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Everything posted by NikoBaltimore

  1. Kevin Owens put up an article that is all kinds of heartbreaking but is so good to read. http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1smkk8r
  2. I'm glad it's slow at work right now. Reading that was a shock to say the least and I could use the time to process this. Holy crap this sucks. Never heard anything happen other than he lost weight. Didn't know if it was failing health or anything like that, but I guess we'll find out soon.
  3. Didn't they mention that Mickie had a concussion from last week? They go from that to saying she was unharmed. If so, that's a bit infuriating. Also found it odd how Brooke is defending the Knockouts when her gimmick is she shakes her ass a lot. Those were two of the biggest gripes I had about the show. Aside from that, the Spud title match was pretty good.
  4. I was tuning to the El Rey and it shifted the guide from last week's LU to this one. So before hitting Enter I accidentally saw the title and got super annoyed. I honestly tried to avoid it, but no luck. Drago's return was tremendous in every way. The backstage stuff, the epic return, I loved it all. And not to compare it with NXT, but this is pretty much how they should have treated the facepaint for Balor. I love Finn, but there's no separation between regular and demon version. If he had some event cause him to unleash demon form then it would have made more sense. With Drago it made sense that he'd have this added in considering what he went through. Really fun match too. Holy moly Katrina is a thing of beauty. If I was a disciple I'd follow her around too. Anyway, the disciples have a cool thing going but they gave a bit too much in the match. Would have had them squash a team to start with. Bengal was good and I like Mascarita. Pimpi would be better as a non-wrestler but I didn't hate him in this either. Next week is going to rule. I wasn't that hyped about Puma/Mundo, but seeing the commercial I'm eagerly anticipating this match.
  5. Yeah, I noticed early on a lot of the contributors said they were going to sit out. I still found some gems, but anymore on sites like caws.ws they're content with just doing reskins which is a shame. If you didn't have to make another CAW slot for those I'd be more likely to get them. I'm curious if that changed with the PC version. Surely there's some kind of mod to get around that.
  6. Not to get away from the WWE/Evolve talk, which is interesting for sure, but you all need to read Xavier's take on the time Kofi and Miz played basketball. http://www.wwe.com/inside/kofi-kingston-miz-pick-up-basketball-game-27491751 Gawd, I love New Day.
  7. Speaking of TNT I saw the review on the WO page for episode 24 of TNT. Holy crap, no way in hell some of that would make TV now. What really jumped out was this: http://www.f4wonline.com/more/more-top-stories/96-wwe-news/42959-wwe-tuesday-night-titans-episode-24-review-david-schultz-pulls-a-gun-on-vince-mcmahon-a-slaps-john-stossel Schultz pulls out a gun and points it in McMahon's direction and insists that it is not loaded. He fires it to prove it. Bad move. The gun fires in the air and McMahon screams, "You stupid idiot! What's the matter with you." Schultz is embarrassed and grabs another gun, while claiming someone must have loaded that one without telling him, as McMahon and Hayes run off. Schultz didn't last much longer after this and in some ways it feels like McMahon set up the segment to further portray Schultz as a loose cannon, perhaps to justify firing him." I'm not sure if Vince would actually set it up that way, but we are talking Vince here. Still, I absolutely need to see this when I get home.
  8. Definitely see where you're coming from on that. I figured she's taking their shit because she doesn't want to tip them off to anything she does outside of work. Yeah, they're assholes, but I'd stick with it as it gets better. Not their attitudes, they're still assholes, but the show itself and how Peggy handles things.
  9. She was also in that dreadful segment where Steph brought out Daniel Bryan's "physical therapist" to accuse Daniel of cheating on Brie with her. Only one thing to say about that:
  10. I would just blame that on Chrisley, because fuck that show.
  11. I like hearing WO's take on Raw at times, but it was an infuriating listen. I very much liked the show. The Owens/Cena/Neville segment was fantastic and hit all the right notes with me. It made a ton of sense and it led to a damn good match. R Truth was hilarious in his cameo, as was Dean going around New Orleans. Piranesi has some quality material to go with with if he wanted to. And Big E with the "Simmer, simmer, simmer" line was great too. Didn't expect Noble/Mercury to win, but even with distraction I was happy as could be for them. Seth buried a deep hole and it's fun seeing him try to climb out of it.
  12. Got a Samoa Joe shirt (from WWEShop? Dafuq?!) and an Ambrose one for my wife. Was tempted to get another two, but reminded myself of the shitton amount of shirts I already have. And because I'm a hoarder for them, as long as they fit in some way I can't possibly get rid of them. Also going to need to consider those Macho/Hogan hoodies for cooler weather. EDIT: Wait, they're going Kickstarter style with this? That's...interesting.
  13. Aw, too bad he's going to be in Winnipeg. To take off that line, can you imagine if he did a segment with Nakamura? Or how about a segment with them going around the city raising hell? That's be soooooo much fun to watch.
  14. I really don't like Sexy Star at all. I get what they're going for, but if you're going to showcase a badass female fighter Ivelisse is right there (though she's in a fantastic spot so no complaints there) Star also just isn't that good, and I'd be happy if she never is with Pentagon, Jr. again. If she's in a feud with a lesser guy, then fine. But I hated the idea of her in that match, and she did nothing to convince me otherwise. The talk of her being like a Ronda Rousey was especially maddening. Knowing who she's married to, unfortunately she's not going anywhere and that's a shame. Other than that, fun show. Loved the stuff with Black Lotus, the Evans match, and Ivelisse going all "Fuck it" and sitting in the crowd. I've heard plenty about Vampiro being a scumbag, but in a commentary role he's been tremendous. Curious to see how things play out in the feud with Pentagon, Jr. But that mirror bit was tremendous.
  15. It's humorous reading the responses to Frank's tweet. A mix bag of empathy and go away responses, then out of nowhere CM Punk gives his appreciation. Couple posts down Dewey chimes in. Twitter is a weirdly magnificent place sometimes. EDIT: His Twitter picture is him and Punk so that makes sense.
  16. Absolutely loved the opening segment with Seth and Dean. For a show that's only two weeks away from EC, I'm looking forward to their ladder match. Only thing I didn't like was the extreme closeup of Dean. And that's only because my wife absolutely adores him and it prompted her to tell me so for a while. At least I know what to be for Halloween. It's amazing how great New Day are in their promos. Not sure what that arm movement they did was all about, but I laughed like a hyena at that. While I like the Prime Time Players, I think Titus is maybe a bit out of control and last night seemed awfully dangerous. The bit where he flung Kalisto(?) at Connor was cringe-worthy. And Roman/Sheamus was a fun match, but I'm beyond tired of DQ finishes. I just mentally check out immediately and it has to take something awesome to get me back into it. And yes, Rusev ruled, really enjoyed his performance.
  17. I'd go with Angelina Love as the one with EC3. She would do pretty well with him. And that fucking train segment was something else. It veers back and forth between "So bad it's good" and "So bad it's...just bad" territory. At the moment it's in the "So bad it's...just bad" camp for me.
  18. You know, there's a reason Joe does that move suplex style and not brainbuster style. There's something to be said about wanting to make Joe look like a million bucks, but it's at the cost of his health. That, and it's freaking Superstars, so how many people are actually going to watch this? Bad idea. That said, I sense Joe's going to get blamed for this even if this was Kidd's idea.
  19. I actually don't mind Dijak, but agree on the finisher. Hoping he comes up with a new move soon. I had the Sinclair airing on the DVR, but barring DVR issues am just going to stick with the DA airing. I feel like adding to their ratings on there would help more and I want to support ROH anyway I can. The advertising throughout the show was much better than what TNA has, it seems they're not on the DNA list. Good thing Briscoes were the first guys you see. Put them on damn near every show that makes sense for them on DA and I'll watch them all. Better yet, do a reality show on them and put dual focus on their wrestling career and the chicken farm. That'd be a license to print money.
  20. That Show punch was so off the mark you can see it just as well in real time as you do slow motion. Horrible camera angle to showcase that. Haven't seen the rest of the show yet, but Roman in three matches is not a wise idea. Loved New Day both in their in-ring promo and Sonic commercial. Honestly, I'd much rather see them hawking Sonic stuff than the two chumps they have now. The Owens-Cena promo was tremendous. Mentioning his kid like in the Sami feud was aces (and if they want there's the Instagram video for proof) Both guys delivered in a way that I was on board with their line of thinking. Yeah, it's curious that Rose was lumped in the merch comment, but he's a heel now. Still sucks for him. As for mentioning the kid who beat cancer, there's no sense debating this. It was just a really sweet moment, and around that time I might have had something in my eye (allergies? dust?) It did fit into what Cena was talking about so I had no issues with it.
  21. Wait, this week's Superstars? I'd litter this post with tons of emojis showing excitement and shock, but that'd be annoying. Now after I watch the match, well that might be another story. But still, Samoa Joe in some form in a WWE crowd. Shit's about to get real.
  22. Last time I tried it I used the actual Chromecast app that has a Cast Screen option. It would cast anything else with no issue, but for NJPW World audio was choppy as anything. Hoping it works better with my phone upgrade and Chromecast app updates. Really need to get back to watching this, I'm glad to support NJPW but haven't seen anything in a while.
  23. It's a damn shame I can't like this more than once. New Day is so unbelievably good. Always loved the goofy shit they were doing. "Son...ic shakes! Son...ic shakes! Son...ic shakes! Son...ic shakes!"
  24. I finally got the S6 and three days in it's pretty amazing. Didn't think I'd be into the camera like I am, but man does it take awesome pictures. I put some memory-intensive games on there and unlike the S4 they play worlds better on the S6. The one thing I'll need to get used to is the lack of menu button as I've gotten used to it with some games/apps before. And until I get a case it's semi-tricky playing games when the right hand at any moment can hit the multi-function button by mistake. Other than that great phone. For those interested apparently the Lollipop 5.1 update will support Raw format for cameras. It will start rolling out in June (and with my luck be out in August knowing Verizon)
  25. There's a law mandating that? That's a load of bullshit, some of my favorite cartoons were "half hour toy commercials". Oh, and haven't said it in a while, but fuck Jamie Kellner. I hope he's out of the TV business because he killed off a lot of cool stuff (not including WCW in that)
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