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Everything posted by TimLivingston

  1. It takes two to tango. Brian Pillman carried Johnny B. Badd at Fall Brawl but if he wasn't willing to dance, that match would have sucked. That Zayn/Cesaro interview was MONEY. That was old-school, money-drawing, get me to see those guys fight greatness. I was waiting for Cesaro to kick him in the knee, and when it happened, I popped so hard for that. I really want to see a Wyatt Family face run at some point. I actually think that once they work Cena, they might actually get turned face. One thing that I hope WWE does at some point is some type of generational war. NXT at this point really has enough guys who are at a level where they could do an all out assault on the "established" guys and instead of the aborted NXT thing from a few years ago where SuperCena reigned supreme, a year-long feud where the up-and-comers took on the old guard would be incredible. Sadly, Vince would never let it happen. BFF's need more promo time to get them over as bitches. I'm digging Charlotte as the mouthpiece/chosen one.
  2. Been popping around the threads and can't get in, seeing database errors. First one I saw it was in the cricket thread.
  3. He didn't even need to foul. Just not let LeBron get comfortable where he can decide which shot he can take. He walked across the timeline with 10 seconds left. Nobody pressured him as he came across. I know AI is one of the best wing defenders in basketball, but to paraphrase Arn Anderson, "That's no man! That's LeBron James!" Get him out of his comfort zone. Have confidence in your team's ability to switch on defense and make the player YOU want to beat you. Chalmers, Bosh and Allen can all hit threes from either the top of the key or the corner. Battier likes it on the wings. So push LeBron to go one of those ways, especially with Battier on the floor! Jackson had a fucking free throw attempt to sort out his defense! And he decided to do nothing? Get out of here.
  4. God, I'd pay big money for Bray Wyatt to yell, "IT'S A SWEATER!" at some point.
  5. So if you guys want to watch the worst movie of all time, Killing Season is right up there. It made 40k at the box office. 12 theaters. WITH DENIRO AND TRAVOLTA IN THE LEADS. It's cringeworthy. Absolutely horrid. You might want to see it because it's on Netflix.
  6. I believe at the time of the wedding, Trips and Steph were dating for a while. He had stopped dating Chyna.
  7. God. People act as if Betteman doesn't exist. I'm beyond stoked that Jeter's retiring, simply because that means Bud slides to the mid card.
  8. I know that the picture came to be because Dean Ambrose kinda looks like Steve Martin, but that's just beyond hilarious.
  9. And to think I thought they would be the surprise team in the east this year.
  10. Just watched the original uncut version of Das Boot. Good lord, almighty. What a fucking movie. Completely engrossing, even at almost five hours. The ending rips the guts out of you. I saw it was #22 on the countdown here and the only reason I can think of that it wasn't higher was because it was so long. I'm pretty sure it was better than Full Metal Jacket.
  11. Big Bang Theory is the same way. Great response on a 24-episode season. So of course, ratings stay high for a couple more seasons, but now it has completely lost steam and is doing a bunch of filler like HIMYM has.
  12. I dunno about Beck not being someone's all-time favorite considering he's the only artist I know who has basically been able to make completely different albums each release he has and have them all be pretty dang good. Midnight Vultures might be my favorite album of all time.
  13. Bryan aping La Mistica into the Yes Lock is fucking awesome.
  14. I'm completely ready for this. Can't wait.
  15. The filler seems to be over. Stretch run should be pretty great going forward.
  16. Back in the days of P2P, 10/10/96 was the first match I downloaded. It was a combo of that match, 6/3/94 and 6/8/90. The AJPW matches didn't download fast enough because so many people wanted it, so this was my first time seeing stuff like this outside of the NJPW sharing with WCW. Blew my fucking mind. DELFIN SPECIAL~!
  17. "He's goes after defenseless chickens!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BS-qXGGBMIY
  18. EDIT: DOUBLE POST? The fuck. I pride myself in that not happening. I'm going to go sit in a corner for a while.
  19. NXT seems to be in a holding pattern of sorts with Zayn and Paige out, which makes sense considering they want to go big on February 27. Also, there was talk about someone using Vader's Face Eraser as a finish. If Rusev doesn't steal it to set up the Accolade, somebody PLEASE get the message to him to do so. Corey Graves has zero appeal to me at this point. Dull character, robotic in the ring, and one of the things he actually did alright, promos, aren't even happening anymore. Neville is getting better and better, though. Byron Saxton as smarmy color guy is good, but the problem is that he gets overshadowed by Tensai's outgoing nature and Regal's overall awesomeness. If it were just him and random horribly NXT PBP guy, he'd come off much better. Wade Keller talked on the Steve Austin Show a couple months back about how Renee Young has become the best interviewer WWE has and he's spot on. She comes off as someone who does her research, knows her shit, and can present it in a way that makes sense and keeps the stories straight. She's solid gold.
  20. I'm just stoked that in three weeks I'll get to watch Canadian Stampede.
  21. No, that would be from TWELVE FUCKING YEARS AGO after punching Kojima right in the face and acting like it was no big deal. Like a boss.
  22. It's hard to see where the comedy is going to come from going forward, if that makes sense. Abed's got the pop culture one-liners, but the females on the show weren't really go-to characters to throw out the big lines. I have a feeling Harmon's going to push narrative going forward, which is tough for a show like that.
  23. Carolina Fries~!!! Woodhouse owned this week.
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