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Everything posted by Ace

  1. TJPW Grand Princess Spoilers Stardom spoilers
  2. Re: Rise of the House of X #3:
  3. The DDM reunion tag was a whole lot of fun. Lots of old team-up stuff, and lots of hugs and tears afterwards.
  4. The only person in that video that is still alive is Dave? Hebner.
  5. Paul is obligated to wear a hat to honor Her Ladyship.
  6. Mai did say she was gonna follow Giulia after all. And smol Saya becomes the Stars pin eater once again.
  7. I eagerly await the eventual Bowens singles push.
  8. Stardom at Korakuen spoilers.
  9. Cyndi Lauper is one film adaption of Kinky Boots: The Musical from having an EGOT. She's doing alright.
  10. Lauper disputed this years ago.
  11. Naito still goes for it when it's a big match.
  12. Okada's contract is for 3 years at 4.5 a year. He did not negotiate with WWE.
  13. At the age of 75, John Carpenter has created a synth band.
  14. I don't see why Sammy's to blame. It's the refs and the doctor's job to step in.
  15. Co-signed on digging The Dead Don't Die.
  16. Kevin Nash has changed the reason why he won't go see Sting's last match.
  17. Venmo won't let me donate. It says I have to know the dude's last 4 digits of his phone #. EDIT: Crisis averted. You can confirm it anyways.
  18. The movie isn't even approved to be in production yet, according to Waters.
  19. Anything But Love. I loved that show.
  20. The second to last time I worked as a ring announcer was doing a tour through Alaska. On the tour were Valentina, The Volcano Kid (RIP), Black Metal, Disco Inferno, and Virgil. We did shows at military bases throughout the state. Virgil charmed every room he was in, getting freebies left and right. He'd even keep it up by being hilarious on the van rides. Disco got so annoyed that the one time he got an upgrade on a flight, Virgil got us all stickers that marked our flights as upgraded just to rib him.
  21. What is it about people in wrestling thinking pencil mustaches suit them?
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