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These placement matches are infuriating 

2 out 3 so far someone bailed on my team and they don't get back filled in competitive.

You just get a window to quit without penalty but you still take a loss

So much bullshit

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Boy, Torbjorn's a salty lil' bastard. I like him. The heroes' design is so underrated -everything is so well-balanced.

Spent the morn just trying out offensive characters. Don't care for any but Reaper. Gotta try more tank folks.

Underrated is a bad word, I guess, but this game is well-done. Sometimes popular games may not be, but this one's put together so well.

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I am so infuriated at the competitive play placement matches bullshit

Went 2-8 - with 6 of my losses coming when at least one person (and in some cases 2 or 3 people quit out).

It's nice that they were all "Well you  can quit without penalty now" but to charge me with a loss still is bullshit

At least call it a wash and give me another game.

So yeah - my rating was a 39 when I was done thanks to it counting wins and losses way too much.

Guess I don't get any credit for leading the team in eliminations in 7 of the matches do I Overwatch?


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Wait, wait. Lemme get this straight:

Competitive is one team of six humans vs. another team of six humans.

Wins and losses are what counts in the standings.

There's NO PENALTY for quitting on your team and the game when it looks like you're going to lose

And the slots of those quitters aren't filled in, putting the already-strugging team down by a person?

I'd stay as far away from that as possible.

That's the NUMBER ONE thing that bugs me about Rocket League - team gets about 2 goals behind and it's a line to see who can bail first, even in a non-competitive mode. You have to do some math to figure out your win-loss record when it doesn't mean ANYTHING in that game, and people are still quitting instead of seeing the match through and losing like a sir. And that's non-competitive.

People are just bitches about losing, even in something that shouldn't matter at all. There needs to be penalties for quitting - quitting early equals 2 losses, not just one from sticking it out and losing. Or something. I understand people's Internet gives out on them sometimes, but those folks probably shouldn't be playing competitive online anyway, or should at least realize such problems are the cost of doing business. Or give them no option to quit whatsoever. Make 'em ride it out.

Until they changed that for the better, I wouldn't even piss in that pool.



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19 hours ago, jstout said:

Competitive is one team of six humans vs. another team of six humans.

Wins and losses are what counts in the standings.

There's NO PENALTY for quitting on your team and the game when it looks like you're going to lose

And the slots of those quitters aren't filled in, putting the already-strugging team down by a person?

For the actual quitter - 75% EXP penalty and also “Additionally, you can be suspended from Competitive Play for increasing periods of time, up to receiving a ban for the entire season.”

As soon as someone quits - you get like 30 seconds you can bail that is supposedly "without penalty" after that "you can quit without penalty but take a loss".

I have never quit out so I am not sure if you take a loss (I have to assume yes) if you bail right after someone else.

Either way - it is way too harsh on the teams who people bail on. (And everyone is complaining about it so at least I know I am not the only one who realizes this)

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Even better - Blizzard claimed to have fix the problem (adjusting how much progress you get based on if on chances of winning) and that was 4 days and it is still not fixed.

Considering how much he enjoys the beating Bungie takes on the message boards - JT would love the crushing that Blizzard is getting

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Is it 75 percent of the XP earned for that game? That's really nothing.

The suspension may be something, but it depends on how its given out.

Blizzard needs to be focusing its attention on not doing server maintenance right when I want to play. It's a blessing in disguise, actually - I was getting my ass handed to me pretty badly before the maintenance time kicked in. Torbjorn gets that turret blown up while playing AI and he'll have a hard time rebuilding it.

Maybe that's what the server maintenance is for - a hotfix for this competition problem.


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5 minutes ago, jstout said:

Is it 75 percent of the XP earned for that game? That's really nothing.

The suspension may be something, but it depends on how its given out.

No the 75% is in place until your reach a certain amount of threshold where it goes away

Baiscally the 75% is also in Quickplay - quit out of enough matches you get it


For starters, if your games played stat versus your games completed stat rise above an unspecified threshold in your most recent 20 games, you'll receive a warning to stop leaving rounds of Overwatch.

Ignore those warnings that pop up in the lefthand corner of your screen and you'll receive a 75 percent experience penalty on all future games. That penalty isn't based on time, either. If you get pinged with the experience gimp, you'll keep getting hit by it until your games played and games completed stats reach a more reasonable level.

I am assuming in Competitive - since you get it immediately it lasts for a certain amount of time (like next 20 matches or next 6 hours or something)

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And reading the comments from the actual designers - the reason they still stick people with a loss is because they believe it discourages people from "tactically" leaving. Which I understand. Their believe that more games will be completed normally however is far far off base

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Sounds like you have 30 seconds to bail after someone else does with no penalty whatsoever. The person that bails first gets penalized, supposedly.

Thing that I would worry about is that it's very easy to lose track of what's going on around me while being so focused on what I want to be doing, so it would be easy for me to lose track of or not see someone leaving and not quit within 30 seconds.

I gotta get better at AI Medium first. Think I'm up to Level 17.

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God, I stepped back into PvP and got punished. I think I got killed at least 12 times, no joke. Hanzo can kiss my ass.

I've taken to playing AI Easy knowing I'm way better than that because it's fun just playing who I want and not having to worry about winning and losing. You will win, so it's fun just to play mindlessly and do what I want (be Torbjorn, he's fun).

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There are a bunch of things they need to fix to make it a more enjoyable game.

Of course I am stubborn stupid fuck who keeps playing it.

So yes I played two rounds of a competitive match 1 vs 6


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No 360, no ME3.

I don't see how anyone does PvP - I can't keep track of 6 enemies, don't have time to breathe, much less heal myself. And once the other team finds out I'm easy meat, they descend upon me like vultures. And I swear, I have a complex about letting people down - the other 5 guys on my team didn't deserve a teammate who can't remember there are snipers in this game while in the heat of battle. And playing as a support character (Lucio is my go-to when things are going to be even vaguely difficult) is like wearing a gigantic KILL ME FIRST neon sign above your head.

So that's more than half the game gone right there. I admire anyone who can hang in this PvP, but it's not me. And I don't really have any sort of "I'll show them!" desire to get better. Game doesn't really trigger that response. The response is more "eh, screw that."

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I would rather have you attempting to succeed than the fucking trolls I get stuck with.

I haven't used my report/block function this much since the heyday of ME3 MP

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Your non-"eh, screw that" response is admirable. I grew to hate trolls in GTA Online, so I couldn't imagine trolling someone.

It's gonna become a "Rocket League"-esque game where I play one or two matches when bored, not play the game for hours.

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I play games where people are like 'pew pew pew' 7 miles from the point and I'm like 'hey there is an objective that I'm standing on ALONE'.  Today I pushed through solo with a Reinhart who is my most awkward character and I'm just like in a ghost town.  Just me and the point for 10 seconds of matrimonial love.  Where are you fucks?

I'm on PS4 as GoodhartM if you wanna join up.

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