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Everything posted by Zimbra

  1. Hell, throw Taken and Jack Reacher in there and make it the Throat-Punching Expendables
  2. Good on all the other hosts for refusing to go along with that bullshit.
  3. Everybody on the internet is making a big deal about seeing Mario's nipples, but can we talk about his lack of a belly button? That means he's a mammal but not a placential one. It's now canonical that Mario is a monotreme.
  4. Boris Diaw signed with a French team so I'm done with the NBA. Edit: OK, I'm gonna listen to this Lowe Post with Jackie McMullan, but THEN I'm done with the NBA.
  5. I'm in the same boat but with Zelda. I wish renting consoles was still a thing.
  6. Amazing for both the news and the picture.
  7. Perhaps cranking one out to cartoons is the thing that can bridge the generation gap. Just looking at the front page Darkest Dungeon, Grim Dawn, The Banner Saga, Starbound, and Shadowrun Returns are all $10 or under and are all really good.
  8. I did this and EG rules. I just wish it was a bit easier to unlock new courses. Definitely buying this when it goes on sale.
  9. I didn't realize that Everybody's Golf was the same as Hot Shot's Golf, but now I'm interested. I may have to Redbox it this weekend.
  10. The PM of Antigua is on state TV saying that Barbuda is 90% wiped out with a death toll above 1000. The population of the island is about 1600. Jesus. EDIT: They're walking back that death toll now.
  11. Kevin Maguire posted the cover for the JLI Omnibus. I had no idea this was coming out. Between this and the 4th world reissues I'm going to be giving DC some money this year.
  12. I finally got tired of my laptop freezing every time I looked at it crooked so I copped a new Dell this weekend. And it actually has a dedicated graphics card so I can run games on something other than the lowest settings, which is neat.
  13. Yep, and they're being very cagey about what materials they have on site, so people downwind don't know what they're being exposed to. Also, and this is pretty minor in the grand scheme of things, but the hurricane (along with some unrelated production disasters elsewhere) are looking like they're going to cause global shortages of some widely used industrial chemicals, which is going to cause supply issues and price spikes for all kinds of things.
  14. Apparently the Arkema organic peroxide plant in Crosby, TX has lost primary and secondary cooling and is going to explode. Not a question of if but of when. They started evacuating people from around the plant yesterday, but I can imagine it's impossible to make sure you have everyone in this kind of situation. This is going to be super, super bad.
  15. Rollie Massimino, who coached Villanova to their first title in 1985, has died at the age of 82. I'm glad he hung around long enough to see them win it again.
  16. It is just wild to me that a Mario v Rabbids game a) exists and b) is apparently pretty good.
  17. Yeah, I've played a lot of it and I'm a big fan. Unlike D3 there's a ridiculous amount of character customization with multiple workable builds for each class combination. And unlike PoE you can reliably find worthwhile and interesting loot out in the wild. I highly recommend it.
  18. Starcrawlers is basically cyberpunk Etrian Odyssey with a procedural mission system, a diablo-ish loot system, and like 20 different corps/factions you can interact with and it is extremely, extremely my jam.
  19. I'm still holding out hope for a PS4 version of PoE. I'm giving it another try and it finally feels like it's clicking with me, but my poor laptop really chugs trying to run it.
  20. I don't seem to be getting notifications on the board when I get reactions or when I'm quoted anymore. I checked my notification settings and both of those options were turned on. I don't particularly miss them, but I felt like I should tell someone.
  21. Comedian and character actor Jay Thomas passed away at age 69. His best-known acting role is probably Eddie LeBec, Carla's hockey player husband on Cheers. But he's probably better known for being on Letterman every year around Christmas to tell this story:
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