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Everything posted by Eivion

  1. The card feels a little short at 7 matches. Hopefully this means some of the the singles matches will get more time. The card itself honestly looks decent. Kairi/Shayna and Becky/Charlotte are proven good matches. The MYC Final is another proven good match. Nikki/Ronda could go either way, but I think it leans more towards good with how well Ronda has been performing and Nikki herself looking generally decent-solid in this most recent comeback. The NXT UK Title match I'm not really sure of since both it's participants are a bit unproven but show potential. The Battle Royal will be neither here no there. Lita/Trish vs. Alexa/Mickie is honestly the weakest match on the show. I think the show will turn out fine quality wise. I don't think there is a big match sell beyond Ronda's. Nikki's neck is what worries me the most about this match up as well. Aside from that I think it will be fine at worst. I do think she has looked better now than she did in her last run. Its becoming more and more clear she came back too soon in 2016.
  2. It was the best material to go with considering its whats most of the audience likes to believe.
  3. I'm kind of surprised the movie is doing so well since no one seems to think its anything great.
  4. They started out as movies, and were later adapted to tv series. The second season is actually just the first half of the current run of sequel movies. I don't think the final one has even come out yet.
  5. Raises hand. I leave it in my car quite often when I'm shopping. I don't even bother take my phone if I'm out with my older brother.
  6. I like that the battle royal for Evolution will actually have something worthwhile on the line though I wish it had some actual build to it. That was easily the best promo Ronda has done though the Cena remarks felt like a bit much. Nia vs. Tamina in tag was nice enough, but I want them as a tag team already just destroying people. The Sheild breakup stuff was annoying, but I loved the six man tag and was so damn happy with that ending.
  7. That is a mostly apt comparison only its still a little worse since Dar was at least better than the guys he beat.
  8. Not really. It absolutely should matter. Its just that actually making money while doing so should matter as well. WCW operating globally means little when NJPW was operating on a bigger level within their own country and making more money than them throughout the entire 90s. Like NJPW was/is a bigger deal in Japan than WCW ever was in America. That is where the comparison lies and why its kind of important considering America was WCW's main base and where they would have made the most money/impact.
  9. How dare you insult me for completely forgetting the Servitor uses solar attacks. Yeah, I totally forgot about that. I usually have solar singe running just because my current main class is solar. I actually two-manned it with an LFG random this morning. Hilariously enough we did die the first time, but it had nothing to do with the boss and more the should be fodder. Second time we made it to him we did absolutely melted him with heavy weaponry and supers before he could even do his first teleport.
  10. The only match I think I'm really looking forward to is Toni/Mia.
  11. Watched the most recent Yamato with my older brother who is a big fan. It is well worth watching.
  12. Good point. I think I've gotten too used to having access to stuff I normally didn't beforehand. Isn't this more the fault of Sony and Microsoft?
  13. Its a pity Iron First was cancelled though not remotely surprising. I thought the second season was a massive improvement over the first and at worst, solid. Hopefully we can get Danny and Luke together again at some point. I really enjoyed the team in Luke Cage S2. As far as ranking the Netflix shows goes: DD S1 JJ S1/LC S2 JJ S2/IF S2/LC S1 Punisher/DD S2 IF S1 As you you can see I rate a lot of stuff around the same.
  14. What was pay gated that shouldn't have been? Also the general talk is that the DLC for 76 will be free. Even cosmetics that will cost money will supposedly still available through regular gameplay.
  15. Well shows what I know. Really didn't think it would happen since the actual title win won't be shown until several weeks after Evolution.
  16. There was an event at Greenbriar where many youtubers, journalists, etc. got to play for a couple of days so there is a decent amount of footage to check out if any of you are interested. I'll be picking it up when it releases.
  17. Eivion


    Oh she was. It just looks like it will be more of a proper partnership opposed to being so Maria focused like their short run before was.
  18. Eivion


    That interview is the first time Mike has actually stood out from Maria. This 205Live run may end a way better fit for him.
  19. Didn't really think about it until you brought it up, but Asuka/Kana was totally a JKP. She had that look from her initial return to wrestling but did nothing shoot style wise. Then when she did start doing it she had no fucking clue what she was doing and was mostly just a bitch stiffing people until Yuki Ishikawa taught her how to actually wrestle the damn style properly.
  20. Not really fond of alternate versions of characters being involved, but so much of that team is interesting to me that I can't help but be excited. I really like this line-up. Its also interesting since this its basically sounding like Cates is going with the type of team Quill wanted the Guardians to be in the first place.
  21. Oh I forgot to mention that part didn't I. After my second or third death I was locked out of the damn thing as well despite having 13 minutes of Queensfoil Tincture left. Still didn't have it as bad as you since my team died and got locked out as well (we tried one more time before I gave up after making it far and dying 2 or 3 more times) and I of course had my power. That is a weird damn glitch they have going on. So how tough is the boss? I've been thinking of trying it solo since I already know I'm going to die way too many times just gettign to him. I'm 577 right now.
  22. This so much. You want to take down Superman level enemies then you develop proper super weapons. You want to do spy work, assassinations, etc. while possibly dealing with non-Superman level metas, you use Task Force X. Honestly, I would rather they recast Smith and not bring Harley in at all. I'm good with everyone else returning.
  23. That was my first introduction to ZSJ. I thought he looked interesting, but not really among the best in that tournament. Offhand I would give it to Kendrick and Ibushi. I've been far more impressed by the little ZSJ I've watch in NJPW via AXS.
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