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ohtani's jacket

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Everything posted by ohtani's jacket

  1. Remember when this album was all you heard, everywhere you went.
  2. I finished Mark Waid's first run on The Flash. It was okay, but it was full of generic superhero stories. I don't see why it's considered a landmark run. I guess Mike Baron and William Messner-Loebs' runs may be considered weird to some folks, but to me, they were far more brilliant. There were some positives to Waid's run. He was good at multi-part storylines, and he did a lot of nice stuff with Wally and Linda. To his credit, his writing was solid enough that it didn't really matter when the art was subpar, but I don't get what the big deal was, other than the fact that it was long. Perhaps the appeal is that it was a solid superhero run in a decade not known for its solid superhero runs, but you'd think it was the equivalent to Peter David's Hulk run the way some people go on about it. I guess other folks are way more into the Speed Force thing than I was. I must really like Wally West, though, as I intend to keep going through the Morrison and Millar run and back to Waid, and maybe even Johns.
  3. Is this what you're thinking of?
  4. I finished Chew over the weekend. It took me a while to get used to the art, but once I did, I was in for a ride. What a weird and wonderful series. It was batshit insane but strangely moving. And always entertaining. Thanks for the memories, Chew!
  5. I'd travel back to the 50s or 60s to see more British, French, European and American graps. And some vintage lucha too.
  6. Sakaguchi has some really good matches from the 70s. That changed my perception of him completely, more so than anything from the 80s. There is a tag match w/Inoki vs. Fujinami and Kimura where he works like the first coming of Akira Taue, though.
  7. That was a badass finale. Chozen and Silver were awesome this season. Here's hoping Chozen hooks up with Kumiko.
  8. Ha ha, Stingray the AEW mark.
  9. Great to see a young player fulfill their potential in the modern era. Hopefully, Alcaraz can kick on from here and not flake out like some of the other young hopefuls.
  10. I'm not so sure that Ginobili was the second best player on the 2003 Spurs team. Parker was probably a bigger factor that year, tbh. Stephen Jackson was arguably the second best player on the team.
  11. I finished Jim Shooter's run on Adventure Comics. It loses its charm when Curt Swan leaves. Win Mortimer isn't a bad artist, but I was used to the aesthetic Swan gave the book. Shooter was getting older too, and didn't have quite the same youthful enthusiasm. It's a great run, though, with some classic stories and a ton of folklore. The first appearance of Mordru is a brilliant two-parter and the peak of the run to me. I understand that Shooter continued to write some backup Legion stories in Action Comics, but I can't imagine that they're much better than the final Win Mortimer stint.
  12. I can't keep track of what's going on in this show anymore. So many callbacks to things I've forgotten.
  13. I like the show, but I think it has some serious flaws as a TV series. If I were a casual viewer, I would be confused as heck by the structure of the show. First, it seems like The Corinthian is going to be the main antagonist, then the focus shifts to the Thewlis character, then a whole host of new characters are introduced with the Doll House arc. If this were a weekly TV show and you missed an episode or two, you'd be confused at heck. The main character isn't an active protagonist and is in the background much of the time, and he's not only unrelatable, he's actually kind of an asshole. I wonder if they made a mistake trying to adapt two trade paperbacks into a single series. I understand that it might have been difficult to stretch Preludes & Nocturnes into an entire season, and their aim was to adapt the series in its entirety, which would require being greenlit for more series than Netflix is willing to produce, but perhaps it would have been better to have been less faithful with the adaptation. I can't recall any successful Netflix shows where a story finishes halfway through the season and another storyline begins. I don't think the cliffhangers are strong enough, either. The entire reason people binge watch Netflix shows is because the cliffhangers leave them wanting to see the next episode. I don't get a strong urge to immediately watch the next episode. I did really like the way they adapted the Hob story. That may have been the highlight of the show so far.
  14. Bert Royal passed away. https://slamwrestling.net/index.php/2022/08/20/british-star-bert-royal-dies/
  15. I searched about him in Japanese and apparently the direct cause of death was pneumonia. He spent his teenage years in New Zealand. His band was named after a fast food chain we had in New Zealand when I was a kid.
  16. I imagine a future where Kim is working tirelessly to get an 80 year old Jimmy out of prison on compassionate grounds. Interestingly, both Bob Ordenkirk and Rhea Seahorn believe they continue to see each other in the future.
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