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Everything posted by (BP)

  1. We've been deprived of Bill Murray with a giant beard and trident.
  2. All of this reinforces that they need to remake No Holds Barred with Cena. "Why don't you ask me about my charity work?!"
  3. Considering they have an Olympic gold medalist on the roster, I'm shocked we haven't gotten a Katrina Angle storyline. "I only came in here for neck surgery dammit!"
  4. The one time Paul was on and they actually stopped recording for a few minutes to talk about an idea for Steve/Brock. It was either them screwing around or Austin was at least intrigued enough to protect the idea.
  5. Dixie/billy vs DaveLet's wait for the blowoff with Dixie/Billy vs Dave/Courtney Love.
  6. Joe has signed a new full time contract with WWE, so no more Indy dates once he finishes up his schedule. They apparently rushed the deal based on his merch sales.
  7. You shouldn't say that about Piscopo. His father said that about him once. Once.
  8. They should be low key with the fighting family man thing with Owens. If Vince gets his hands on that Owens's wife will be getting stalked or his son will be getting happy birthday sung to him in no time.
  9. My grandfather used to tell me about how he worked as a plant in an audience once to job to Byers when she was doing open challenges.
  10. Loved Owens/Cena on first watch. Otherwise the best hope spots and cut offs were the crowd almost getting into matches and then dying again all night.
  11. Betsy Palmer passed away at 88. RIP Mrs. Voorhees.
  12. During the advent of digital recording he also accused people using it of stealing because they weren't watching the commercials. Real visionary.
  13. Really enjoyed Grace and Frankie. It's a sitcom premise, but it mixes a lot of depth and truth in with the easy jokes. The entire ensemble is amazing, but I'm especially happy to see Lily Tomlin crushing it. As a How Did This Get Made fan it's really cool to see June Diane Raphael almost walk away with the show too. I also tried Aquarius. I like David Duchovony, but this just did nothing for me. I'm not sure if Bray Wyatt has watched a lot of Manson interviews or the guy playing Charlie has watched a lot of Bray promos.
  14. I thought Tom Brandi had a real shot in the 98 Rumble, probably out of a desperate hope that the signed Salvatore Sincere 8X10 I convinced my Mom to buy me at an indy would be valuable.
  15. Yeah, I didn't appreciate him in WCW then, but I could watch Bossman and Vader beat the shit out of each other all day, and he was a great base for guys like Eddie.
  16. Before Anyone Else. Used in a sentence: "My wife's punches don't look too good, but she has great missile dropkick, so she's bae."
  17. I didn't realize the Five Knuckle Shuffle was a masturbation euphemism until someone mentioned it here like a week ago.
  18. I can picture it now: Davey reviving someone, anxiously awaiting a response to see if they're okay, only to get a garbled, "Have you seen that suplex gif? The fuck were you thinking?"
  19. If they're really serious about doing the Network specials every few weeks then a Japan show would be pretty neat. I can't believe they wouldn't record a Brock appearance anyway for promotional use.
  20. Every time I see a new picture of the suit I think,"they finally did it!"
  21. It's a goofy horror comedy, but the creature reveal in Tusk is like peeking into the seventh circle of hell.
  22. Everyone who told my wife and I that her nausea/vomiting would stop in the second trimester can suck it. Hoping by next week she'll feel better.
  23. Triple H has a soft spot for people with addiction problems. I don't know if anyone at ROH has the same disposition for self-inflated knobs.
  24. Dana's flexing comes off like a weird security blanket/nervous tic. As soon as she's aware there's a camera on her she goes to it. It was actually kind of sad when that was all she could think to when Emma won.
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