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Everything posted by NikoBaltimore

  1. Hearing Jericho's rant, it was completely justified and very much on the money. Good for him for doing that. And Edge mentioned the work "nerd" originated in a Dr. Seuss book ("If I ran the Zoo") That came out of nowhere and was very interesting to hear.
  2. Lesnar shouldn't be the playable character. He should be the giant boss at the end of the story (like the giant hand in past versions) Otherwise no amount of game balancing can stop him from squashing everybody in record time. So yes, I must see this. And my wife was looking for the Ness preorder but Gamestop's site crashed. By the time she found Ness the preorders were already sold out. Good ol' Gamestop.
  3. Wait, they seriously did that to Connor's dad? Now I want not only the post-WM Raw to be far from the host city, but the HOF to be closed off from "fans". Fucking embarrassing.
  4. That Parker shirt has negated anything bad I ever said about the guy. Brilliant shirt.
  5. Now that I can latch onto. Ward is still plenty dangerous, and I have a feeling he'll be seen as more a threat later in the season. There was a good chance with Whitehall as he was sooooooo evil, but that was done with. Even the other Shield can't be seen as big villains. Not sure how many episodes are left in the season, but they could stand to build up a quality villain right about now. And the Xmen comparison seems farily on point. I'm curious how that will play out. Maybe there's a villain in the Inhumans that will be revealed? This doesn't damper my enjoyment of the show at all or make feel like it jumped the shark. It's going to take a bit more to make me feel that way.
  6. Curt and J.T., thanks a ton for the hype and enthusiasm you two bring to these movies. Makes me want to clear room on the DVR to record them. Also, for as much as he wanted it Piranesi's been curiously absent from this thread. I guess when he's not telling about Dean Ambrose he's busy watching El Rey now.
  7. Got the robots shirt finally got that new Sami deal. My wife got me the Balor shirt and a Paige one for her. Damn you WWEShop and your sweet deals!
  8. Well, shit, time to do some shopping. I think my wardrobe is now approaching 75% wrestling shirts which is cool and scary at the same time. But shit, BOGO shirts are impossible to pass up on.
  9. I'm not quite following why this AoS episode jumped the shark. If anything it gave a nice backstory about that other SHIELD. And it had Skye finally start to see what she can do. I don't read the comics/graphic novels and have nothing to base these shows off of. Not to sound ignorant but I don't know what they would be referring to aside from what I see on the show. But it's been pretty fun. Also helps we have a focus on Chloe Bennett so far this season, for obvious reasons.
  10. Any videos surface of that? That would be so awesome to see.
  11. That's a lot of WM recapping! These hour and a half+ podcasts make me feel glad I can play these in 2x speed. Without that I'd never get to half of them.
  12. It's amazing that sites like BarberShop Window still exist. Haven't checked them out in a while, but all it takes is somebody from WWE with enough stroke and a stick up his/her ass to have that shut down. But they do have really sweet shirts.
  13. I was so excited to get the pack, then saw 'Taker and Savage and was dismayed. If anything I can get a CAW for those I'll use often and use them going forward, but I shouldn't have to. Read an article yesterday about how game deadlines are the worst thing to happen to major games. Having to get it out on that date despite the flaws is not good for anybody involved. Can't blame the guys making the game, it's all on whoever is in charge. More and more I feel bad for the developers because with more time they could have them looking pretty damn good. At this point I'd rather have this come out every two years if it means a more polished game. On the positive side, the old arenas are pretty nice, could do some fun old-school matchups in there.
  14. I'm not that good at April Fools pranks as it is, so I couldn't care less about pulling any pranks. And with a workday save for one guy I doubt anybody would try anything here. Haven't checked the sites yet, but Thinkgeek is pulling out the goods this year. Mad Max Power Wheels, Voltron Cat Condo, and Groot Beer? Why are these not real things?!
  15. It's crowds like this that are the reason why companies shy away from advertising with WWE. The perception of said mouthbreathers has lots of evidence to support it, even if many fans know better. Hard to blame anybody who doesn't want to do business when you see shit like that. It's a weird feeling for me as I don't want to come across like a social justice warrior or anything. But upon hearing what they chanted, it's pretty hard not to. And you can't even blame San Jose for this as most of the crowd doesn't live there. Shit, I'd be in full support of just going to a town as far away from Wrestlemania as possible. Texas is a huge state, book it as far away from Dallas as possible.
  16. Out of likes, but definitely agree. My wife was watching this also and we couldn't hear what the crowd was chanting, which is a good thing in hindsight. Wouldn't be surprised to see one of them gloat about it online. Stupid fucks.
  17. Hey Joel O'Brien (the guy who wrote this). Fuck You. Please tell me the fucker put his email address in there. What's the link for that?
  18. The crowd was actually pretty fun for a while. WWE threw them a helluva bone with Neville and Lucha Dragons debuting, which were fun moments. Then they had Paige and AJ in Bayley's shirt which was awesome. On top of that there Bryan/Ziggler and Cena/Ambrose, both great matches. And Brock was destroying fools to boot. This should have been an amazing Raw. So why is it the only things sticking with me are things that piss me off? The main event didn't, that's just clueless booking. But things like Cole's fake injury being what actually killed Perro? Yeah, fuck WWE for that. Can't even say they didn't know because HHH/Steph knew about it. I'm really glad they turned down the sound for the Divas match because if I heard the chants I'd likely turn the TV off or something. I could only imagine how all involved felt hearing that. I feel so bad for Nikki and Brie especially (I think Naomi got it too) but all involved deserved better. Shit like that is uncomfortable for any sane person to hear. They're not cool, they're misogynistic assholes and should go fuck themselves. I could have put up with their bullshit at the end to a degree? But the divas match? Yeah, fuck them.
  19. So WO put the press release for upcoming shows on the Network. http://http://www.f4wonline.com/more/more-top-stories/96-wwe-news/41859-wwe-full-press-release-regarding-new-network-shows Not sure about the Camp WWE (sounds like a Brickleberry knockoff) or whatever the hell that Swerved one will be like. And I really couldn't care less for Springer taking part. But HOLY FUCK HULK HOGAN'S ROCK AND WRESTLING SHOW! Amazing!
  20. I will warn all of you if there is a Balor appearance expect lots of fanboying in my show reaction (I'll spoiler it for those that don't care for that) If not him, then Itami would be really fucking cool as well. They invested a lot in him, might as well see what he can do outside NXT. There's also the idea of Charlotte debuting which would be great.
  21. Couldn't agree more. I don't get into arguments about what show's better because it is subjective. I had a shit ton of fun. It seems a lot of others did also. I can say that this was one of my favorite Wrestlemanias because of how fun it was. Am I wrong for feeling that way, even if it is my opinion? Doubt it. I saw the other shows and they're all awesome. Wrestling is fun, these shows are fun. That's all that matters.
  22. Since I was at a bar, I can verify that match got over huge with the entrances and runins. Also was great being there as I didn't hear the commentary that much so I call a win-win. What a fun show that was. Didn't see all of the kickoff but saw the ending of the match and ending of the battle royal. Glad BRC won and I'm okay with Show winning. -Looking back the ladder match wasn't as dangerous as past ones, and that's fine with me. It gave the guys something to do, and as planned Bryan won. I'm glad they're at least acting like they give a shit about the IC title now. Nice touch having the legends around him. Really hoping his neck holds up for the long haul as booking permitting he can do a lot with this. -Myself and everybody else tuned out of the Orton/Rollins match. While it was good nobody had any interest in it. But that fucking RKO at the end was tremendous and badly needs a gif. -I'll admit it, I fucking loved Sting's entrance. Don't care if it made sense or not, the Japanese vibe ruled hard. HHH's Terminator entrance got a huge "pop" and it honestly was damn entertaining. Of course they loved DX/nWo's parts but the ending blew. It didn't make sense why nWo (not Wolfpack version, OG version that wanted him destroyed) would help Sting. But Sting got his match and more importantly Scott fucking Hall got involved. It's wild to think about considering a couple years ago he was spiraling way out of control. Good for him. -Somewhere in all this was the musical number. Nothing against them, but it was your token piss break/check the Twittah Machine part of the show. -Bellas vs. AJ/Paige was the main reason my wife joined me. She loves them so much and it was great that she had something to look forward to instead of just putting up with the show. Good match, glad they won. Paige appeared to be buckets of tears, that has to feel really good for her. -Rusev would have easily won March Madness if that goddamn entrance occurred in the voting period. He came out in a fucking tank, whereas Cena came out with a towel and some videos. Looking at the video it was obvious he would win, but it was a fun match regardless. The rebound stunner was a real eye-opener. -Rock coming out was cool as it's setting up next year's match. I knew Ronda was there, but when they panned the camera to her the place exploded. Might have been the loudest reaction of the night. It was so fucking cool seeing her out there. Seems like they're setting up Ronda/Steph or a mixed tag for next year and I would be delighted by that. Awesome segment. It went long, but there was enough to keep it really fun. -Undertaker wasn't supposed to be coming out there as the Deadman of old. He got his ass beat last year, he's "human" for the first time. It made sense that he scaled back on the entrance and gear, and even how he moved in the ring was him finding the Deadman he used to be. I can see why many think he didn't look good in there, but from a storyline perspective (if they chose to tell it this way) it made sense. He got his win, so next year he'll be back more like he used to be (I hope) -That main event was wonderfully brutal. Had a feeling that Roman would need to get the shit beat out of him to help him out, and it appeared to work to a degree. What a fun match. I was the only one flipping out over Rollins cashing in, and man was that a great way to end the show. Is it the best of WM of all-time? Not so sure about that. But it's one of the better ones, that's for damn sure.
  23. Good luck trying to read this thread in one setting. I click for the next page and there's two pages added to it. Hot damn. Will say more about it tomorrow, but thank God I watched this at a bar instead of at home. People were losing their minds for everything and it was a really enjoyable time. The show overall was so much fun. I had no problem cheering like a mofo for Rollins winning. I can't say I was a big fan of Tyler Black, but it was more the fact that another (mainly) ROH guy is WWE Champion. ROH's stock can only go up from this. The main was great, but the cash-in achieved the intended purpose. Many fun times were had.
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