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Everything posted by J.T.

  1. Too bad. I was looking forward to the comedic outburst when Bear gets insta-killed by a Phantom. OH, THAT IS BULLSHIT RIGHT THERE, MATE~!
  2. I am a dragon. My use of power is always tempered with wisdom. You guys will reach hatred status in record time if you play Diablo 3. The new Rift content will infuriate you guys.. Rippa and I will cheerfully help destroy your friendship if you guys jump into Mass Effect 3 co-op or GTA Online on 360.
  3. Not the ones I save for impressionable female Jehovas Witnesses in their early twenties that come to my door with copies of the Watchtower. "Why yes. I would love to have some of your literature. Might I interest you in a refreshing beverage?.
  4. Donkey Kong gameplay hatred was epic! WHERE IS MY JETPACK~!? We need to get an engineer and production staff over there stat so it doesn't sound like the mic is shoved right up your nose. Toucan Sam is definitely the Froot Loops mascot. I find it amusing that the role of crazy completionist JT in this enterprise is being played by Fresh while progress at all costs Fresh is being played by Bear.
  5. Did the Hotel Assassination mission. Almost forgot to switch between Franklin, Trevor, and Michael before starting the job so that they could all buy stock in BettaPharm. I'd already finished up the Truth missions so Michael had over three million to invest and had five million after BettaPharm's stock peaked. Now I have to remember to invest in Bllkington now that the stock has hit rock bottom. It usually takes a whole game week for Bilkington to rebound, so I will spend that time hunting down letter scraps with Franklin, kill Peter Dreyfuss after finding the last piece of the letter, and then I will sleep off whatever game time is left in the new safehouse. Didn't have time to do anything online last night. My girlfriend had an appointment yesterday so she took the rest of the day off and drove down from Baltimore to RVA and surprised me by showing up at my doorstep with a box of Krispy Kremes.
  6. I am goting to exercise my Constitutional right to remain oblivious to this.
  7. I am totally hoping that The Giver has strong reviews and sneaks through the back door to first place.
  8. My point precisely but gamers are selectively altruistic and righteously indignant at the same time. Oh, and also hypocritical. We are all guilty from time to time and don't like being reminded about it. You'd think that "gamers" would be thrilled that Microsoft is getting its head out of its own ass trying to recover from the disasterous "always online" and "Kinect or Die" fiascos by securing a library of games that their customers might actually want to play, but there are people out there determined to see the evil in this deal because it does not benefit them directly. Nor should it if you are not an XBone customer.
  9. You do not sound like a douchebag, man. You are actually one of the voices of reason that looks at things impartially while I am raving on like a fucking lunatic. And I totally agree with your thoughts in general. I just find it disturbing that the cultish mindset that comes along with console gaming brand loyalty permeates what passes for industry journalism these days. The deal between CD and Microsoft is no different than the deal between Bungie and Sony or Capcom and Nintendo but to read some of the articles, you'd think that CD just spit on the Constitution or something. Halo and Gears of War are getting long in the tooth. I hate exclusives, but it was a smart move for XBone to try to secure a fucking library of solid first and second party titles as exclusives. Ryse and Titanfall could stand to benefit from being in the same catalogue as the new Tomb Raider franchise. If there is anything to be upset about, it is the fact that the pay to deny schemes practiced by the console companies only serve to pound more nails into the coffin of PC gaming and PC is undeniably the most versatile platform to play on. To this day, I still prefer to play Elder Scrolls games on PC because the mod community is made up of fucking geniuses.
  10. Jesus. Story Mode Redux is really pissing me off. After five attempts at Fame or Shame trying to get the fucking Phantom up to 100% speed with the trailer attached and getting no closer than 98%, I finally said fuck it, settled for the Silver medal, and will start looking for letter scraps with Franklin after I do Lester's first assassination mission. I figure that it looks good from my story immersion perpective that killing Peter Dreyfuss should be the logical progression of Franklin becoming a first class hitman. I will probably put Franklin through Flight School first so that piloting helicopters to tops of buildings to get letter scraps won't be so painful. Having the extra money from trading stocks after the Hotel hit won't hurt, either. I have issues. I'd forgotten how good it felt to knock the Fame or Shame event coordinator right the fuck out..
  11. Pad the content, man. Secure your internet foothold.
  12. THUMBS DOWN~! THIS RACE BLOWS GOATS~! Rippa, Mark, and I will help with your very special GTA: Online video. We will do The Los Santos Connection and you will use up all of our team lives in thirty seconds. Either that or we can do a Simeon mission and you can destroy the target vehicle for old time's sake. I have subscribed. I expect regular content!
  13. It is starting to look like a hack and dash, to be honest.
  14. The point is that it is a timed exclusive for MIcrosoft and folks hate it that XBone will get the game before PS4. CD may as well have poured pig's blood on orphans and grandmothers. If Sony or Nintendo had secured the rights first, we wouldn't even be discussing this in negative tones from a company perspective. We'd just argue the evil of exclusives in general. The CD abandoned Tomb Raider fans is pure rubbish. If you are that loyal of a Tomb Raider fan and are burning that badly to play the game at launch, you will go and buy and XBone if you don't own one already or you will get it on launch day for your PS... If anyone abandoned Tomb Raider fans, it was Sony. They sold their shares of Squeenix and now they don't have a say as to the fate of anything that Squeenix has a hand in. PS4 fans are getting bit in the ass as a result.
  15. I love the Sekimoto vs. Soya match. Who knew that you could win with actual grappling in a BJW match? I thought broken glass or fireballs were mandatory.
  16. I am going to be subscribing to this channel, aren't I?
  17. Money and time. Robert and I often just disengage from combat and have to brave the hazardous trip to Ammunation because we've found out that we've run out of stuff that goes boom.
  18. The fact of the matter is that the outrage over this bullshit is that Microsoft struck first and it isn't exactly the most respected company in the world and people love seing the company get a thumb to the eye. If it had been Nintendo or Sony that secured the deal, articles would be praising either company ias well as CD for listnening to the fanbase and securing the best games for their customers or some shit. . Where is all of the ARGH OUTRAGE~! CASH GRAB~! hatred articles about Sony working out that deal with Bungie to secure exclusive content for PS player of Destiny or the fact that Destiny will be exclusive to PS3 / PS4 in Japan at time of launch and possibly a permanent one? http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2014/06/17/bungie-details-its-sony-exclusive-destiny-content/ Total hypocritical hogwash.
  19. Everone knows that XBox has a weak first and second party title catalog.... except for XBox. Hopefully this is a sign that they are wising up, but you can never count out Microsoft when it comes to having its head stuck up its own ass.
  20. And Sony wouldn't make tons of cash by making Uncharted and Killzone timed exclusives, even to a rival? Of course they would, but the benefit of exclusive titles outweights the benefit of added revenue. This is why Microsoft bought the IP and the production staff to keep Halo exclusive to XBox. The next step may be Microsoft acquiring CD and then XBox players wouldn't have to covet Uncharted. They'd have their own adventure title native to their own console and CD could make schedule because they'd only have to develop for one platform.
  21. There is some sketchy logic in that Polygon article but the fact remains that if I want to play great games like Uncharted or InFamous, I have to own a PS and no Sony fanboy will feel terribly sorry about that. Those games are not even timed exclusives, they are exclusive period. Sony went through the effort to keep the IP in house because they saw the value in doing so, just as MS saw the value of keeping Halo under its own roof. You will NEVER play Uncharted or InFamous or Killzone on an XBox.... ever.. and Sony will make the investment necessary to keep it that way just like they did when they gave Bungie big bags of cash money to get PS players exclusive content for Destiny. All of this outrage at Microsoft is bullshit and it is coming from people who are just sour that Sony didn't offer the cash first. So fuck this bogus Tomb Raider boycott.
  22. Yeah, I was the one who was all, "They're not hurting anyone just doing BMX tricks on the beach." My stance has been converted from Live and Let Live to Do Unto Others Before They Do Unto You.
  23. Nintendo was the sole publisher or developer for their trademark games like the Mario franchise, though. Microsoft bought the IP and the development house of Halo from Bungie to keep that franchise in their own camp.
  24. And of course the wailing and gnashing of teeth against the evil Microsoft will be heard throughout the intewebs until XBone owners remind everyone that they won't be playing Killzone, Uncharted, or No Man's Sky anytime soon.
  25. No dumber than Guerilla Games making Killzone exclusively for PS4s when Xbox players are known to flock to FPS games in droves.. Sure, it may be a Sony IP, but it's not like XBox players wouldn't pay good money to play Killzone on an XBone. PS4 people get Uncharted all to themselves and Sony pays a pretty penny to make sure that happens. If I were Microsoft, I'd throw as much money as possible to keep RoTR on the XBone for as long as they could.
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