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Everything posted by TerjeRUN

  1. Page 6: Bret Hart really needed a better shirt back in 1998. Even in WWF he didn't have a standout shirt.
  2. In Rick Martel's shoot he elaborated more on the Dino thing. Dino's uncle was second in command in the Montreal mafia and since Dino was making so much money some of the local cocaine peddlers for the mob wanted a piece of the action so Dino let them take a shipment but they messed it up and the cops busted the deal. i think the mob thought Dino ratted them out so then pop pop bang bang. During the Montreal Canadiens game to boot Lesson to be learnt: don't get involved with dirty cocaine dealers / users.
  3. RE Dino Bavo, there is a local news crew filming his body being wheeled out on YouTube (unable to link from work).
  4. Scott Taylor by many accounts is one grounded, classy nice bloke. So apparently the total opposite to Brian Christopher.
  5. Going back through some old tapes, it either seems too forced or off the mark. Early (pre) BWO stuff is OK with the impressions and all, but for all the comedy they try.... I'm not feeling it.
  6. Which sucks because he is better than most people they've pushed since 2010.. Yeah, he was in a great spot to get over in 2010 until the rug was pulled from him.
  7. *Click to Enlarge* *Click to Enlarge* Fuck, such an amazing build. That match had a big time, Mike Tyson in the 80's boxing match feel to it. That PWI cover sums up how badly they fucked up the execution though. Even disregarded the botched fast count: it was a poor choice to end the match. It should have been clean...
  8. Loads of old school Japan death match content is not on YouTube - I imagine it would get taken down. I'd like to see the BJPW shopping mall match appear, haven't seen that in many years and there is no way for me to legally purchase it.
  9. I love the idea that it's unexpected and noteworthy that two decades of added experience made someone better. To be fair, in wrestling things tend to go the other way rather rapidly. Esp as Dustin has had his fair share of drug issues over the years...
  10. I don't know what the fuck I just watched, all I know is that I liked it. I liked it very much.
  11. And you think a successful magazine editor of twenty years is just having a different opinion to the likes of you, noble modern age forum poster, to be different? What a laughable notion. Read up a little, Fin Martin has given Cena plenty of praise over the years, and when he does bash him, he justifies his reasons.
  12. In 2013 you still haven't figured out that wrestling is subjective?
  13. Fin Martin (writer) doesn't like Cena, but he justifies his reasons clearly. Whether you agree with those reasons is another matter. He is balanced in my opinion, because he compliments Cena quite a lot when he believes he deserves it. I don't know what the criteria for the PS50 is tbh, but if you go with the logic that it's the opposite to the kayfabe PWI500, and based on his opinion of workrate, it's no shocker that he wouldn't include a wrestler whose style he doesn't personally care for.
  14. Is the magazine out today? I'll have to buy it.
  15. I really liked it. I remember backing it on Kickstarter for my sins, tok forever for the DVD to arrive, but regardless, it's a well made watch.
  16. It's like the kids in Stand by Me finding out the big scary dog was actually rather shit...
  17. Will be listening to this on the way home then :-)
  18. If two wrestlers got in a fight backstage, we'd talk about that. If two wrestlers are fucking, we talk about that also. We should rename to board "Fights and Fucks"
  19. There should be a thread of random WCW matches as there is some pretty out there stuff in the archives, or just generally matches you forget ever happened. Chris Jericho vs Marty Jannetty for example.
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