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Technico Support

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Everything posted by Technico Support

  1. Is the whole screen shaking for offensive moves new?
  2. Did Meltzer run in and coat Sasaki's nethers with cooling spray when it was over?
  3. Not to beat the dead horse that is AJ's neck tattoo, but based on that, her record being broken out of spite probably does hurt her a little. Maybe she can get a coverup or parlay it into a guest spot on one of those "horrible tattoos" shows.
  4. Bill Watts want needs more information. Specifically, the shape of Moose's skull vs. Cedric's.
  5. Bring back Bill Watts to book ROH. His head would explode trying to figure out which of these dominant natural athletes to put the belt on first.
  6. This is probably the best place to ask... Is there a Zack Sabre, Sr.? If not, why is Jr. Jr.?
  7. Flippy black guy is my catch all term for homies working RoH not named Moose. But Moose does a goofy flip when he hits the spear!
  8. Thanks for the reassurance, dudes, but I can tell you that Baltimore has a terrible habit of playing up or down to their opponents' level so no guarantees.
  9. Suggs is out for the season and the offensive line is apparently actively trying to get Flacco killed. Fuck I hate football.
  10. I read an article that mentioned how The Visit is the best M. Night movie in a decade (the very DEFINITION of damning with faint praise). It mentioned that there was a TWIST~! so I went straight away to Wikipedia to read the synopsis. Holy shit, what is the point of this guy still making movies seriously you guys what the everloving fuck?
  11. Saw the Poltergeist remake. Or reboot or reimagining or whatever. It was a very inoffensive remake. No real good reason to go out of your way to see it if you've seen the (much better) original, but it wasn't terrible. If you;re interested in seeing it just as a curiosity, I wouldn't try to dissuade you. Everyone gives good performances. Even the kids are decent, which is a rarity. Jared Harris fills in the Tangina role and is pretty good, and there are nods to the original (Harris plays the host of a Ghost Hunter TV show whose tagline is #thishouseisclean). There's also a throwaway reference to Evil Dead, because Sam Raimi is one of the producers. Anyway, like I said, it's a pretty average film that maybe you could see if you had some time to kill but nothing you should go out of your way to watch.
  12. I thought that AND I thought Mr. Perfect was Sunny. Why would Sunny carry a towel around with her? You know what, nevermind.
  13. A thumb to the windpipe, paired with convulsing and gasping for air, is probably verboten w/r/t the sponsors.
  14. She's just spamming her taunt to fill her finisher meter faster.
  15. It was totally on topic. The dog's huge balls weighed him down and caused him to sink to the bottom.
  16. The money quote from the Steelers' website: Whomever posted that will probably be fined by the NFL. Tomlin probably will be, too.
  17. Ravens fan because I was born and raised in Baltimore. I now live and work in the DC suburbs but, despite the fact that my team is best known for one alleged murderer and one proven fiancee puncher, it's still better than cheering for the Washington Racial Slurs. TALES OF OTHER CITIES' HORRIBLE FANS: I apparently work with a shit ton of Redskins fans and didn't even know it until they had their one good season with RG3. Haven't heard a peep since then. I went to a (wife's side of the) family gathering in Columbus a while back. I said to a guy, "hey, you;re midway between Cincinnati and Cleveland. Who do you root for in the NFL?" His response? "Whoever's winning."
  18. I just finished watching Threemendous IV. Dave sitting stonefaced at ringside with his massive notepad certainly is a thing.
  19. Regardless of that though, it's definitely got me on the hook for season two. Tyrell talked to Elliott then the writers forgot? Or maybe the whole show is in Elliott's head? Maybe it's purgatory. Nonsensical dialog, twists upon twists, mysteries~! Is Mr. Robot going to be this generation's Lost? I don't mean that in a good way.
  20. I read that post too quickly and thought there was a new daytime TV program called "Good Morning, Nigga"
  21. Not misogyny, just the wrestling bubble...people still cheer Brody no-selling and pulling blades on Luger because Luger had the temerity to be muscular, good looking, and not all that great in the ring at that point in his career. The nerve of that guy.
  22. Vince is an old white man and looks at these videos the way your dog looks at a weird noise.
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