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Everything posted by Jiji

  1. PC mods, babay. They've got hypothermia and weather mods that go along with the survival stuff and, while it takes twice as long to do anything, it's fun if you're into that stuff.
  2. Plus, aren't the turtles more or less Jim Herd's hunchbacks come to life? THEIR SHOULDERS AREN'T ON THE DAMN MAT!
  3. One of my favorite Austin podcasts and as far as Hollywood suits go, Wagenen is a beauty.
  4. He'll cash in next year with the huge cap increase, no?
  5. It would appear that Travis Browne assaulted his partner and she posted several gruesome pics on instagram: http://www.bloodyelbow.com/2015/7/9/8922115/ufc-travis-browne-allegedly-involved-in-domestic-abuse-of-wife-jenna-renee-webb-mma-news
  6. It's going to happen! Don't cheap out now United Artists. Make Charlie Chaplin proud!
  7. Yep, that was brutal and I made a similar comment to my friend. And just after I put him over in the general discussion thread... His nadir was the Blue Demon Jr. turn. It sounded like he was describing how he makes his sandwich to a friend. So boring, so emotionless. They also should've had a live stream of Pentagon Jr. holding the lighter over doused Vamp for the entire week with obvious loop marks. My guess for the outcome: Vampiro uses his political powers to both win the match and undermine Pentagon's push. Junior will be wearing a loin cloth by Ultima Lucha's conclusion.
  8. Top 3 episode of Lucha Underground and everything worked. 3 good-to-great matches and a classic angle. And Catrina's ever so rude titties. This show . I legitimately marked out for both Mack(~!) and Pentagon.
  9. Right thread! Catching up on last week's episode before watching this week's with a bud... Melissa Santos, as if I needed another reason to dig her, starts yelling at Big Ryck when he's two feet away. She is so good. Marty the Moth is winning me over with his body language. Such a creep.
  10. If they haven't learned yet, I have a difficult time envisioning them doing so now. But if they don't, this has to be their last run at the home console market, right?
  11. What's the point of the whole early July window? Why not just release players and let them negotiate deals and conclude them when the player and team are both ready? Nobody is holding a gun to either party to sign (though, it appeared that may have been the case in Miami with Wade). What's the justification for the window to the pay windah? Also, going back on your word is to the NBA as killing a guest after providing them salt and bread in GRR Martin's world.
  12. That's what I thought too. Plus, Striker and Vampiro are the best commentary crew going today. A little depressing, sure, but they're so much better than everybody else. There's a rapport between the two, Striker sets the narratives, Vamp adds crazy Vampiro charisma and twists to everything and is a great Dusty-lite color man in that he loses his shit when big things go down. See: the Angelico dive and Vamp proceeding to get up and walk around the ring in disbelief.
  13. Yeah, but the likelihood of that all happening is slim to none.
  14. He could vacate the title when he inevitably wins the world championship.
  15. Agreed. That was particularly bad when you have to drive on the walls. I lost my sense of positioning and continually either hit the barrier on the last lap or nosedived into the water.
  16. Dude, I think this is a blessing in disguise. Dirk's on his last legs. You don't want to have DJ as your #1 (or #2) option and highest paid player. It would be better just to suck and get a good player in the draft. Hopefully Wes has a change of heart too. Even Cuban said without DJ and Matthews, they would've tanked. Even with the latter, the tank could be on. It would just be a more expensive one than usual.
  17. Rusev is the Peter Cushing of WWE.
  18. What Elsalvajeloco said. I don't think that giving Rory a shot before giving Hendricks a rematch is anyone's idea of avoiding the possibility of pasty McDonald as champ. And I can believe that even Dana hopes that Rory wins so that they finally have someone for the Canadian market to rally around now that Rush is on an indefinite hiatus. Wait, what happened to Ryan Jimmo?! What, they cut him? Hmm, that Steve Bossé has a nice haircut and movie star looks!
  19. HAHAHAHAHA, that fucking guy. Such a magnificent troll.
  20. "No one cares about what you think." This is so awful. "Be yourself!" "But don't do this, this, this, especially don't do this, but have fun!" There's also a CM Punk waffle house reference. This seems like it was drawn up in 2010, so that's a year or so before Nash used that on Punk? I guess Hunter and/or Vince used it as a long-running joke.
  21. Raheem Sterling should be shot out of a cannon from Liverpool to Manchester.
  22. +1 for Spinal Tap reference. Also, good on Tate for taking that stance but "it's my job" is basically her saying "please don't sentence me to my death."
  23. Would Tate even want that fight? Her manager would probably be charged with criminal neglect if he/she let Tate take that fight.
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