iron?!
  11. The Ravens are such a classy organization! http://www.slate.com/articles/sports/sports_nut/2014/09/terrell_suggs_domestic_violence_like_his_teammate_ray_rice_the_ravens_linebacker.html
  12. I have to say, this was fantastic.
  13. I'm excited, but at the same time a bit disappointed it won't be in the Arrow/Flash universe. Wondering how the hell they'll do Starfire as well.
  14. My complaint about the recent movie Batmobiles is always the same, there is no way you could drive them down a city street, especially a city such as Gotham. You could not turn down any side streets nor could you operate with any stealth whatsoever. They are basically tanks and it's ridiculous. I like it best when it's just a tricked out, armored, badass roadster. Also, they keep putting fucking GUNS on them, even the Keaton version had GUNS, stop with the fucking GUNS. What, it's OK for Batman to use a gun as long as he's not holding it in his HAND?
  15. The only reason I've been excited for the most recent seasons of TUF is that my friends have been on, but this season looks like it will be batshit. I really found the seeding interesting and that first fight was great. Heather Clark is instantly my least favorite person on the show. And please sign me up for the Joanne Calderwood bandwagon.
  16. I've been really digging both @midnight and the Meltdown. Usually a good amount of quality on both.
  17. There were witnesses, Thiago did everything they say he did, they didn't drop charges because he did nothing wrong, they dropped charges because his ex left the country. I'm glad they released him & I hope DW is true to his word.
  18. The story lines in Batman Eternal have been great, I loved the reveals in 21 and cannot wait to see where it goes. My only complaint so far is that the artists are occasionally ridiculously shitty. Also, as a huge fan of Red Hood, I have to say that Patrick Gleason has done a fantastic job of drawing him in Batman & Robin, especially his mask/helmet. All other artists who draw him should take notes. NO LIPS & NO NOSE, KNOCK IT OFF!
  19. I don't remember where, but I was pretty sure someone went on record saying that the TV & film universes would not crossover. Therefor no Grant as the Flash & no Amell as Ollie. Which sucks massively, especially in Amell's case who has worked his ass off both on screen and promoting the show.
  20. Some rumors I heard at my local comic shop on Wednesday. 1. Batman will be portrayed as being in his 50s and having fought crime for 30 years already. 2. Robin (not specified which one) is already dead and there is a memorial in the Batcave I hope that NONE of this is true.
  21. Has there been any news on when TJ Grant is coming back, I can't believe it's been over a year since his last fight.
  22. Robin 101 sale at Comixology https://www.comixology.com/Robin-101-Sale/page/2866
  23. I have a Fire, but I've only downloaded from Amazon & Comixology or PDF files onto it.
  24. Now I cannot get the theme song from Mr. Belvedere out of my head.
  25. Most of mine have already been mentioned: Airborne - I absolutely love this movie, my best friend and I totally bonded over our shared love it when we met back in 98 and when it was finally available on DVD my wife got it for both of us for Christmas. No Retreat No Surrender - I drove my Mom crazy with the amount of times I rented it from the video store. The Last Dragon - So horrible, so good, so classic. And I have to say it, Joe fucking Dirt. Anytime it's on I have to watch it. My buddy and I went to Blockbuster in search of Airborne one night and of course they didn't have it, we saw a cardboard stand up of Spade as Dirt and said, we HAVE to see this. Fucking amazing, we quote it constantly. For the record, my favorite film is Magnolia and my favorite director is Paul Thomas Anderson.
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