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Everything posted by Eivion

  1. I read it the other day. Thought it was nice though I was surprised you didn't mention Yuuka is already out of the hospital.
  2. My favorite thing from last night was probably the women's tag. Its the best I think Paige has actually looked on the main roster or from what I've seen of her elsewhere. Same with Naomi. Naomi & Sasha were such a perfect team. It was good hearing the crowd actually invested. The Charlotte/Brie match was ok, but probably not worked remotely the way it should have been as it was awkward seeing Brie control a match with a person twice her size who has much more skill in the area. It would have been fine if Brie could carry herself like Sasha, but she can't. The Brock/Taker brawl was good, and the feud has my interest if they continue the straight up brawl route in the Summerslam match. I'm sort of torn on Cena/Rollins. I like the idea behind the feud, but don't really have an interest in seeing another Cena/Rollins match. The overdid the match late last year/early this year. Rollins hasn't really grown much the past six months to a point where I think they can have a different match from their previous encounters. I also don't really want to see Cena go for the main belt right now when he has more interesting things going on with the US belt. And most of it all it likely means Cena loses the belt in a screwy finish which would be fine with say Owens or Rusev but bothers me with anyone else. I can understand why they went this route though as they needed as big a match possible for Seth, but I wish this was another match entirely as it involves two people I would rather not see in the World title picture at the moment despite liking both.
  3. I guess it works out financially, but SyFy essentially just syndicating shows that air on Canada's Space Network makes for some awful tv. Continuum is decent. Most of the Canada imports have been fairly awful. I don't think Defiance is dumb, exactly, but it really does seem like they were asked to simplify the show after the first season. I thought the first season was easily SyFy's best show in awhile. S2 was ok, but they made a lot of decisions that didn't work for me. S3 is just there, imo. They've jettisoned a lot of the character bits and the sociopolitical elements for a straight-up action show. Speaking of which, is Datak Tarr supposed to be dead? I kept expecting some last minute plot twist to save him from a hanging. That never came, but they didn't actually show the hanging being carried out, unless I missed something. S1 of Defiance was horribly mediocre. The ideas were there, but none of it was done particularly well or in depth from what I recall. I thought S2 was a decent improvement.
  4. I'm in complete support of that. I found it odd you couldn't change who you control.
  5. Won't happen. ME isn't quite as loose narrative wise as DA is. It would also be extra time & work they probably don't have a budget for.
  6. Keep in mind the character in the trailer isn't the actual protagonist so there is a chance you aren't N7.
  7. I wasn't a fan of their last match, but I'm interested. I would be more interested though if Taker was in slightly better shape. Not sure why, but he seems to have gained some weight since Wrestlemania.
  8. Pretty much. I've been watching it on and off for 8 years or so for that reason. That and the slimmest bit of plot they offer each year.
  9. I thought the worst match was at least solid so this was a generally good show for me wrestling wise. Reigns/Wyatt was pretty good though I agree that it went too long, especially with the chinlock segment. Charlotte vs. Sasha vs. Brie was good. Sasha and Charlotte got to impress and Brie stepped up some even if she was clearly behind the other two outside of strikes. I think this is bit underrated. This might have been a little rough at times, but I expect things to get better over time. Owens/Cena was easily the worst of their matches, but still good. It was definitely too much of the same style wise despite some new stuff being thrown in. I'm probably the biggest Cena fan on the board, but I do think the wrong guy went over. It shouldn't have been a clean victory, but Owens definitely should have won this. I'm not too worried as I think Owens is good enough to bounce back via the strength of his character and wrestling alone, but this would have been the better moment for him to win the US title. Holding off for Summerslam is a bit much. Brock/Seth was pretty much perfect up until the finish. This was one match that was a WTF to me. Taker's appearance was fine, but I'm not sure why they didn't have Brock win the belt. Would have made the rematch between the two at Summerslam a bigger deal. There really isn't anymore life in Rollins as champ and there is no obvious challenger for Summerslam. I think the the pro-Wyatt crowd was just a group who happened to be close to the microphones. Maybe I misheard, but I thought I heard some pro-Roman cheers. There was plenty of Pro-Roman people in the crowd. Its was maybe 60-40 in favor of Wyatt. Yes, they were too close when they caught her. They somehow surprisingly managed to avoid landing hard though which is likely why she avoided something worst happening to her. I think the Bryan spot was just to give her a moment to shine as opposed to expecting face heat.
  10. Beat the main quest in 3. I dug it overall though it felt a bit fast.
  11. No, it wasn't. Both had started to improve then but nothing that saw people singing their praises or anything. Brie is a great wrestler/the better twin started last year when she was getting pushed. The great wrestler stuff was more tongue in cheek than anything serious though people did think she was the better than Nikki.
  12. RoU is definitely after Secret Wars. That got leaked in e-mail answer Remender gave to a fan. I've heard general theories that UA vol. 2 takes place afterward as well.
  13. I hope they ignore the existence of Arena post Secret Wars. How is Spencer's Ant-man?
  14. Kazma is a former K-Dojo wrestler. He got into WWE for a while on NXT and managing Albert/Bernard/Tensai on the main shows.
  15. That is my problem as well. Apocalypse was generally running around 7-9 ft. tall on average. Not sure why they chose to go small here, but it takes away the imposing presence. Hopefully they have appear taller in the actual film.
  16. I like that Atom Smasher is showing up. I like that Edge is playing him. I hate that they made him a villain, and that costume is too far off.
  17. I don't hate it per say, but I would have rather seen a concept similar to Extreme Ghostbusters with a younger team still connected to the old team. Right now I don't have a strong interest as its an all female team with a group of actresses I either don't know or am indifferent to. I'm waiting for a trailer to judge. So far the most interesting thing to me is Hemsowrth as their Janine.
  18. So I've been playing Fallout 3 for the last month. I just achieved lv 30. and have seemingly done most of side quests and DLC leaving me the main quest, Broken Steel, & the Mothership DLC. I figure I will probably beat it in another week or two. Was wondering if New Vegas is worth picking up? Does it glitch too much even today, or has worst of it been done away with?
  19. The spoilers the next month of shows look nice. I can't believe they are actually bringing in Liger to face Breeze. The match could be terrible and I think I would still be excited just for seeing Liger in a WWE/NXT ring.
  20. If you're ever interested in seeing Kimura's beter matches you should hunt down her BJW deathmatches and her matches with Satomura & Yoshida.
  21. According to Cornette something Dunn's father did earned him a job for life.
  22. Didn't think Assault on Arkham was that good. Also am I the only person who actually hates the costume they chose for Harley in this? It looks even worse than the original New 52 design.
  23. I wonder how far they will go with this. Will they just keep it on the main roster between these 9 divas or will it go into NXT and involve Emma, Bayley, Dana, Eva, etc?
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