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Everything posted by StuntmanCrowley

  1. Punk/Kingston should be great. I think Kingston should get the win over Punk, just TO break the cycle of "Happy Wrestling Uncle" Punk
  2. At this point, Andrew Bynum is a more popular 76er than Ben Simmons will ever be.
  3. So, apparently at IWA Deep South Carnage Cup, someone legitimately got their finger cut off with pruning shears.....I love death match wrestling but even I think that is just the absolute dumbest shit. I won't post the picture of missing finger in here, but if you look at MurderDeathKillClub instagram, you'll see it.
  4. So i watched the show and was thoroughly entertained top to bottom. Not the best Deathmatch I've ever seen, but i feel like this is just a setup for a series of matches between Moxley and Gage. However, im not sure how many people in here stumble upon the Cult of Cornette group, but jesus christ, i can't even begin to imagine what it must be like to be so miserable about something you claim to enjoy. The term "gatekeepers" get thrown around a lot, but almost every single one of these miserable bastards likens themselves to gatekeep what professional wrestling should be according tot he gospel of Cornette and it's pathetic and sad.
  5. This makes me want Gulak in AEW, well, moreso.
  6. I'm such a huge fan of Thunder Rosa. I also love following her facebook along with ym daughter because it's just so....wholesome. The travel stories and posts have endeared her to me because my daughter will legitimately ask me to see what TR has posted. I can't wait for her and Britt Baker to go toe to toe again.
  7. You can also get some really good recipes in there as well.
  8. I shit you not, I was at that show too, lol
  9. All of this. It seems that he gets Orton to have to hide his face weekly and I love seeing it. It's probably the most I've enjoyed Orton, ever. and whoever said Murder Lashley is the best Lashley wasn't wrong. That opening 6 man/segment was so unbelievable fun. I fell asleep before the main so I'll have to catch it after work.
  10. I made the mistake of looking at the comments regarding the Owen announcement in the "Cult of Cornette" Facebook group. What a bunch of miserable assholes.
  11. Going back tot he previous page regarding the Undertaker.....so I would imagine it's pretty well accepted at this point that the Undertaker is a massive scumbag?
  12. That was too wholesome and too funny.
  13. Still better than Bron breaKKer with two K's lol
  14. You're not the only one. I did a double take, then imagined it wouldn't be half bad, lol
  15. I've admittedly hated on Raw for a while, but I give credit where it's due. RK Bro is ridiculously entertaining.
  16. The stuff with Black is incredible, I echo the sentiments that his pacing is tremendous compared to the rest of the AEW style and that Black Mass he hit on Johnson looked nasty. I do worry that he's going to run through the entire Nightmare Family only to lose decisively to Cody when he comes back. Also, that Boston Crab(?) variation Statlander used was absolutely awesome....does anyone have a gif/video of that?
  17. That was the most entertained I've been by a match on Raw in months.
  18. I'll say it, R-Truth is someone I'd still pay to see. Outside of that, Roman, The USO's, Finn, Becky, Sasha, Bianca....that's it. If we're counting NXT and NXT UK, well, im still really into both shows/rosters.
  19. Same vein as people running someone down who actually recovered from their dark period in life to continually label them a drug addict.
  20. Jesus, Raw is an embarassment and I'm actually semi-excited for Reigns/Cena.... Congrats Nikki Cross.
  21. Wow. Finally finished. I haven't read all the comics and comments, so forgive me if im repeating sentiments. So basically, with the introduction of Kang, the (possible bread crumbs to God Emperor Doom).....is the MCU basically saying "Yeah, the Avengers should've lost, buckle up?" That's what I'm getting and I'm ALL IN on the next however many years of Fallout.
  22. I'm just going to continue to enjoy the shows and not read the threads, lol, goddamn.
  23. I'm still waiting for my Expendables/F&F crossover Expendably Fast and Furious. Statham is the link.
  24. Wonderful, Edge. At least we know Roman will make this watchable.
  25. I think it was here that I read that Karrion Kross is an entrance and nothing more and honestly, that couldn't be closer to the truth. I love the entrance, the whole presentation of it. Then when he starts wrestling it just does.....nothing.
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